Thursday, April 4, 2024

Why Sri Lanka is more developed than India?

india-sri lanka relations wikipedia - Google 검색
Why Sri Lanka is more developed than India?
Since Sri Lanka has a higher per capita income, a higher life expectancy at birth, and a higher literacy rate than India, it has a higher ranking for human development than India. It is more developed than India because it spends more on its social infrastructure, like health and education.

Profile photo for Santhakumar V
Santhakumar V
Professor at Azim Premji University, Bengaluru (2011–present)2y
Why is India poorer than Sri Lanka in per capita GDP?
Sri Lanka made investments in the school education for all from 1940s. The educational achievement of an average Sri Lankan citizen is significantly higher than that of an average Indian.
Human development of Sri Lanka is also higher and is comparable to that of Kerala.
A higher share of women take up paid employment in Sri Lanka. This can be seen among the workers who migrate to the Middle-East and other countries.
Sri Lanka has been a small open economy with access to international trade, and that has enabled exports and foreign investments. It has advantages in terms attracting tourists.
However the civil war created major problems, and that is the root cause for the current financial difficulties of the country.

Profile photo for Sachin Singh
Sachin Singh
In pursuit of Self-Discovery8y
Why India is rich but Indians are not?
There are various reasons for that my dear:
Unequal Distribution of land- Land distribution was based on status in the society. Pre and post independence time show majority of land belonged to Kings, Zamindars and upper caste people. And present situation shows that these landlords sell these lands and become rich over night.

Caste System- Consider any top official position in India, all are occupied by people of high caste. I have no idea why it is so. But thats the truth.

Resources are not equally distributed

Reservations are good but at one
point its endeavouring to maintain equality but at the same time there is deterioration in quality and production. And trust me it is somewhere supporting caste system due to which unequality has increased.

There are many more causes that you too must be knowing. I dont want to comment on politics.

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Profile photo for P.M. Joshi
P.M. Joshi
Developer (2001–present)6y
Is Sri Lanka more developed than India?
I don't know about development, but yes

Srilanka ( at least Colombo, at least downtown Colombo ) is much neater than any other city in India ( I lived in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai and visited Pune, Delhi, Bhopal, Calcutta and Raipur).
Srilankans are more disciplined than Indians. They don't continuously stare at foreigners ( not me, but Europeans) . There many foreign visitors in Colombo but I found no visitor surrounded by 5-6 people.
City is neatly maintained (attaching three photos from my last year's visit).
More respect for traffic signals.
One negative comment : City is very costly. 3 hour Colombo city tour costs around 30 US Dollars ( Approx 1800 Rs ). A 12 hour Mumbai Darshan costs only 250 Rs.


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