Sunday, July 28, 2024

Pearls and Irritations – Public policy journal Search Clive Hamilton

Pearls and Irritations – Public policy journal

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Does China matter any more?
ABC Four Corners Power and Influence (2017); Clive Hamilton’s book Silent Invasion (2018); Nine Network4 July 2024

Why are Liberals trashing relations with WA’s biggest export customer?
2018 “yellow peril” book Silent Invasion by Clive Hamilton, who claimed without evidence that 20 per cent25 Mar 2024

The price of irresponsibility: irrational fear
The irresponsibility began with Clive Hamilton’s ‘Silent Invasion: China’s Influence in Australia’26 June 2023

Sleepers, wake!
these research and advisory bodies are many, as Clive Hamilton explains in his memoir Provocateur (2022) where12 Jan 2023

The Turnbull and Morrison governments and the breakdown in Australia’s relations with China
Affairs, 9 March 2018). The eccentric academic Clive Hamilton joined in with his Silent Invasion: China’s ... minions in the Murdoch media happily repeated Hamilton’s cranky thesis, despite the contentiousness on27 July 2022

Australia's clumsy retreat from Asia will prove costly
of student organisations. In 2018 academic Clive Hamilton published a book, Silent Invasion, alleging29 Dec 2021

Knowledge, skill and flexibility is missing in Australia's response to China's rise
a low-level media campaign, beginning with Clive Hamilton, and driven by people who were ‘'waking up'’10 Oct 2021

ASPI has us trapped in the ice
and Hartcher led the media charge, Academic Clive Hamilton spelt out the danger faced by universities18 May 2021

Group of Eight universities concede to ASIO, restrict vital research engagement with China
Consider Clive Hamilton’s claim in Silent Invasion that the presence9 Apr 2021

What would US-China war really mean?
Nevertheless another of the cold warriors, Clive Hamilton claims that the United States is not going ... Hamilton conveniently forgets Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam7 Apr 2021

The “Chinese” are a very diverse group.

ideas about it. BTW, I think you mean Clive Hamilton, not Clive Cameron (see third para.) cheers.10 Mar 2021

ASPI, sycophancy and the deepening corruption of Australia’s strategic mindset

this is fuelled by some academic discourse ala Clive Hamilton and his coterie of admirers and supporters8 Mar 2021

China stands ready as the West fails its own test of moral leadership

comprising mostly of speakers from the extremities - Clive Hamilton and a Chinese Professor and close admirer of3 Mar 2021

What is the Japanese Embassy in Canberra up to?

Only ones I know have been banned are Clive Hamilton and the Australian Strategic Policy Institute's19 Feb 2021

How ping pong brought Australia and China together: a story from 1971

I note in Clive Hamilton's book Silent Invasion, he also accepts the28 Jan 2021

Pompeo and Blinken are wrong: China is not committing genocide in Xinjiang

international origin, academics other than Clive Hamilton, foreign affairs experts, and more independent25 Jan 2021

China-Australia trade conflict is not all China’s doing

Previously he also wrote a review on Clive Hamilton's "Silent Invasion" where he points out the22 Jan 2021

What should Australia want from a Biden National Security Strategy? Avoiding war in Asia

perhaps has one competitor for that title in Clive Hamilton whose classic work "Affluenza" which is defined20 Jan 2021

Media in the Asian Century. An Australian anti-China hawk helped draft US Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific
of Treasury's foreign investment division, Tom Hamilton, has a defence background. Treasury officials ... to heel, warned academic turned spy-catcher Clive Hamilton. “…some of the leaders of the industries being
to heel, warned academic turned spy-catcher Clive Hamilton. “…some of the leaders of the industries being15 Jan 2021

US allies may tempt fate in South China Sea

even being on the CCP's payroll, just like Clive Hamilton does or the head of the ASPI Peter Jennings3 Jan 2021

Australia, Sovereignty: the long and short of it

China, and for that we are called (thanks to Clive Hamilton) CCP sympathisers, China apologists, and even2 Jan 2021

Can we find common ground on China? (Canberra Times Dec 21, 2020)

and it is the same problem that people like Clive Hamilton face: it demeans him as an academic to use27 Dec 2020

Media in the Asian Century: Read all about our media expertise on China!
public ethics academic and China specialist” Clive Hamilton and ASPI head Peter Jennings. Another was the18 Dec 2020

We have already ceded our sovereignty, not to China but to America for no good reason.

dressed up as “news”. We hear Peter Jennings, Clive Hamilton etc. repeatedly on the news and we read their17 Dec 2020

What’s old is new again: Problems of the past and the future in Australia-China relations
In the words of its most vocal proponent, Clive Hamilton, China is bent on nothing less than a ‘silent13 Dec 2020

How Australia sabotaged its own interests in relations with China.
mainstream rebuttal of Hamilton’s views, then considered extreme: ... ‘Perhaps Hamilton’s book is a useful reminder ... Clive Hamilton’s notorious attack on China, ‘Silent Invasion’6 Dec 2020

What’s behind China’s bullying of Australia? It sees a soft target — and an essential one (The Conversation Dec 2, 2020)

Chinese intentions are malign, much like the Clive Hamilton thesis, and proceeds aggressively from there6 Dec 2020

Exaggerated threats and contrived military strategies: a response to Jon Stanford

I stopped reading at Clive Hamilton. If thats you source heaven help us.3 Nov 2020

Cui Bono from the decline in Australia/China relations?
they are not aware of their collaboration (Clive Hamilton on Jocelyn Chey as an example). In particular7 Oct 2020

