Friday, December 27, 2019

Paul Cuffee: Black-Indian and Quaker | Facebook

Paul Cuffee: Black-Indian and Quaker | Facebook

Paul Cuffee: Black-Indian and Quaker

From, “Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship: Quakers, African Americans, and the Myth of Racial Justice” by Donna McDaniel and Vanessa Julye. Quaker Press of Friends General Conference, 2009.

Paul Cuffee (January 17, 1759 – September 9, 1817) 

A few notable Friends [Quakers] of African [Black-Indian] descent did exist.  One of the best known was Paul Cuffee, the prominent mariner widely recognized for his “sober” demeanor and sterling character.  Cuffee’s father, who was freed in 1742, and his mother, a member of the Wampanoag tribe of Massachusetts “followed” (attended) Dartmouth Monthly Meeting [of Friends]. Though they were not members, they brought their children up according to Quaker principles. Having taught himself reading, writing, mathematics, navigation, and other seafaring skills, Paul Cuffee had shipped aboard a whaling vessel by the time he was fourteen years old. During the [American] Revolution, he and his brother David built a small vessel to smuggle goods through the British blockades. Over time, the Cuffee family bought more ships and Paul owned shares in up to ten vessels, ran a mercantile business in New Bedford, operated a sawmill and a windmill in Dartmouth, and farmed more than one hundred acres in modern-day Westport (carved out of Dartmouth in 1787). In 1800 he bought a gristmill and turned its management over to a group of African American partners.

Cuffee attended Quaker meeting for much of his life used the language of Friends, and dressed in Quaker gray and wide-brimmed black hat. But he did not become a member of Westport Meeting (New England Yearly Meeting) until 1808, when he was 49 years old….At the time he joined Westport Meeting he was the only member of African descent in New England Yearly Meeting.

Cuffee founded the first school in Westport, which was open to both European and Africa American children. Many of Cuffee’s Quaker colleagues actively opposed enslavement, and Cuffee himself was a lifelong proponent of racial equality. In 1780 he and other Dartmouth men of African [and probably Indian] descent petitioned the Massachusetts legislature to exempt them from taxation on the grounds that “we are not allowed the Privileges of freemen of the State, having no vote for Influence in the election with those that tax us”; neither, the petition noted, could they inherit property. His letters relate his frequent encounters with racial prejudice and his commitment to abolition. Cuffee died in 1817; his grave and that of his wife, Alice Pequid Cuffee, are “just outside the back door” of Westport Friends meetinghouse, “apart” from where the Quakers are buried. (P. 192)

In a letter to his sister in the 1820s, Paul Cuffee’s brother John asked, “Why do the collored run after the Whites and joins their churches—and are called brothers and sisters and partake of the same bread and wine and yet are held as slaves and are treated worse than the Dumb Beast of the field.” Such churches, he declared, help “to keep Negroes in slavery and whips and kills us and yet calls us Brethren.”  (P. 204)

From, “Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship: Quakers, African Americans, and the Myth of Racial Justice” by Donna McDaniel and Vanessa Julye. Quaker Press of Friends General Conference, 2009.


Further references:

  • Djata Bumpus Quakers held captive workers/slaves too, back then though....smh
  • Sharon Smith I was raised a Quaker so I know the history better than most.
  • Djata Bumpus I'm sure <3
  • Sharon Smith Yup. My mom is a New England Quaker. She was raised in Amherst and South Hadley MA. Grandpa was a department chair at Mount Holyoke.
  • Maria Reinat-Pumarejo thank you Sharon for the information. we only get stronger with the truth. A big hug

One-in-four Native Americans and Alaska Natives are living in poverty | Pew Research Center

One-in-four Native Americans and Alaska Natives are living in poverty | Pew Research Center

JUNE 13, 2014

One-in-four Native Americans and Alaska Natives are living in poverty

On his visit to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in North Dakota today, President Obama is using his first stop at a Native American reservation while in office to highlight the challenges Native Americans face. In an op-ed published in Indian Country Today, Obama called the poverty and high school dropout rates among Native Americans “a moral call to action.”

The poverty rate at Standing Rock Reservation is 43.2%, nearly triple the national average, according to Census Bureau data. The reservation, which straddles North Dakota and South Dakota, has a population of 8,956, according to the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Native Americans have a higher poverty and unemployment rate when compared with the national average, but the rates are comparable to those of blacks and Hispanics. About one-in-four American Indians and Alaska Natives were living in poverty in 2012. Among those who identify as American Indian or Alaska Native as their only race, the poverty rate was 29.1% in 2012.

Some 5.2 million people (1.7% of the total U.S. population) identify as Native American or Alaska Native, with 44% identifying as at least one other race, according to 2010 Census Bureau data, the most recent data available. And census officials have said that the number of people who self-identify as such has been growing, for reasons they don’t fully understand.

There were 170,110 people nationwide who identified as Sioux in the 2010 census. The largest tribal group, Cherokee, has 819,105 people. Of those who identify as Native American or Alaska Native as their only race, one-in-three (33%) live on reservations or tribal lands. Among all American Indians and Alaska Natives, about one-in-five (22%) live on reservations or tribal lands.
TopicsPovertyU.S. CensusDemographicsRace and Ethnicity

Jens Manuel Krogstad is a senior writer/editor focusing on Hispanics, immigration and demographics at Pew Research Center.

Books by Native scholars on the Doctrine of Discovery | Facebook

(3) Books by Native scholars on the Doctrine of Discovery | Facebook

Books by Native scholars on the Doctrine of Discovery

Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Christian Doctrine of Discovery
By Steven T. Newcomb

Forward by Peter d’Errico (I studied under Peter at UMass Amherst)
From the book jacket:  “Using history and cognitive theory, Steven Newcomb demonstrates how US government officials have used religious concepts of Christendom, often unconsciously, to justify the taking of Native American lands and to deny the original independence of Indian nations. He demonstrates that the landmark case Johnson v. M’Intosh is premised in part on the Old Testament narrative of the “chosen people” having a divine right to the “promised land” and how continued US reliance on ancient religious distinctions between “Christians” and “heathens” violates the bedrock doctrine of separation of church and state. …Pagans in the Promised Land makes a compelling case for the reversal of this conqueror-based doctrine, which continues to influence US policy at home and abroad.

