Thursday, August 6, 2020

Beyond the New Economic Anthropology | SpringerLink

Beyond the New Economic Anthropology | SpringerLink

Beyond the New Economic Anthropology

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John Clammer

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Table of contents (8 chapters)
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Front Matter
Pages i-viii
Beyond the New Economic Anthropology: A Thematic Introduction
John Clammer
Pages 1-7
Alternative Views of Economy in Economic Anthropology
J. Iain Prattis
Pages 8-44
Conceptual Issues in the New Economic Anthropology: Moving Beyond the Polemic of Neo-classical and Marxist Economic Theory
Willie L. Baber
Pages 45-77
Gramsci, History and the Future Economy
Eric Schwimmer
Pages 78-120
The Politics of Pork and the Rituals of Rice: Redistributive Feasting and Commodity Circulation in Northern Luzon, the Philippines
Joachim Voss
Pages 121-141
Free Markets, Ideology and Control: The South African Case
Jeremy H. Keenan
Pages 142-187
Peripheral Capitalism and Urban Order: ‘Informal Sector’ Theories in the Light of Singapore’s Experience
John Clammer
Pages 188-201
Knowing What They Mean: Or Why is There No Phenomenology in the Sociology of Development?
Aidan Foster-Carter
Pages 202-229
Back Matter
Pages 230-231

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