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understanding the Indigenous mind |

Three must reads for understanding the Indigenous mind
3 October 2013 at 07:45

Columbus and other Cannibals:
The We’tico Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism and Terrorism
By Jack D. Forbes

Forward by Derrick Jensen

From the book jacket: “American Indian thinker Jack Forbes’s Columbus and other Cannibals was one of the founding texts of the anti-civilization movement when it was first published in 1978. 
His history of terrorism, genocide and ecocide told from a Native American point of view has continued to inspire America’s most influential activists for decades….this radical critique of modern “civilized” lifestyle is more vital now than ever before. “

Thinking In Indian: A John Mohawk Reader
Edited by Jose Barreiro

From the book jacket: “These essays, produced and published over thirty years, are prescient in the prophetic tradition yet thoroughly current. They reflect consistent engagement in Native events and issues and deliver a profoundly indigenous analysis of modern existence. 

Native sovereignty, cultural roots and worldview, land and treaty rights, globalization impacts and mitigation, spiritual formulations and fundamental human wisdom coalesce to provide a genuinely indigenous perspective on current events.”


The State of Native America: Genocide, Colonization and Resistance
Edited by M. Annett Jaimes

From the book jacket: “500 years after Columbus’s ‘discovery’ of America, the indigenous people of the Western hemisphere continue to feel the effects of the European invasion. This collection of essays by noted American Indian authors and activists explores the circumstances confronted by native people in the contemporary United States. 

 Topics discussed include 
  • treaty rights, and 
  • international status, 
  • demography, 
  • land and fishing rights, 
  • self-governance, 
  • identity, 
  • relationship to feminism, 
  • education, 
  • militarization, 
  • art and literature, 
  • spiritual hucksterism, 
  • the case of Leonard Peltier, 
  • resource development and uranium contamination on reservations, 
  • religious freedom and 
  • socio-cultural implications of the Columbus Quincentenary celebration."

Contributors include Ward Churchill, Vine Deloria, Jr., Jimmie Durham, Marianna Guerrero, Theresa Halsey, Tom Holm, Evelyn Hu-DeHart, the Institute for National Progress, M. Annette Jaimes, Winona La Duke, Phil Lane, Jr., John Mohawk, Glenn T. Morris, Jorge Noriega, Rebecca Robbins, Wendy Rose, Lenore Stiffarm, Jim Vander Wall, and DeLinda Wunder.


5Margaret Farmer, H Saron Daníel Anglon-Coleman and 3 others

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Jason Corwin Yes. Three of my faves!
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David Moorman I've read all three and recommend them to anyone interest in Native American life.
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Gayre Christie Where are they available?
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David Moorman I'm quite sure they're available at Amazon, but if you'd rather avoid the Big A, you could try Powells Books or Alibris.
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