Native America, Discovered and Conquered:  Thomas Jefferson, Lewis & Clark, and Manifest Destiny by Robert J. Miller

From the book jacket:  Manifest Destiny, as a term for westward expansion, was not used until the 1840s. Its predecessor was the Doctrine of Discovery, a legal tradition by which Europeans and Americans laid legal claim to the land of the indigenous peoples they “discovered.”

… Miller explains for the first time exactly how the United States achieved victory, not only on the ground, but also in the developing legal thought of the day. … [Miller] lays out in fascinating detail how [Lewis and Clark’s] explorations, combined with the Doctrine of Discovery and Jefferson’s strategies, became the legal basis for America’s ownership of the Pacific Northwest, the removal of Indian people, and the adoption of the Doctrine of Discovery into American law. 

For those who want to further study the ideological underpinnings of the madness of these times, I recommend:

Missionary Conquest: The Gospel and Native American Genocide

By George E. Tinker

From the Preface: “The years 1492 seems to have triggered the “Western world” mythology that has come to dominate the entire globe’s economics, politics, and academics, imposing itself as the natural, unquestionable norm of human existence. This illusion of Western world superiority has functioned implicitly, and at times brutally explicitly, to facilitate the conquest and enslavement of native peoples, the exploitation of their labor and natural resources, and the genocidal destruction of whole cultures and peoples. The religious institutions of the “West” (that is, the churches of Europe and then the immigrant churches of the Americas) have been closely associated with this history of colonialism and conquest and have consistently lent legitimacy to those acts. “

Unsettling Truths: The Ongoing, Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery

by Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah

"Injustice has plagued American society for centuries. And we cannot move toward being a more just nation without understanding the root causes that have shaped our culture and institutions. In this prophetic blend of history, theology, and cultural commentary, Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah reveal the far-reaching, damaging effects of the "Doctrine of Discovery." In the fifteenth century, official church edicts gave Christian explorers the right to claim territories they "discovered." 

This was institutionalized as an implicit national framework that justifies American triumphalism, white supremacy, and ongoing injustices. The result is that the dominant culture idealizes a history of discovery, opportunity, expansion, and equality, while minority communities have been traumatized by colonization, slavery, segregation, and dehumanization. Healing begins when deeply entrenched beliefs are unsettled. Charles and Rah aim to recover a common memory and shared understanding of where we have been and where we are going. As other nations have instituted truth and reconciliation commissions, so do the authors call our nation and churches to a truth-telling that will expose past injustices and open the door to conciliation and true community."

"서구 백인 문화의 포로된 미국 기독교" - NEWS M

"서구 백인 문화의 포로된 미국 기독교" - NEWS M
"서구 백인 문화의 포로된 미국 기독교"

승인 2011.07.20
댓글 2

<뉴스 M 아카이브>는 나누고 싶은 과거 기사 ‘다시보기’ 코너입니다.

라승찬 교수, 찬양과 탄식의 교차점에 서라!

최근 미국 복음주의 진영에서 주목을 받고 있는 라승찬 교수(노스파크신학교)가 지난 '와일드 구스 축제'에서 강의한 내용을 번역해서 정리한 글이다. 한인 2세인 라 교수는 백인 중심에서 비백인 중심으로 탈바꿈하고 있는 미국 복음주의 교단인 ECC(The Evangelical Covenant Church)의 목사이며, 교단 산하 신학교인 노스파크신학교에서 교회 성장과 전도학을 가르치고 있다. (역자 주)

'미국 기독교 복음주의 상황 속의 문화적 포로 상태(cultural captivity)에 관한 이해'라는 주제를 논하려 한다. 최근 세계 기독교의 흐름은 유럽에서 아프리카, 아시아, 남미로 전환되고 있다. 이러한 흐름의 변화는 필립 젠킨스, 라민 사네, 앤드류 월스, 데이빗 배럿, 토드 존슨 등의 학자들에 의해 다루어졌다.

1900년에는 80-85% 기독교인들이 유럽과 북미 출신이었으나 2005년 자료를 보면 60%의 기독교인들이 아프리카와 아시아와 남미 출신으로 나타났다. 토드 존슨과 데이빗 배럿은 2050년에 이르면 70-75%의 기독교인들이 아프리카, 아시아, 남미 출신이 될 것이라고 내다봤다.

기독교 중심의 전환: 유럽에서 아프리카, 아시아, 남미로

지난 1500년 동안 기독교의 지배적 담론은 영미나 유럽 기독교에서 나왔다. 힘은 영미와 유럽에 집중되었다. 예를 들어, 1900년 기독교 인구의 중심을 북대서양으로 정했던 것이 오늘날 남동쪽으로 움직여 아프리카의 팀북투(Timbuktu)가 새로운 중심이 됐다.

이런 현상들이 우리가 세계 기독교 안에서 경험하는 것들이다. 덧붙이자면, 이런 전환은 세계 기독교뿐만 아니라 미국 기독교에서도 일어나는 듯하다. 이것은 미국 사회를 전체로 바라봤을 때 일어나는 인구 변화와 관련된다.

예를 들어, 2008년 인구조사에서 전체 인구의 3분의 1일이 소수 인종이었지만 2042년과 2050년 사이에는 과반수를 넘을 것이라고 예측했다. 그리고 2023년이 되면 아동 인구는 비백인이 다수를 차지할 것이라고 한다. 이것은 매우 중요한 통계자료이다. 왜냐하면 이민법이 어떻게 개정되든 12년 내 18살 이하의 다수가 비백인일 것이고 이런 추세를 막을 방법이 없기 때문이다. 이렇듯 미국 사회의 인구 변화는 불가피하다. 미국 사회는 다문화적이고 다양성을 향해 움직이고 있다.

