Saturday, October 2, 2021

Nikkei Australia » The first recorded Japanese in Australia: Steve Dawson’s family story

Nikkei Australia » The first recorded Japanese in Australia: Steve Dawson’s family story

The first recorded Japanese in Australia: Steve Dawson’s family story

By Steve Dawson


It is a privilege to be able to write about my family’s ancestral Japanese roots which trace back to Sakuragawa Rikinosuke, the first recorded Japanese immigrant to take up residence in Australia. Technically, this pioneer was my great-great grandfather, but our family bloodline actually begins with his adopted son, Ewar Dicinoski (Togawa Iwakichi), who was seven when they both arrived in Australia in 1873. Sakuragawa had been married in Japan to Otako Conchi, who passed away before his migration.  He brought their 10 year old daughter, Makitchi Sakuragawa Ume, with him to Australia, but she returned to Japan. Sakuragawa Rikinosuke is reported to have been born in Edo (former name of Tokyo) in 1845, and Togawa Iwakichi was born in Edo in 1867.

A younger Sakuragawa Rikinosuke in performing attire

Ewar Dicinoski (Togawa Iwakichi) on the left with a Troupe colleague

A young Ewar Dicinoski (Togawa Iwakichi)












In 1866, as the Tokugawa Shogunate was declining, strict laws preventing most Japanese from travelling overseas were repealed, and passports were issued for the purposes of study and trade. Significantly, this included numerous Japanese circus acts. Research shows passports were issued by the prefectural authorities of Yokohama on October 7, 1872 to Sakuragawa Rikinosuke and Togawa Iwakichi. The next day, October 8, 1872, they departed Yokohama aboard P&O’s Avoca (headed for Calcutta, India), and may have been employed by French entrepreneur C. Pasquale.  Subsequently, they departed Calcutta and arrived in Sydney aboard the R.M.S. Baroda on July 29, 1873. They were part of a group of 13 Japanese performers, and were accompanied by proprietor Thomas King. Interestingly, the R.M.S. Baroda manifest for that day lists “Mr and Mrs King with 18 Siamese troupe”.

After performing in various parts of Australia for a while, Sakuragawa married Jane Kerr in 1875 in Fitzroy, Melbourne – making him one of few Japanese immigrants to marry an Australian.  Jane Kerr, who was born in Ireland, worked as a barmaid in a hotel in Bourke Street, Melbourne, where Sakuragawa also lived. For the next few years, Sakuragawa continued to work as a circus performer and travelled around Australia in the 1870-1880s, eventually in later years settling in Queensland. Upon arriving in Australia, the name Rikinosuke was phonetically recorded incorrectly as ‘Decenoski’, which is the name used henceforth by Sakuragawa until his death in June 1884 from tuberculosis. In fact, he was recorded as using ‘Sacaranawa Decenoski’ for most circus performances. His adopted son, Ewar, took on the name ‘Dicinoski’, which was recorded officially upon his marriage on 20 February 1892, at the age of 26. Ewar married Susan Bowtell (16) in Warracknabeal, and they went on to have ten children, one of whom (Ewar junior) was my grandfather: he was affectionately known as ‘Hughie’ (another variation of Ewar, whose origins lie in ‘Iwakichi’). Having joined numerous circus troupes, including the Ashton’s and St Leon’s, Ewar senior eventually established the ‘Dicinoski Troupe’, which consisted of the entire family. The Dicinoski name remains to this day in the descended clan and was my mother’s maiden name.

Sakuragawa Rikinosuke and wife Jane Kerr (circa 1875-6)

Togawa Iwakichi (Ewar Dicinoski) and wife Susan Bowtell with their growing family





The grave plot of Sakuragawa Rikinosuke at Rookwood Cemetery (Photo by Mayu Kanamori, 2009)

Togawa Iwakichi (Ewar Dicinoski), wife Susan, with children Amelia and Reginald in circus attire (The Weekend Australian)

Amelia Dicinoski, contortionist (The Weekend Australian)















Circus flyer, featuring the Dicinoski Troupe

For many reasons, the Japanese lineage has recently become a curiosity in the family. It was once investigated by one of my aunts, but in a non-globalised and non-digital world. Things seemed to come to a halt also with the untimely passing of a key researcher – ANU Professor David Sissons – who was a skilled proponent of knowledge about the Japan-Australia relationship, and was fascinated with our family connections as they related to culturally significant bilateral relations. Most of the records that I have are testimony to the excellent research efforts made by Professor Sissons.

