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Getting Centrelink while homeless? - Jobs

Getting Centrelink while homeless? - Jobs

Getting Centrelink while homeless?

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I'm new here, please be nice
posted 2014-Mar-18, 7:47 pm AEST

Hey guys,

I've been in a bit of a depressing situation. I'm 20, and lost my job in early Jan and have been aggressively applying for every job I've seen that required my experience or no experience at all and have struggled. I'm good with interviews and usually I always get the job during first contact... But for the first time ever everything is just not going too well.
I have 2k credit card debt from paying myself through school and only three digits left in my account with no income at all and no support from anyone. Long long story short I was abused as a kid by my parents which led to suicide attempts at a very young age and now with ptsd, and now I just can't even look at them. After losing my job I had to move back, I don't talk to them I just climb through the window of my bed room and just lock myself in it while looking for work while every now and then sneaking out to use the bathroom when no ones home.
I eat whatever I can find for less than $2, usually once a day and its mostly junk like a packet of dorito's. I went out and got help last year, and for the first time I talked to someone that wasn't a friend about my problems, and was told that it wasn't anything clinical just a result from traumatic experiences and was told I should move out and stay away from the toxic environment.
I can't get centrelink because I need my parents tax assessment, and they won't give it to me. So then I tried applying for parents unable to exercise their responsibilities but was told by a phone CSR that they need to be in a more serious situation like being in prison to be eligible for it. I asked about unable to live at home, and was told I'd have to be homeless to apply for that.
So I've determined that, that is probably my only option. Unless there is another way? I'm running out of money, and barely can afford food, I apply for at least 10+ jobs a day, rejected from 2 interviews, and just no responses from the rest.
I'm giving it 2 weeks before going homeless.
But I'm wondering how exactly getting centrelink works as a homeless person? Do I just walk into centrelink and apply? Would it be safe to keep documents with me as a homeless person?

Fickle Guy©
Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2014-Mar-18, 7:58 pm AEST

I am sorry to hear about your unfortunate recent times.

You wouldn't need to be homeless to qualify for a payment, given your age you should be eligible for youth allowance and if you live AWAY from your parents house, their assets shouldn't be taken into consideration.

Also you should consult a Centrelink employee (again) to explain your situation, hopefully you could get a payment for extreme hardship.

Section Moderator
posted 2014-Mar-18, 8:01 pm AEST

You have a few options, but all of them involve going to Centrelink and using the phone there.

Ideally you want to make a claim for Youth Allowance Job Seeker with an Unable to Live at Home Assessment. I don't know how this would work if you're still 'living' at home... but it can be done if you're homeless.

You also should be applying for a low income health care card (do this first – it can be processed in the office for urgent cases) as most charitable organisations that can help you require a concession card.
Form is here:
Or the office will have a paper copy – but have a look at the PDF to see what you'll need to provide evidence wise.

You also want to speak with a Social Worker I'm guessing? They are either in office or over the phone can assist with some local referrals to welfare agencies – I'm guessing food and accommodation are your primary concerns?

You'll need 100 points of ID (drivers licence, medicare card, bank card) and I'd also get a statement of your bank accounts from your last day of work – your bank can bring a black and white transaction list for free if you can't get it at 'home'.

Additionally, as soon as you present your ID also ask to be registered for level 3 online services and phone services. You'll get a temp online password and a temp PIN – go straight over to the self service area and set both of these up.

Ultimately what all of this *should* lead to is
a. an urgent assessment of your claim INCLUDING an unable to live at home assessment
b. waiver of the ordinary one week waiting period
c. urgent processing of the health care card (issued with a temp card in the office)
d. activation of full online services (to get your mail online) and phone self service

I'd also suggest that as soon as you get your first payment you possibly set up a PO box ($107/year) that will give you a fixed postal address to receive mail. I'm guessing you don't want your parents to get your mail? Additionally, if Centrelink gets a returned to sender letter your payment may be cancelled due to whereabouts unknown.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2014-Mar-18, 8:05 pm AEST

Ok I'm sending you virtual support. You are in a tough spot.

