Friday, December 27, 2019

From, “The Psychopathic Racial Personality” by Dr. Bobby E. Wright | Facebook

From, “The Psychopathic Racial Personality” by Dr. Bobby E. Wright | Facebook

From, “The Psychopathic Racial Personality” by Dr. Bobby E. Wright


From, “The Psychopathic Racial Personality” by Dr. Bobby E. Wright
This presentation is based upon the following very simple premise: in their relationship with the Black race, Europeans (Whites) are psychopaths and their behavior reflects an underlying biologically transmitted proclivity with roots deep in their evolutionary history. The psychopath is an individual who is constantly in conflict with other persons or groups. He is unable to experience guilt, is completely selfish and callous, and has total disregard for the rights of other. This premise is supported by overwhelming scientific evidence (Delaney, 1968; Du Bois, 1896: Fanon, 1963; Garvey, 1967; Welsing, 1991; Williams, 1971).
There is a scientific dictum which states, “everything that exists, exists in some amount and if it exists, it can be measured.” One of the best methods that can be used to measure the psychopathic traits of the White race is observing and analyzing their universal overt behaviors and attitudes toward Blacks. However, in so doing, since Blacks have been enslaved and colonized by Whites, a very subtle psychological problem is posed of which every Black should be aware—intellectual insight about Whites does not insure that there will be a corresponding change in Blacks’ behavior and attitude toward Whites, particularly when there is a threat involved.
For example, everywhere one finds Whites and Blacks in close proximity to each other, whether it is Chicago or Zimbabwe, the Whites are in control. Yet Blacks rarely question this extraordinary universal phenomenon which defies every known statistical law of probability. In fact, Blacks denounce those who simply raise this question with admonitions such as “we should not be racists and treat them as they have treated us.” In fact, Whites are not going to allow Blacks to treat them as they have treated Blacks, so that requires no discussion.
However, the subject of Black racism should be discussed. A functional definition of racism could be, “the oppression and exploitation of people because of their race.” Using this definition, it is very clear at this point in time Blacks cannot be racists because of their lack of power to oppress anybody (Whites, Indians, Chinese, etc.). (Pages 2-3)
Black scientists generally rationalize their investigations as proof to White scientists that Blacks can be “scientifically objective.” On the subject of objectivity on science, this author agrees with Dr. Jacob Carruthers (1972), who, in his brilliant essay “Science and Oppression,” states that “science is not objective nor is it neutral.” A Black scientist who moves outside the psychopath’s “approved course of study” takes the chance of being labeled unscientific, emotional, biased,” etc. Additionally, funds are only available to Black scientists who support the approved course of study—themselves. Many very competent Black students who are naïve about “White scientific inquiry” are flunked out of schools because of their insistence on studying the etymology of Black problems—the psychopaths—rather than the effect. Black students must be taught that White educational institutions are the matador’s cape that protects Whites from Black scientific inquiry which would expose an unthinkable depth of psychopathology. … Behavioral scientists generally agree that the outstanding characteristics of the psychopathic personality are the almost complete absence of ethical or moral development and an almost total disregard for appropriate patterns of behavior. This characteristic has led to a misunderstanding of the psychopath as someone who does not know the difference between right and wrong. This belief is not true; psychopaths simply ignore the concept of right and wrong. By ignoring this trait in the White race (the lack of ethical and moral development) Blacks have made and are still making a tragic mistake in basing the wordwide Black liberation movement on moral suasion. It is pathological for Blacks to keep attempting to use moral suasion on a people who have no morality where race is the variable. (Pages 3-5)

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