▲ 라승찬 교수. ⓒ 미주뉴스앤조이미국 기독교의 몰락?

나의 첫 번째 책 <The Next Evangelism: Freeing the Church from Western Cultural Captivity>이 출판될 무렵 두 개의 글이 나왔다. 몇 년 전 세상을 떠난 '인터넷 몽크'라고 불리는 마이클 스펜서가 쓴 '복음주의의 몰락'에 관한 글과 <뉴스위크>가 부활절 때 커버 스토리로 다룬 "미국 기독교의 최후"라는 글이다. 당시 남침례신학교 총장 알버트 말러는 미국이 더 이상 기독교 국가가 아니라고 비탄했다.

특히 퓨재단(Pew Foundation)과 미국인 종교 성향 조사 (American Religious Identification Survey)의 통계자료를 바탕으로 '미국 기독교에 도대체 어떤 일이 일어나는가'란 질문이 일기 시작했다. 여러 통계자료 중 주목할 만한 점은 '당신은 종교적(religious)이냐 영적(spiritual)이냐'는 질문에 '영적'이라고 답한 사람이 1990년에는 8%이었는데 2005년에 들어 15%로 증가했다는 데 있다. 이것은 미국 교회가 형식적 종교 형태에서 벗어나려는 움직임이 많아진다는 것을 보여준다.

그렇다면 미국 기독교는 쇠퇴하고 있는가. 나는 미국 기독교가 아닌, 미국 내 백인 기독교 공동체가 쇠퇴한다고 분석한다. 사실상, 미국 내 다양한 인종이 섞인 기독교 공동체들은 안정적으로 성장하고 있다.

미국 내 가장 크고 빠르게 성장하는 두 교단은 침례교단(남침례교, 미국침례교, 그 밖에 모든 침례교 포함)과 오순절교단이다. 침례교단의 55%는 백인이고 나머지 45%는 비백인이다. 오순절교단도 침례교단처럼 인종적으로 다양하다. 이것을 볼 때 인종적으로 다양한 교단들이 급속도로 성장하고 있다는 것을 볼 수 있다. 반면에 가장 빠르게 쇠퇴하고 있는 세 교단은 교인의 96%가 백인인 루터교단(ELCA), UMC(90% 백인), UCC(99.5% 백인)이다.

얼마전, 미국 주류 교단들과 복음주의 계열 교단들의 지도자들이 모인 컨퍼런스에 갔었다. 미국 주류 교단들은 지속적으로 매해 25%의 교인을 잃고 있다는 이야기가 나왔다. 그에 비해 복음주의 계열의 교단들은 교인 수가 안정적이었다. 하지만 이 복음주의 계열의 교단 내에서 백인 교인들의 숫자는 작아지고 비백인 교인들의 숫자가 증가하고 있었다. 결국 이러한 자료가 미국 기독교에 변화가 일어남을 암시한다. 미국 기독교는 점점 다문화적이고 다인종적으로 되어가고 있다. 이것이 미국 기독교의 현실이다.

서구, 백인 문화의 포로가 되어버린 미국 기독교

▲ 라승찬 교수가 쓴 < The Next Evangelism: Freeing the Church from Western Cultural Captivity >.이러한 인구 변동의 현실에도 불구하고 미국 기독교가 여전히 '서구, 백인 문화의 포로 상태 (Western, white cultural captivity) '에 빠져있음을 반영하고 있는 부분들은 무엇인가. 여기서 내가 말하는 '서구 백인 문화의 포로가 된 미국 기독교'란 예수 그리스도의 말씀보다는 주변 문화가 교회의 중심이 되어가고, 성서의 가치보다는 문화적 가치를 반영한다는 것을 의미한다. 현재 미국 기독교는 성서보다 서구와 백인의 문화적 가치를 더욱 반영하고 있다. 세계 기독교의 중심이 유럽에서 아프리카•아시아•남미로 전환되어 가고 있는 이 시점에 신학이 아직도 서구 백인 문화의 포로가 된 상태라면 신학의 미래는 불투명하다.

어떤 부분에서 미국 기독교가 서구 백인 문화의 포로로 붙잡혔는가. '개인주의의 과잉'에 대해 생각해보자. 대부분의 서구 철학자들은 개인주의를 강조했다. 개인의 요구와 권리를 중요하게 생각하는 개인주의는 미국 민주주의의 기초다. 어떻게 개인주의가 성서보다 미국 기독교에 더 영향을 끼치게 되었을까? 몇가지 예를 들어보자.

성서의 66권 중에서 62권 혹은 63권은 공동체를 위해 쓰여졌다. 반면, 두 권 혹은 세 권 정도(디모데서, 디도서, 빌레몬서)만이 개인에게 쓰여졌다. 이것을 염두에 둘 때 미국 교회 강단에서 얼마나 많이 개인의 삶과 성장에 대해 언급되고 있는가. 대표적 기독교 베스트셀러인 <목적이 이끄는 삶>, <잘되는 나>, <야베스의 기도>을 봐도 미국 기독교가 개인주의의 영향을 받았다는 것을 볼 수 있다.

또 다른 예를 들어보자. 많은 보수 기독교인들은 성서 전체에 빈번히 나오는 '이민자와 고아를 돌보라'는 메시지보다 '무기를 소유하라'는 메시지를 성서에서 찾으려고 애쓴다. 무기허용법을 무시하려는 것이 아니라 그들이 찾는 메시지는 성서에 없다는 말이다. 얼마나 많은 미국 복음주의자들이 전미총기협회 가입보다 미국 내의 이민자와 고아를 돌보려하는가. 이런 식의 미국 서구 백인 중심 문화에 물든 기독교는 문화를 뛰어넘는 세계 기독교와의 연대에 방해가 될 뿐이다.