As tough as it is where you are is better than homeless. But regard it as a stepping stone.

Tomorrow you need to seek out the homeless services in your area. Google them – they will be run by the salvos or Anglicare or brother of st Lawrence or Oz child etc.

There will also be mental health services also. They often work out of the local hospital so start there.

One of the above should help you with a case worker. The case worker will then help you with centrelink.

In the mean time churches and the salvos will help you out with food.

Go and see them in person rather than ringing or emailing.

Yvonne P
Forum Regular
posted 2014-Mar-18, 8:06 pm AEST

I have actually been in your situation and been fighting homelessness for 4 years.

Here is a small plan, find a place thats rents single single rooms.

Apply for centrelink WITHOUT rent assistance and mark that you live there. They will give you access to online resources so dont worry about mail.

Once you have payment move in THEN add rent assistance.

*there are a few places here and there that rent single rooms for reasonable prices.

Section Moderator
posted 2014-Mar-18, 8:11 pm AEST

Lydia Bewley writes...

They will give you access to online resources so dont worry about mail.

Some forms, confirmation letters are still sent via paper mail. Having worked for Centrelink, one of the biggest problems for them is the address they have listed – returned mail, mail going missing, being assigned the wrong office due to incorrect address etc.

Given that the OP is going to be transient I'd recommend a PO box if there is no one/where else they can trust with their mail.

Yvonne P
Forum Regular
posted 2014-Mar-18, 8:13 pm AEST

totallyfree writes...

Given that the OP is going to be transient I'd recommend a PO box if there is no one/where else they can trust with their mail.

I would have said PO box, BUT he might not have any money to start one.

Section Moderator
posted 2014-Mar-18, 8:23 pm AEST

Lydia Bewley writes...

I would have said PO box, BUT he might not have any money to start one.

Which is why I said after first payment. It's not the first priority, but if the OP is going to be (potentially) moving between hostels, budget accom etc then a fixed mailing address can be a godsend.

Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2014-Mar-18, 8:53 pm AEST

Showlr93 writes...

I'm 20... But for the first time ever everything is just not going too well.

Hehe, that part made me laugh. :)

But I'm wondering how exactly getting centrelink works as a homeless person? Do I just walk into centrelink and apply?

Yes. They will be able to help you. There are even emergency advances for people in your situation. Go in. Explain your situation. Ask for help.

Would it be safe to keep documents with me as a homeless person?

I don't think homelessness and safety have a whole lot to do with one another.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2014-Mar-18, 8:55 pm AEST

totallyfree writes...

Some forms, confirmation letters are still sent via paper mail.

The only letters I receive from centrelink are for my HCC. OP, do you have a trusted friend who would be willing to collect your mail at their place for you?

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2014-Mar-18, 8:58 pm AEST

Sorry to hear about all these issues OP at such a young age. I reckon you should make an appointment to see a centrelink social worker at a branch or ring and ask for a social worker at the call centre. They have experience with claimants that don't no fixed address or unable to live at home etc.

posted 2014-Mar-18, 10:53 pm AEST

I actually think you may be in some trouble, depending on that family situation.

My now wife was homeless at 15, and due to being homeless, found it almost impossible to gain centerlink, because, she was told, she had to have a residential address to be eligible for any sort of payment, she was homeless for 3 months before finding somewhere to bored (housework in exchange for a roof over her head) and was then able to get onto centerlink.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2014-Mar-19, 1:12 pm AEST

I'm from QLD, so not sure how good this service is, but call them in the morning. Advise them that you can no longer live with your parents, are actively job seeking and require assistance with accessing housing. They should be able to put you in contact with a youth support service that can assist with short term/temp housing (this will probably not be very good) and a case worker to assist you with your job hunting, centrelink issues and what not. If you demonstrate to them that you are working hard to get your life right, they will work hard to help you.

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Getting Centrelink while homeless?

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