Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Cry, The Beloved Country | review

Cry, The Beloved Country | PDF

10. Write a review of  Cry, the Beloved Country
, saying why it is such animportant and admired book.
This is truly incredible book, mostly because it has every important issue presented in it. We have issue with races, with money and economy, separated families, life in big cities, losing moral values, murders, laws and justice, forgiveness, politics, marriages, religions, well-being of country, and many others.

 I absolutely love that this book relates to racial issues, it is main issue, but it's presented through many other problems. We see how situation between different races gets worse and worse, with each day that passes by. And we have some rational thinking black people, who understand economics really well. White people from Europe own goldmines, so, while exploiting them, they take almost all of the many. Only thing they pay is work force, which is pretty cheap in South Africa. The country gaines nothing from it's natural wealth. Therefore, people of South Africa gain almost nothing from their wealth. 

This leads to many families being separated, because of the search for the job, that can lead one person of the family to the other side of the country. This leads many people to big cities,where they get lost, they get scared, they start surviving, and losing their moral values. There are great number of murders in these cities, and Alan Paton is right when he doesn't question the judges and courts, but the law itself, because, if the law has flaws, you can't really blame the rest of the system for failure, or bad interpreting of justice. That's why forgiveness often can not be given to those, who might deserve it in some way. Politics have come to saying what majority of the people wants to hear, but doing absolutely nothing about it, or, whendoing something important, it mostly hurts the people who supported that, and not those whostarted those riots. In these cities, author showed us the way of life of a single mother, whose
„man“, not husband, has left her alone, to survive. Because of these acts, we won't find many religious people in these cities.All of this problems are mentioned and discussed in this book. It shows us, not only the past,
 but also the present, and the future of the whole mankind. We need to learn as much as we canfrom the few good people in this book, imitate them in a way where we don't hate, but love,and help. This book has been called many things, such as too emotional, or too revolutionary.But this book actually speaks the truth, which often is that, because, for some reason,everyone wants to hide and silence the truth. There is essential goodness in all of us, we justhave to find it, and embrace it. That's why this book is so important, it teaches us thoseimportant lessons, and that's why this book won't lose value in the future. On the contrary, asthe time passes by, and people become more aware of these things, the value of this book willrise, and never fall again.

Ismar Kubat IV-2

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