마지막으로 한가지 예를 더 들어보자. 우리는 정의에 헌신하는 것이 문화적 가치가 아닌 성서적 가치라는 것을 알고 있다. 그런데 최근 몇 년 동안 "나는 정의에 헌신하겠다"라는 말이 많이 나온다. 바람직한 현상이지만 이것은 여전히 서구 백인 문화적이다. 나는 교수로서 사회정의와 가난에 관한 많은 책들과 자료들을 접하게 된다. 그 중 한 DVD 자료의 뒷면에 "가난한 자들은 항상 당신과 함께 있지 않다: 우리가 가난을 특정한 때에 끝낼 수 있는 방법"(The poor you will not always have with you: how we will end poverty within a certain time)이라고 써있었다(주: 마태복음 28:16의 "가난한 자들은 항상 너희와 있거니와"를 인용). 저자가 가지고 있는 긍정적인 의도와 가난에 대한 순수한 열정을 이해하지 않은 것은 아니지만, 그 뒤에 숨겨져 있는 '미국 승리주의'로 인해 불쾌해졌다. 어떻게 우리가, 즉 서구 미국인이 어떤 문제에 대한 정답을 가지고 있다고 가정할 수 있는가. 그리고 어떻게 성서의 본래 메시지보다 미국 승리주의를 우위에 둬 가난을 끝낼 수 있단 말인가.

나는 하나님이 가난한 사람들을 향해 우리를 부르신다는 것을 믿는다. 하지만 우리가 이것을 하나님의 지혜없이 우리 자신의 힘과 지식으로 가난과 불의라는 문제를 해결할 수 있다고 믿지 않는다. 또 미국 기독교에 대한 의존을 증가시키는 특정한 방법으로만 가난과 불의의 문제를 끝낼 수 있다고 보지도 않는다. 역사를 볼 때 이것은 군사 식민주의(military colonialism)로 나타났고 21세기에는 문화 식민주의(cultural colonialism)로 그 모습을 드러낸다. 우리는 미국 승리주의의 포로가 되어 부끄러운 역사의 실수를 반복할 셈인가.

세계화 가운데 일어나는 가난의 문제에 대한 컨퍼런스에 참여한 적이 있다. 대다수의 패널들은 백인이었고 어떻게 이 가난의 문제를 해결할 수 있는지 의논하고 있었다. 나는 아무말도 하지 않았다. 사회자가 그걸 눈치 챘는지 내게 할 말이 있는지 물었다. 나는 다음과 같이 대답했다.
"백인들은 백인들이 처음부터 만들어낸 문제를 다른 백인들에게 이야기한다. 내가 이 문제에 대해 얼마나 관심을 가져야할 지 의문이다."

찬양과 탄식의 교차점에 서라!

그렇다면 우리는 어떻게 다른 이들을 대신해 모든 문제를 해결할 수 있다고 믿는 미국 승리주의와 예외주의에서 벗어날 수 있는가. 이를 위해 성서에서 나타난 '찬양과 탄식의 교차점(the intersection of praise and lament)'에 대해 생각해보자.

요즘 나는 예레미야애가(lament)의 주석 작업을 하고 있다. 즐겁다기보단 다소 우울하고 어두운 책이다. 90년 중반 처음 교회 개척을 시작했을 때 이 예레미야애가를 가지고 설교를 했다. 그 이유는 그 당시 교인들이 많은 혜택을 받고 성장한 보스턴 근방의MIT나 하버드대학교 출신들이었기 때문이다. 그들은 예레미야애가에서 말하는 고통의 개념 혹은 그 경험조차 대해 공감하지 못했다. 그들에게 고통이란 내일 중요한 시험이 있어서 밤샘 공부를 해야하는 것 정도였다.

예레미야 애가를 보면서 내가 주목한 것은 찬양과 탄식의 이야기였다. 월터 브루거만은 그의 저서 <평화(Peace)>에서 '가진 자와 가지지 못한 자의 신학'을 논한다. 가진 자의 신학은 가지지 못한 자의 신학과 다르다.

한 예를 들어보자. 여기 노스캐롤라이나 주의 한 부유한 교회의 중고등부 모임에 방문했다고 가정하자. 16살짜리 소년에게 "천국이 어떨 것 같은가"라고 묻는다면 가진 자의 신학을 하는 그 아이는 다음과 같이 대답할 것이다. "천국은 놀랍도록 아름답고 완벽하겠죠. 여기서는 델 노트북을 가지고 있지만 천국에서는 맥북에어를 가지고 있을 거에요. 그리고 토요타가 아닌 마세라티 스포츠카를 몰고 다니겠죠." 이 아이에게, 가진 자의 신학을 하는 이에게 천국은 내가 지금 소유한 것보다 더 좋은 것을 소유할 수 있는 곳이다.

이제 수단 난민자 수용소에 있는 16살짜리 소녀에게 동일한 질문을 했다고 가정해보자. 이 아이는 가지지 못한 자의 신학을 할 것이다. 이 아이는 노스 캐롤라이나 주의 16살짜리 소년과 다르게 대답할 것이다. "천국은 지금 살고 있는 이 곳과 완전히 다를거에요. 천국은 제 부모님이 살해당하지 않는 곳이죠. 천국은 매일 밤 성폭행을 당하지 않을까 걱정할 필요가 없는 곳이에요. 천국은 음식과 물이 항상 있는 곳일 거에요."

자, 여기서 질문을 하겠다. 둘 중 누구의 답이 옳고 그른것인가. 두 대답 모두 옳다. 완벽한 천국에 대한 그림을 얻기 위해선 두 아이의 답을 경청해야 한다. 다시 말해 찬양하는 이의 이야기와 탄식하는 이의 이야기에 귀기울여야 한다. 바로 이때 찬양과 탄식의 이야기가 시작된다.

