Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Simon Schama: The Story of the Jews, Part 2 — Belonging

Simon Schama: The Story of the Jews, Part 2 — Belonging
20,134 viewsNov 14, 2017





92nd Street Y
210K subscribers
Simon Schama: The Story of the Jews, Part 2 — Belonging. Simon Schama’s great BBC/PBS project continues with the story of the Jewish people from 1492 through the end of the 19th century. Recorded Oct 26, 2017 at 92nd Street Y.

The Jewish story is woven into the fabric of humanity. Their search for a home where a distinctive religion and culture could be nourished without being marginalized suddenly takes on startling resonance in our own epoch of homelessness, wanderings, persecutions and anxious arrivals. Join him to hear firsthand about this epic story — and gain new insights into a crucial period of history.

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