Friday, October 1, 2021

Farewell to Nippon - Google Books

Farewell to Nippon - Google Books

Farewell to Nippon

Japanese Lifestyle Migrants in Australia
By Machiko Sato · 2001
Page count:161
Publisher:Trans Pacific Press

佐藤真知子『新・海外定住時代―オーストラリアの日本人』 1993(英訳)
Farewell to Nippon : Japanese Lifestyle Migrants in Australia (Japanese Society Series)
This study presents an ethnographic account of a fresh breed of emigrants who have left Japan to settle in Australia in pursuit of a better quality of life. They differ from "economic migrants" who went overseas before the 1970s for economic reasons but represent new types of "lifestyle migrants" who seek to enjoy a more easygoing, carefree life abroad. 
Based on some 200 interviews, the study attempts to portray the participants' joy and sorrow, felicity and frustration as seen through their own eyes and expressed with their own words and phrases. The Japanese version of the book won the Asia-Pacific Publication Award in 1995.

This book presents an ethnographic account of a fresh breed of emigrants who have left Japan to settle in Australia in pursuit of a better quality of life. Based on some 200 interviews, the study attempts to portray the participants’ joy and sorrow, felicity and frustration as seen through their own eyes and expressed with their own words and phrases. The Japanese version of the book won the Asia-Pacific Publication Award in 1995.

Table of Contents
Prologue: In Search of New Lifestyle               1  (4)
  Female Motivational and Circumstantial           5  (34)
  The Path to Becoming a Professional              39 (27)
  The Class Barrier across National Boundaries     66 (27)
  Living the Good Life, or Making a U-Turn Back    93 (34)
  to Japan?
  The Bright Side and Dark Side of                 127(29)
  Cross-Cultural Marriage
Epilogue: Reluctant Settlers                       156

From Japan
5.0 out of 5 stars オーストラリアへの精神的移民
Reviewed in Japan on December 5, 2000


もちろん、オーストラリアに移住したことで、全てがバラ色の人生に変わるハズもなく、日本での地位や収入、つき合いの範囲などはかなりの部分オーストラリアに行っても再現されるのが実体であるようです。少なくとも、オーストラリアでの母国語(もしくは全世界でのグローバルスタンダード)である英語を使えるかどうかによって、その人の暮らしは大きく左右されるということは事実だと思います。 移住を考えている人には、この「新・海外定住時代」はお勧めです。
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