미국인이 예배에 참여하는 대부분의 방식은 찬양의 범주에 속한다. 약 10-15년 전에 한 목사가 미국 기독교의 다섯가지 대표적 예배 전통을 분석했다. 그런데 대다수의 예배 전통이 찬양에 관한 곡을 다룬데 비해, 탄식에 관한 곡들은 전무했다. 이는 곧, 찬양과 탄식을 이야기하는 성서의 통전성을 담아야 할 예배 전통이 찬양의 범주만 이야기하고 있다는 뜻이다. 그 이유는 이 찬양의 범주가 미국 승리주의를 찬동하기 때문이다.

▲ 와일드 구스 페스티벌 참석자들에게 강의하고 있는 라승찬 교수.찬양과 탄식의 조화

찬양은 하나님이 하신 일에 대해 하나님께 감사하는 것이다. 탄식은 고통 가운데 "주님, 지금 당장 우리는 당신의 도움이 필요합니다. 나의 적들을 물리쳐 주십시오"라고 고백한다. 즉, 당신이 고통 가운데 있다면 당신은 하나님께 도움과 구원, 그리고 적들을 물리쳐 달라고 탄식의 기도를 드릴 것이다. 그런데 우리가 승리로 감사할 상황에 이런 탄식의 기도를 한다면 그것은 교만이며 오만이다.

우리(미국인)는 특권의 자리에 있음에도 불구하고 시편이 부르는 탄식을 이해하려고 노력하기는커녕 찬양의 자리에서 탄식의 시편을 노래한다. 우리가 미국 승리주의와 예외주의에 의해 만들어진 시각으로 고통을 바라본다는 것은 심각한 문제다. 이런 시각으로 "우리 미국은 축복받은 민족이고 나라며 공동체다. 그러므로 우리가 다른 이들을 축복해야 한다"라고 말한다. 여기에 어느 정도의 진실성이 있겠지만 예외주의의 이면이 존재한다. 그리고 우리가 뭔가를 옳게 했기 때문에 축복을 받았다는 의식이 자리잡으면서 되풀이하고 또 다른 이들에게 전달한다.

오늘 우리에게 주어진 도전은 '어떻게 미국 승리주의와 예외주의의 이야기 속에 찬양과 탄식의 이야기를 가져올 수 있는가'이다. 우리가 여기 서구에서 어떤 일을 하고 열심히 생각하며 서구의 모든 물자들을 동원하면 모든 문제들을 해결할 수 있다는 식은 '미국 승리주의적 언어'다.

마지막으로 내 이름에 얽힌 이야기로 이 시간을 마치려고 한다. 내 이름은 서구 이름은 아니다. 한국계 미국 이름이다. 내 이름이 원래는 'Sung-Chan'으로 표기되었다. 중학교 시절에 'Sung'보다는 'Soong'이 발음상 더 정확하다고 생각해 'Soong'으로 사용하기 시작했다. 내가 스무살이 되어 미국 시민권을 딸 때 이름을 바꿀 기회가 있었다. 그래서 존이나 에릭이 아닌 'Soong-Chan'으로 변경해 달라고 했다. 이 이야기를 나누는 이유는 나에게 내 이름과 정체성을 지킬 수 있는 선택의 자유가 있었다는 것이다. 'Soong-Chan'은 하나님이 내게 주신 이름이고 정체성이다.

미국의 역사를 보자. 하나님이 주신 이름과 정체성이 찢겨진 자들(인디언들과 노예로 끌려온 흑인들: 기자 주)이 있지 않은가. 내겐 내 이름과 정체성을 지킬 권리가 주어졌지만 그들은 그들 고유의 문화와 이야기들, 정체성과 이름을 빼앗기고 그들의 것이 아닌 다른 것이 그들에게 강요됐다. 너무 자주 우리는 과거를 망각한 채 흑인, 동양인, 히스패닉, 백인이 함께 지내는 것을 찬양한다. 그러나 우리는 탄식의 이야기로 들어가야 한다. 우리가 역사에서 잃어버린 것들에 대해 탄식해야 한다. 이러한 탄식 없이는 우리는 미국 승리주의와 예외주의를 계속해서 반복할 것이다. 그렇다면 당신이 들어가야 할 탄식의 자리는 어디인가.

글 · 라승찬 교수(노스파크신학교) /
번역 · 윤영석 기자

라승찬다른기사 보기
관련기사'야생 기러기들, 니들이 희망이다''서구 중심 선교 유통기한 지났다'이머징 교회는 백인들만의 것인가?'미국 교회 쇠퇴'라고 소수민족 이민 교회까지?

댓글 2댓글입력
요한 2011-07-27 11:49:30
더보기좋은 글 올려주셔서 감사합니다!답글쓰기
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새길교회 2011-07-21 14:20:18
더보기"나교수의 한글명칭은 "승찬"입니다. 제가 본인과 직접 대화 중에 확인했습니다.
지난 7월 8-13일에 크리스천교회(제자회)--Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)--총회가 있었는데, 그 중 일부에 강사로 왔었습니다.
그 강연이 저희교회 웹사이트에 mp3 파일로 올려져 있습니다. 관심있는 분들은 한 번 들어볼만한 내용입니다.

