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Okinawans in Brazil: new acquisitions « Okinawa Collection

Okinawans in Brazil: new acquisitions « Okinawa Collection

October 16, 2017

Okinawans in Brazil: new acquisitions
Filed under: diaspora,resources — Tags: brazil, immigration — okinawacollection @ 7:00 AM

The Okinawa Collection is pleased to announce some additions to the collection. The items were donated by the Okinawa Brazil Kenjinkai in Brazil.
1 século de história em fotos : a comunidade Okinawana no Brasil = Shashin de miru Burajiru Okinawa kenjin imin no rekishi (写真で見るブラジル沖縄県人移民の歴史)
325 Okinawans: relação contendo a síntese de suas trajetórias de vida = Kasadomaru Okinawa kenjin imin 325-mei : meibo oyobi kantanna sokuseki (笠戸丸沖縄県人移民325名 : 名簿及び簡単な足跡) (a supplement to the book above)
Imigração Okinawana no Brasil : 90 anos desde Kasato Maru
Kaikoroku : oshidori beiju wo mukaete = Retrospectivas : realização da “oshidori beiju” (回顧録 : おしどり米寿を迎えて) by Isamu Yamashiro / 山城勇

These items will become available once being cataloged.

There is a research institute in Brazil that focuses on immigrants from Okinawa and mainland Japan called Centro de Estudos Nipo-Brasileiros (= the Center for Japanese-Brazilian Studies) in San Paulo, Brazil. The Center offers an extended amount of resources, including statistics on immigrant population from Japan, photographs of immigrants, and a database to look up immigration histories (the interface of the database is written in Japanese).

The following resources might be of interest for those who are interested in learning Okinawan immigrants to Brazil.
Burajiru Okinawa kenjin iminshi : Kasato Maru kara 90-nen, 1908-1998
Handa, Tomoo. (1970). Imin no seikatsu no rekishi

The University of the Ryukyus has a database called BIDOM (Bibliographic Information Database of Okinawa Materials). The database mainly collects the books, articles, and newspaper articles related to Okinawa that are written in Japanese. However, as of October 6, 2017, a search with keywords, “Okinawa” and “Brazil” (in Japanese) retrieved 109 results (this search was limited to journal and newspaper articles).

Lastly, the National Diet Library (NDL) of Japan has a website that commemorates the 100th year of Japanese emigration to Brazil. The site is available in 3 languages: Japanese, Portuguese, and English.

NDL’s site has a page with a list of links that might be useful to understand the Japanese (including Okinawa) emigration history in Brazil.
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