I would like to say that interest in our Japanese lineage has always been strong in our family, but this is not the case. In fact, I do not recall this ever being a topic of conversation while I was growing up or in my young adult life. The truth is, my mother and her sisters were quite proud to be from northern Queensland (Delulu, Mount Morgan, Rockampton) and to be ‘simple country’ people: they did not speak of their Japanese origins – for they were simply not aware of them. My grandfather, Ewar ‘Hughie’ Dicinoski, after being raised as a circus performer with the Dicinoski Troupe, worked as a jockey and horse breaker for most of his adult life. I wondered if at some point in time, there was a conscious or unconscious decision, or perhaps just a natural transition, to overlook or suppress our ancestral Japanese roots. I felt compelled to question my mother about it. She responded that they never asked about their father or mother’s family history, as it “was just not done; it was a different age back then. You certainly did not ask such questions of your parents”. I asked if they, or others in the community, were ever curious about their father’s obvious Asian appearance (as he was half Japanese), but none were. I queried why they thought their father never told them about the family’s Japanese history, and they gave the same response – “It was just not done”. In fact, my mother continued, the first that any family members knew of our Japanese ancestry was when one of their uncles was contacted in the 1970s in relation to official records. For me, this is astounding, and somewhat saddening at the same time, for I lament the loss of historical family information that could have been passed on and shared. The key to the family’s lack of knowledge about ancestral Japanese roots lay with Togawa Iwakichi (Ewar Dicinoski).

Noting the realities of historical events and the White Australia Policy, I wondered if the ‘Japanese-ness’ was suppressed intentionally by great-grandfather Ewar Dicinoski, so that he and his large family could simply be ‘Australians’ in Australia. My mother believes this could be a distinct possibility, but common sense provides a more logical explanation. Ewar was only seven years old when he arrived in Australia, so he essentially grew up in Australia like any other Australian child. Linguistically, he could have been bilingual if he had maintained his Japanese language, but this seems not to have been the case.  His relationship with his adopted father, Sakuragawa Rikinosuke, remains a mystery. For all intents and purposes, Ewar was a country person with a country accent, but looked Asian. However, my research revealed that a time came when Ewar faced his Japanese heritage and felt the need to take action.

My search of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) revealed that Ewar Dicinoski applied in September 1914 to External Affairs for naturalisation under the Naturalisation Act 1903, which was rejected on the grounds “you are an aboriginal native of Asia and you are not eligible to become naturalised under the Commonwealth”. I believe it possible that the trigger for this application was the commencement of World War I in June 1914 and possibly the influence of stricter immigration policies up to that time – such as the White Australia Policy 1901, which sought to reduce the numbers of immigrants (Asians in particular) to Australia. At that time, Ewar was 48 years old, had eight children, and his profession was ‘travelling acrobat’. He was subsequently registered as a ‘Japanese alien’ in 1917 under War Precautions (Alien Registration) Regulations 1916. We know from the written description on these documents that he was 5’1”, had black hair and brown eyes, a scar on his right temple, and was of “strong, nuggety build”. Of course, with the advent of Japan’s expansionist policies in the Pacific before and during World War II, the Dicinoski family may well have been concerned about their well-being, but Ewar actually died in September 1938, and his children were adults by then and may still have been unaware of their true roots. It appears that even when accepting the reality of his Japanese status in 1914 at the age of 48, Ewar chose not to communicate his origins to his children. We may never know the reason for this, and can only surmise it was because, essentially, he did not ‘feel’ Japanese.

It appears that Dicinoski family members’ knowledge of the significance of their Japanese roots did not become apparent until they were researched deeply by Professor Sissons of ANU. Despite not being discussed openly, the Japanese genes are strong, I think, and are apparent in Dicinoski descendants. My mother, like her three sisters, all have black hair (in their youth) and dark brown eyes, and olive skin. My older brother has the same features. We are somewhat ‘height challenged’ – I am the tallest in our nuclear family at 5’6”, I recall my grandfather was 4’11”, and his sisters (Pearlie and Goldie), who were twins, were the same height. As children in Ewar senior’s (Togawa Iwakichi) circus, they were acrobats and contortionists, among other roles. Throughout my life, I have had an inexplicable affinity for all things Asian: my wife is Filipina by birth; I am a very good linguist (Chinese, Indonesia – sadly, not Japanese); I have lived and worked in Asian countries; and a passion in my current life is helping non-native speakers learn English, which I do professionally. Oddly, despite their physical features that I do not possess (people do not believe my brother and I are related, as we do not look similar). My mother and brother do not share my affinity with Asia and Asian cultures. My interest may also be strongly influenced by my Anglo-Saxon father who was an academic and taught Chinese and Vietnamese at Griffith University.