From, “The Psychopathic Racial Personality” by Dr. Bobby E. Wright | Facebook

From, “The Psychopathic Racial Personality” by Dr. Bobby E. Wright | Facebook

From, “The Psychopathic Racial Personality” by Dr. Bobby E. Wright


From, “The Psychopathic Racial Personality” by Dr. Bobby E. Wright
This presentation is based upon the following very simple premise: in their relationship with the Black race, Europeans (Whites) are psychopaths and their behavior reflects an underlying biologically transmitted proclivity with roots deep in their evolutionary history. The psychopath is an individual who is constantly in conflict with other persons or groups. He is unable to experience guilt, is completely selfish and callous, and has total disregard for the rights of other. This premise is supported by overwhelming scientific evidence (Delaney, 1968; Du Bois, 1896: Fanon, 1963; Garvey, 1967; Welsing, 1991; Williams, 1971).
There is a scientific dictum which states, “everything that exists, exists in some amount and if it exists, it can be measured.” One of the best methods that can be used to measure the psychopathic traits of the White race is observing and analyzing their universal overt behaviors and attitudes toward Blacks. However, in so doing, since Blacks have been enslaved and colonized by Whites, a very subtle psychological problem is posed of which every Black should be aware—intellectual insight about Whites does not insure that there will be a corresponding change in Blacks’ behavior and attitude toward Whites, particularly when there is a threat involved.
For example, everywhere one finds Whites and Blacks in close proximity to each other, whether it is Chicago or Zimbabwe, the Whites are in control. Yet Blacks rarely question this extraordinary universal phenomenon which defies every known statistical law of probability. In fact, Blacks denounce those who simply raise this question with admonitions such as “we should not be racists and treat them as they have treated us.” In fact, Whites are not going to allow Blacks to treat them as they have treated Blacks, so that requires no discussion.
However, the subject of Black racism should be discussed. A functional definition of racism could be, “the oppression and exploitation of people because of their race.” Using this definition, it is very clear at this point in time Blacks cannot be racists because of their lack of power to oppress anybody (Whites, Indians, Chinese, etc.). (Pages 2-3)
Black scientists generally rationalize their investigations as proof to White scientists that Blacks can be “scientifically objective.” On the subject of objectivity on science, this author agrees with Dr. Jacob Carruthers (1972), who, in his brilliant essay “Science and Oppression,” states that “science is not objective nor is it neutral.” A Black scientist who moves outside the psychopath’s “approved course of study” takes the chance of being labeled unscientific, emotional, biased,” etc. Additionally, funds are only available to Black scientists who support the approved course of study—themselves. Many very competent Black students who are naïve about “White scientific inquiry” are flunked out of schools because of their insistence on studying the etymology of Black problems—the psychopaths—rather than the effect. Black students must be taught that White educational institutions are the matador’s cape that protects Whites from Black scientific inquiry which would expose an unthinkable depth of psychopathology. … Behavioral scientists generally agree that the outstanding characteristics of the psychopathic personality are the almost complete absence of ethical or moral development and an almost total disregard for appropriate patterns of behavior. This characteristic has led to a misunderstanding of the psychopath as someone who does not know the difference between right and wrong. This belief is not true; psychopaths simply ignore the concept of right and wrong. By ignoring this trait in the White race (the lack of ethical and moral development) Blacks have made and are still making a tragic mistake in basing the wordwide Black liberation movement on moral suasion. It is pathological for Blacks to keep attempting to use moral suasion on a people who have no morality where race is the variable. (Pages 3-5)

understanding the Indigenous mind |

Three must reads for understanding the Indigenous mind
3 October 2013 at 07:45

Columbus and other Cannibals:
The We’tico Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism and Terrorism
By Jack D. Forbes

Forward by Derrick Jensen

From the book jacket: “American Indian thinker Jack Forbes’s Columbus and other Cannibals was one of the founding texts of the anti-civilization movement when it was first published in 1978. 
His history of terrorism, genocide and ecocide told from a Native American point of view has continued to inspire America’s most influential activists for decades….this radical critique of modern “civilized” lifestyle is more vital now than ever before. “

Thinking In Indian: A John Mohawk Reader
Edited by Jose Barreiro

From the book jacket: “These essays, produced and published over thirty years, are prescient in the prophetic tradition yet thoroughly current. They reflect consistent engagement in Native events and issues and deliver a profoundly indigenous analysis of modern existence. 

Native sovereignty, cultural roots and worldview, land and treaty rights, globalization impacts and mitigation, spiritual formulations and fundamental human wisdom coalesce to provide a genuinely indigenous perspective on current events.”


The State of Native America: Genocide, Colonization and Resistance
Edited by M. Annett Jaimes

From the book jacket: “500 years after Columbus’s ‘discovery’ of America, the indigenous people of the Western hemisphere continue to feel the effects of the European invasion. This collection of essays by noted American Indian authors and activists explores the circumstances confronted by native people in the contemporary United States. 

 Topics discussed include 
  • treaty rights, and 
  • international status, 
  • demography, 
  • land and fishing rights, 
  • self-governance, 
  • identity, 
  • relationship to feminism, 
  • education, 
  • militarization, 
  • art and literature, 
  • spiritual hucksterism, 
  • the case of Leonard Peltier, 
  • resource development and uranium contamination on reservations, 
  • religious freedom and 
  • socio-cultural implications of the Columbus Quincentenary celebration."

Contributors include Ward Churchill, Vine Deloria, Jr., Jimmie Durham, Marianna Guerrero, Theresa Halsey, Tom Holm, Evelyn Hu-DeHart, the Institute for National Progress, M. Annette Jaimes, Winona La Duke, Phil Lane, Jr., John Mohawk, Glenn T. Morris, Jorge Noriega, Rebecca Robbins, Wendy Rose, Lenore Stiffarm, Jim Vander Wall, and DeLinda Wunder.


5Margaret Farmer, H Saron Daníel Anglon-Coleman and 3 others

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Jason Corwin Yes. Three of my faves!
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David Moorman I've read all three and recommend them to anyone interest in Native American life.
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Gayre Christie Where are they available?
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David Moorman I'm quite sure they're available at Amazon, but if you'd rather avoid the Big A, you could try Powells Books or Alibris.
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The Aboriginal Worldview and Christian History: Excerpts from GOD is RED | Facebook

The Aboriginal Worldview and Christian History: Excerpts from GOD is RED | Facebook

The Aboriginal Worldview and Christian History: Excerpts from GOD is RED

The Aboriginal Worldview and Christian History: Excerpts from GOD is RED
by Vine Deloria, Jr.  (Pub. 1973)

The simple story of mankind growing out of the Garden of Eden and populating the world might have been sufficient for all men in their own times. The world did not remain as the early prophets conceived it.  Bt 300 BC Alexander the Great had shown the Near Eastern peoples the wonders of India. Explorations by Europeans over a 1,000-years period indicated that the globe was much larger than the writer of Genesis had figured. Columbus demonstrated that it was indeed a globe.

The trauma of discovery of the New World for the Christian theologians was immense. It had not yet been adequately understood by then.  What were devout thinkers to make of the existence of millions of people living on lands larger than Europe? What was their status with respect to Christianity—the one true religion? Did God have a purpose for these people?  Could Jesus return until all these nations had been preached the Gospel?  What was the responsibility of God’s chosen nations in the face of this revelation of the tremendous scope of mankind?

The reaction of the Christian nations to the Discovery of the New World and its potential riches was one of unmitigated greed.  Having been repulsed by the Muslims in their effort to subjugate the Near East, and nearly prostrated after the wars to establish the divine right monarchies, the kings of Europe badly needed an inexhaustible source of income to maintain themselves. Visualizing a steady stream of wealth from the Indies, which would allow them to avoid giving benefits to the rising commercial classes in return for financial support to the Crown, the heads of European states saw in the New World the only hope of maintaining themselves.

The Christian Church was even more eager to exploit the new lands. Its political power beginning to wane with the rise of strong European political leaders, the Christian Church saw a means of directing the invasion of the new lands by placing its imprimatur on exploitation, in effect thus taking a percentage of the loot in return for blessing the enterprise. In 1493 Pope Alexander VI issued his Inter Certa bull, which laid down the basic Christian attitude toward the New World.  “Among other works well pleasing to the Divine Majesty and cherished of our heart, this assuredly ranks highest, that in our times especially the Catholic faith and Christian religion be exalted and everywhere increased and spread, that the health of souls be cared for and that barbarous nations be overthrown and brought to the faith itself.”

What this pious language meant in practical terms was if confiscation of lands were couched in quasi-religious sentiments, the nations of Europe could proceed.  In an immensely practical gesture the Pope noted that he did thereby “give, grant, and assign forever to you and your heirs and successors, kings of Castile and Leon, all singular the aforesaid countries and islands … hitherto discovered … and to be discovered … together with all their dominions, cities, camps, places and villages, and all rights, jurisdictions, and appurtenances of the same.”
The lands and villages were not, of course, the Pope’s to give, unless the understanding of the universe, history, and the planet promulgated by Christianity were correct. If that were the case then it would have followed that, that the entire planet being a franchise of the Holy Father, he could distribute it to whomever he found in need of rewarding. Regardless of the later totally secular exploitations of the native peoples conducted by the secular governments of Europe, this papal bull of 1493 marked the attitude of Christianity toward peoples it had not previously thought to exist.

The controversy over the place of newly discovered natives continued to rage, however, as more information on the New World was made available to the people of Europe.  The Treaty of Tordesillas in the following year [1494] divided South America neatly between Spain and Portugal, allowing each primacy over portions of the continent which neither had explored or conquered. Plainly the Pope was supervising not the divinely ordered division of the world’s lands but national hunting licenses for rape and pillage.

The status of native peoples around the globe was firmly cemented by the intervention of Christianity into the political affairs of exploration and colonization.  They were regarded as not having ownership of their lands, but as merely existing on them at the pleasure of the Christian God who had now given them to the nations of Europe.  Upon encountering a tribe or nation of native peoples, the Spanish used to read their Requirement, which basically recited the Christian interpretation of history beginning with the Garden of Eden and ending with the Pope enthroned in Rome.  The natives were then asked to pledge their allegiance to the pope and the king of Spain. Failing to surrender to Christianity and the expanding Spanish empire meant that it was then legal and an act of religious piety for the Europeans to wage war to wrest the lands from the people.  [Let’s not forget that no natives understood Spanish at that time.]

Again the use of Christian doctrines served to justify the actions of Christian nations. For centuries Christian theologians debated the conception of the nature of the “just war,” in much the same manner as Protestant theologians debate the morality of killing people trying to get in your home bomb shelter during an atomic attack back in the days when America was paranoid over Russian missile attacks.  The natives refusing to accept the gospel were thus made subjects of the just Christian war, since they had refused to accept truth which had been revealed some 1,500 years before.

As exploration and colonization continued, the debate expanded about the native peoples and their rights. The only available philosophical system purporting to explain the world of daily events was that of Aristotle, who had once divided mankind into men and slaves. The anti-Indian theologians relied heavily upon Aristotelian thinking to support their thesis that natives could be enslaved. Even pro-native theologians admitted that the natives should be subjected to force until they were converted to the true faith.

In 1526 Francisco de Vitorio at Salamanca attacked the use of Aristotle to deny Indians of the New World their rights to property and liberty. Vitorio denied the right of the Christians to convert the natives forcibly, since he was aware of the mistreatment that had been the lot of the natives resisting conversion.  But he justified conquest of the natives and their lands on the basis of Christian trade rights, finding that God had intended all nations to trade with one another. Any nation or group that prevented trade could then be conquered so that uninhibited trade might continue.  [think NAFTA, and TPP] Preventive conquest to protect commercial rights was then the basis on which the Spanish and Portuguese made complete their mastery of the new lands and their peoples.