Aunties ‘Goldie and ‘Pearlie when younger, with Grandpa ‘Hughie’ behind them

Aunties Pearlie and Goldie (taken in the early 1980s)









As a teenager and young man, I recall from time to time visiting great aunties Pearlie and Goldie in Brisbane. They lived practically their entire lives together, except for a few years when Goldie was married.  In a word, they were cute, and quite inseparable.  As they aged, Pearlie lost her eyesight, and Goldie lost her hearing, and they continued to function as one, complementing each other. Although not identical twins, I was mesmerised at how they knew each other’s thoughts, and always began and ended sentences in harmony. In hindsight, had I been aware of the family’s roots, I would have been inclined to delve deeper and ask many questions, but I was blinded by their quietness, selflessness, and aversion to talking about themselves. It seems obvious, now, that they may not have known very much about their Japanese father’s story either.

Steve with Aunties Goldie and Pearlie (taken in the mid-1980s)

I only remember seeing my grandfather, Ewar (‘Hughie’) Dicinoski a few times during my life, as he lived a sedentary life and I was in the military, like my father. The last time I saw him was in the early 1980s (see below). Grandpa Ewar Junior’s demeanour and personality was exactly like his sisters’ Pearlie and Goldie. He was quietly spoken, with a Queensland country accent and manner. He smiled warmly and easily, and his eyes always smiled too. He looked cute and Yoda-like with grey wisps of hair on his balding head. Despite not knowing me well, I felt that Grandpa was equally proud of me as he was of his other three grandchildren, but I sensed that my world was far removed from his and clearly generations apart. Grandpa was tough. I recall when visiting that he had had a headache for a couple of days, which he put down to another redback spider bite on the outside ‘throne’! I will always remember the sight of this diminutive man as a horse whisperer of sorts, breaking in a wild horse. His skin was tanned and leathery from years working under the Queensland sun, but I once walked in on him while he was changing his shirt and was astonished to see pale white skin on the torso of a fit man 60 years his junior.

Sadly, after a long, healthy life in the country, independent of medicines that most people take regularly and for granted, Grandpa Ewar had a mild heart attack, entered Rockampton Hospital and passed away in 1985, perhaps prematurely, at the age of 87.

Steve with Grandpa ‘Hughie’ (Ewar) Dicinoski (taken in Delulu, QLD, in the early-1980s)

Ewar Dicinoski Jnr’s (Grandpa Ewar) four daughters and his sister, Pearlie (1996) – from left: Merle, Vivienne, Freda, Delma

















Steve and grandson Fin (the great-great-great-great grandson of Sakuragawa Rikinosuke)

Steve, daughters Cass and Jess, and wife Judy (2015)













*All photographs courtesy of Dawson Family archives unless otherwise stated. This includes historical photographs donated to the family by the late D. C. S. Sissons.

  1. Andrew Hasegawa   Reply

    What a fabulous story from one prewar Nikkei family to the oldest. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Marylyn Dicinoski   Reply

    Hi Steve,
    One of Ewar’s children is not mentioned here, Norman. My husband is descended through Norman. Norman’s son is Henry Dicinoski (of Rockhampton), Henry’s son is Gavin (of Sunshine Coast), Gavin’s son (my husband) is Matthew (of Seattle, WA, USA) and we have two sons. Thank you so much for posting this and all the detailed history. I find my husband’s Japanese roots very interesting and have done my own research as well (
    Cheers from the U.S.
    -Marylyn Dicinoski

    • Steve   Reply

      Hi Marylyn. Wow! The Dicinoski clan certainly stretches far and wide. Thank you for your wonderful feedback, and good on you for showing interest in Matthew’s family roots. I hope to be able to explore the Japan-side of the story at some point, and will be happy to keep you informed.
      Nikkei will forward my email address to you.

      Kind regards,

  3. Steve   Reply

    Thank you for your kind comments, Andrew.

    • Andrew Hasegawa   Reply

      From one Nikkei Australian to another I enjoyed learning about your family history. I was aware of your family as when at university in the late 1970s and early 80s I met David Sissons and he shared his various articles with me. So glad to know you embrace your Nikkei heritage.

  4. Masako Fukui   Reply

    This is fascinating, I love the details in this story. Such a moving account. Thanks for sharing this story Steve, and the photos are fantastic too.
    I had known about Sakuragawa Rikinosuke from Dr Yuriko Nagata, and to see his story come to life like this in your family narrative feels so special.

    • Steve   Reply

      Thank you very much, Masako. Such lovely comments and feedback. It was quite a therapeutic, riveting and enjoyable experience to finally document – albeit it briefly – the family history. Personally, I look forward to the next chapter of exploring the Japanese side, which includes Sakuragawa Rikinosuke’s background, and especially the roots of my great-grandfather, Togawa Iwakichi, and how he came to be his adopted son.

  5. Steve   Reply

    Sorry for my late reply, Andrew. You are so lucky to have met Prof. Sissons – he sounds like an extraordinary individual, who I am sure is sadly missed.