By the time other European nations got into the business of discovering lands and peoples in the western Hemisphere, the struggle for recognition of native legal rights had for all practical purposes vanished. The European nations were more concerned with their wars for control of distant lands than they were in acknowledging the rights of the peoples over whom they asserted control. The doctrine that the pope had been given total control over the planet by God was soon secularized into justification for European nations, definitively Christian, to conquer and subdue the peoples of the lands which they entered. Once the doctrine became secularized, it was impossible for anyone to question its validity; its impact was obvious, and the results were satisfactory to European political heads of state.  [The Doctrine of Discovery]

Gradually, then, the colonizing European powers began to define their rights with respect to other nations of non-Christian peoples. The natives had rights to occupy the lands on which they had traditionally lived, until such time as those lands were needed by the invading Europeans. At that time the Europeans could extinguish the natives’ title by purchase or conquest. With respect to each other,  the European nations respected the claims of the nation that first explored new lands and had sufficient military power to protect its claim.  With respect to the natives who happened to occupy the lands, they were completely at the mercy of the claiming Christian nation.

The wars for control of the North American continent saw the claims of the various European nations dwindle as England consistently defeated the other nations and succeeded to their claims as each gave up its territory on the continent as part of the peace terms. While European wars raged between England and France, Spain, Holland, and other countries, the natives’ legal rights were bounced back and forth as concessions made in wars that had little to do with the people of the continent.  England had no sooner achieved dominance in North America than the English colonists revolted against the mother country. Aided by France, which was still smarting over the defeat handed them by England a decade before, they succeeded in freeing themselves from England.

Almost the first claim put forth by the new nation after the successful break with England was that the colonies had succeeded to the claims made by the mother country under the Doctrine of Discovery.  The United States was therefore under no obligation to deal justly with the continent’s interior tribes.  Rather it stood well within the tradition of Christian nations that had previously looted Central and South America and were then in the process of conquering India and Africa.  The basic policy of the United States government became one of tentative recognition of the Indian interest in the land combined with the assertion that the lands could be taken from the people at any time they were needed by the federal government.

This story is not simply that of the American Indians, however, since the history of Christian nations around the globe has been less than religious. England and France fought titanic struggles for control of the Indian subcontinent, for parts of Africa, and for trade rights in North Africa and Asia. As late as the First World War the nations of the planet were being given to dominant European nations as League of Nations “mandates” and “protectorates,” and colonialism has still not vanished. It now shows itself as the American political crusade against Communism, [today this would be terrorism] or as the operational results of the giant supranational corporations of Western peoples.

The responsibility of Christianity for this state of affairs must certainly be heavy.  Without the initial Christian doctrines giving Europeans free reign over the rest of the world, much of the exploitation would not have occurred. It was only when people were able to combine Western greed with religious fanaticism that the type and extent of exploitation that history has recorded was made possible.  Even today the Christian missionaries search the jungles of the Amazon looking for Indian tribes to convert. In their wake come the professional killers to exterminate the tribes, and following them the government bureaucracies and road builders to subdue the lands of the interior for world commerce.

In almost every generation trade and conversion for religious purposes have gone hand in hand to destroy nations of the world on behalf of Western commercial interests and Christianity. Where the cross goes, there is never life more abundantly—only death, destruction and ultimate betrayal.

The average Christian when hearing the disasters wreaked on aboriginal peoples by his religion and its adherents is quick to state: “But the people who did those things were not really Christians.”  In point of fact they really are Christians. In their day they enjoyed all the benefits and prestige Christendom could confer. They were cheered as heroes of the faith, enduring hardships that a Christian society might be built on the ruins of pagan villages. They were featured in Sunday school lessons as saints of the Christian Church. Cities, rivers, mountains and seas were named after them.

And if the exploiters of old were not Christians, why did not the true Christians rise up in defiance of the derogation of their religious heritage and faith? If Pierre Trudeau is today not a Christian in his attitudes toward the Indians of Canada, where are the Christians in Canada who prophetically denounce his actions?  If the leaders of the Brazilian government are not Christians, where are the Christians coming forth to disclaim their actions?  If exploitation of the Amazon for commercial purposes by American investors results in the un-Christian activity of poisoning thousands of Indians, why are not the true Christians demanding the resignations of the heads of American corporations supporting Amazon development?

T this point in the clash between Western industrialism and the planet’s aboriginal peoples we find little or no voice coming from the true Christians to prevent continued exploitation. Instead we find rhetorical assertions that the Christian God is controlling history and fulfilling His divine plan for all mankind. In the face of world events this assertion is fraudulent at best, an insult to the intelligence of mankind at worst.  It is time to call a halt to the unchallenged assumptions of the Christian conception of history.

We have already seen a multitude of tears fall over the demise of Dee Brown’s Indians, [Burt My Heart at Wounded Knee] without a corresponding change in attitude or treatment of American Indians.  Further confession of sins is useless and avoids the central question of history: Why must man repeat past mistakes?  Being guilty for remote sins is easy, accepting responsibilities for current and future sins is difficult. It is this contemporary attitude toward aboriginal peoples that must be changed rather than compensation for past wrongs.

Christians must disclaim the use of history as a weapon of conquest today.  In doing so they must support the fight of the aboriginal peoples wherever it exists. They must demand new status for natives and around the planet. They must demand protection of natives and their lands, cultures, and religions.

The present state of affairs cannot conceivably be justified.  It cannot be justified at least religiously, and one must conclude then that in Christianity mankind has at best been deluded. While the religion appears to give comfort and solace to people in all ages, its resultant impact on the world as a whole has been anything but comforting.  It has been used by its followers to justify their most dastardly deeds, and it has focused our concern on the life hereafter, so that we have refused to believe what our experiences tell us to be true. We must now undertake to find a more profound explanation for ourselves and the planet on which we live.

The planet was not given to the pope, and his subsequent division of it to his favorite European kings may have ultimately been illegal in the most fundamental sense of the term.  Present unhampered exploitation of lands and peoples of the world by post-Christian supranational corporations may have been the logical result of Western history, but it does not have to be its final result.