  6. Kate Thomson   Reply

    Hi Steve,
    I was married to a son of another of Ewar’s children who isn’t named in this article. This was Cecil Oscar who was born in Miles and died in Blackall in 1962. Cecil married Ellen Jean Rose and they had 9 children Hope, William(Billy), Beverly, Raymond, Gordon, Victor, Neville, Alana and Geoffery who lived to adulthood. One of my children is now a Japanese teacher based in Mackay. I have done quite a bit of research into this side of the family for my children and grandchildren. It is interesting that Gordon insisted that the family were of Russian descent. I would also love to hear more of the roots of Togawa Iwakichi so I can inform my children and grandchildren.
    All the best Kate.

    • Steve   Reply

      Hi Kate. Thank you for sharing that wonderful family information. Clearly, like roots and branches of a tree, the Dicinoski family stretches far and wide, and many descendants may be unaware of the true family origins. It is interesting that your husband, Gordon, believed in Russian descent, and I can relate to this. As a child, i was told by my parents that we had a mixture of Polish and British blood. The Polish assumption was based on the ending of ‘DicinoSKI’ (the suffix ‘~ski’ in Polish means ‘from’, much like ‘da’ in Italian, e.g., Leonardo da Vinci; my wife and I visited the fascinating town of Vinci in Northern Italy a few years ago!). This logical fallacy about ‘~ski’ prevailed in the absence of factual knowledge.
      I, too, look forward to uncovering the Togawa Iwakichi side of our family history.
      Take care!

  7. Ben McInnes   Reply

    Hi Steve. Regrettably, I am only distantly related to your family by marriage. Reginald Dicinoski married Bridgette O’Brien (always known as Ann), my father’s aunt. My parents were very close to Ann and Reg, and we often visited them at their house in Coorparoo, Brisbane. We remember Reg as a small, quiet man who owned a little Morris or something – a ute. He was some kind of tradesman. He looked rather like Gandhi, in fact!
    Personally, I lived in Japan for many years, and worked for a Japanese company. When I returned to Australia, I took my PhD in Japanese history, and corresponded with Sissons and Neville Meaney. I wish I had known the Dicinoski story then!
    I would love to know of you have made any progress in your investigations into Sakuragawa Rikinosuke’s history. Regards, Ben.

  8. Steve   Reply

    Hi Ben,
    Apologies for my late response. Thank you for your fascinating comment. I do envy you the Japanese experience and studies, and certainly that you corresponded with Sissons (such a loss). Of course, I will provide an update into the Japanese side of this story in due course.
    Kind regards. Steve

  9. Jennifer McBride   Reply


    My I’m Jennifer McBride. I grew, up in Brisbane, my Grandmother, Violet Oliver, was a child of a Japanese circus entertainer. Stories about my Grandmother’s life were hard to come by, one I remember being told, was she was born on a circus train. Sadly I’m not sure if this is fact or fiction.
    I was fascinated by your story. I have, so many questions regarding the historical significance of the early circus entertainers relating to my own family heritage.
    I did, see photo’s of my Great Grandfather, my sister contacted a professor, I’m no longer in touch with my sister, so not sure if the Professor name is Sisson?, But the contact knew a lot about the Japanese acrobatic troupe and circus.
    Do you have more information regarding Professor Sisson.
    I would Appreciate any information, about early Japanese acrobatic circus.

    Thank you
    Kindest regards, Jennifer McBride

  10. Steve   Reply

    Hello Jennifer. Do you have more information about your grandmother – ‘Violet Oliver’? Is it possible that her maiden name was ‘Amelia Violet Dicinoski’, and ‘Oliver’ was her married surname?


  11. Tayla Atkin   Reply

    Hello Steve,
    I am a descendant of Ewar Dicinoski, my great grandfather Cecil is Ewar’s son making Ewar my great great grandfather. I would love to get in contact with you in regards to our family tree.

  12. Steve   Reply

    Hi Tayla!
    Most interesting – a distant relative ☺️ Please do not hesitate to email me.


  13. John   Reply

    Hi Steve,
    I believe the rest of Iwakichi’s family was as follows:
    Joseph February 1904 Glen Innes
    Edgar ” ” ” ” (died 1905)
    Hector October 1906 Inverell
    Norman December 1909 Blackall
    Cecil Oscar March 1914 Miles

    Ewar died on 3 September 1938 at Dunwich on North Stradbroke Island and was buried at Toowong Cemetery, Brisbane.
    I also suggest that the photo labelled “Sakuragawa Rikinosuke and wife Jane Kerr (circa 1875-6)”
    is of the wedding of Iwakichi’s colleague Ichitaro.
    Kind regards,
    John (

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