Australian media in the Asian Century
journalism, the Global Times, on author-academic Clive Hamilton and ASPI researcher Alex Joske, both strident ... universities, Chen Hong and Li Jianjun. Neither Hamilton nor Joske were likely to venture into China.25 Sept 2020

Driving in the dark in our conflict with China
justification, whether from Malcolm Turnbull, Clive Hamilton or Peter Hartcher, is that we need to assert18 Sept 2020

ASIO is a Mickey Mouse outfit compromising 50 years of diplomacy with China

Presumably, this nonsense is ripped from Clive Hamilton's fantasies. There is no evidence that the Chinese16 Sept 2020

Sino-Australian media ‘cold war’ on ice
allocated space to prominent Sinophobe Professor Clive Hamilton, giving his latest book a plug and quoting
Fueled by the influence of John Garnaut and Clive Hamilton and avoidance of people with longer perspective14 Sept 2020

Media in the Asian Century. Tit for tat for journalists.
academic Feng Chongyi, a critic of Beijing, and Clive Hamilton, author of two books raising a shrill alarm
It follows on from the bias of people like Clive Hamilton who reflect similar views.11 Sept 2020

Australian Media in the Asian Century
announcement. The usual suspects – Andrew Hastie, Clive Hamilton etc – applauded.28 Aug 2020

Exposing the Hidden Hand
happened with Clive Hamilton’s 2018 book Silent Invasion: China’s Influence in Australia. Hamilton, until then ... Clive Hamilton’s new book Hidden Hand: "Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World"7 Aug 2020

Issues with the Chinese diaspora’s political participation
many public and media commentators, such as Clive Hamilton (Silent Invasion) and Peter Hartcher (the Quarterly19 July 2020

Saturday’s good reading and listening for the weekend
ANU, reviews the recently published book by Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg Hidden hand: exposing how18 July 2020

Book Review: "Hidden Hand" – Exposing how the Chinese communist party is reshaping the world (The Conversation 10.7.20)
In Hidden Hand, China scholars Clive Hamilton and Marieke Ohlberg examine the Chinese Communist Party’s ... Europe and North America in a similar way to how Hamilton dissected the CCP’s influence in Australia in16 July 2020

Media in the Asian Century
and later helped Australia Institute founder Clive Hamilton write his contentious book Silent Invasion19 June 2020

We may be stuck in our bigotry. Urgent change on many fronts needed

half truth from the likes of John Garnaut and Clive Hamilton. I wonder have you personally been to China15 June 2020

MARK BEESON. The PRC is getting harder to like, but so is the US
of which was sparked by the publication of Clive Hamilton’s book, The Silent Invasion in 2018. In such5 June 2020

PAUL PERVERSI. Understanding anti-China Bias and other prejudices

I wonder whether a contribution from Clive Hamilton in P&I would be a helpful addition to the discussion22 May 2020

CHEK LING. Unleashing the White Australia virus

the debate and critics like Peter Hartcher, Clive Hamilton (and yours truly) were outliers.20 May 2020

JUSTIN O'CONNOR. The domestic agenda for Australia’s anti-China rhetoric
Chinese markets. Hawks like Peter Hartcher and Clive Hamilton dismiss this position as morally craven – a ... xenophobia is sometimes in play (most especially Clive Hamilton) I think the heart of this response lies elsewhere
about them that remind me of Peter Dutton. Clive Hamilton just seems to have had bats pulled over his18 May 2020

PAUL MALONE. The anti-Chinese bias of media commentators on China
Take for example Dr Clive Hamilton’s statement commenting on tensions with China ... Clive apparently has forgotten that it was the United
In reply to Clive Hamilton on Taiwan and Vietnam.13 May 2020

WILLIAM BRIGGS. What Drives Peter Hartcher

only obsessive anti-Chinese commentator. Take Clive Hamilton's comment last night ( 5 May) on SBS that :5 May 2020

JOCELYN CHEY: Turbo Charge or Tough It Out? The New Board for the Foundation for Australia-China Relations

grateful that Prof Fitzgerald is the Chair and not Clive Hamilton. Submission for the formation of NFACR was4 Mar 2020

What should Australia do about its politics being too white? (China Matters 25.2.2020)
worse by unverified claims, such as those by Clive Hamilton that preselected candidates of Chinese ethnicity27 Feb 2020

KERRY BROWN and EMMA LUO. Degrees of espionage(Chatham House/The World today 13.2.2020)
freedom of speech. The Australian academic Clive Hamilton even goes as far as describing the Chinese ... We are not, as Hamilton declares, dealing with people who are brainwashed
Malcolm Crout's observations as "acceptance" pf Hamilton's somewhat simplistic claim. His words: "They may21 Feb 2020

WANNING SUN. Australia’s nation-building must start re-imagining Chinese-Australians as part of the ‘national self’, not the nation’s ‘internal Other

playing identity politics to be sympathetic to Clive Hamilton's argument that there's a clash of political18 Feb 2020

Coal! Coal! Coal! for Australia, as bushfires and denial greet Olympic year (Reneweconomy 13.1.2020)
the psychological walls of denial,” writes Clive Hamilton, professor of public ethics at Charles Sturt ... As Hamilton notes, the hope was that the bushfires that have15 Jan 2020

JAMES CURRAN Our China panic is stepping into the world of paranoia (AFR 10.12.2019)
it: the leaders being Garnaut and academic Clive Hamilton with their evidence before US Congressional12 Dec 2019

YINGJIE GUO. China finding its place in the world.

that has been demonstrated spectacularly by Clive Hamilton and John Garnaut). These fears are fed variously5 Dec 2019

WILLIAM BRIGGS Lessons in how to hate China
Australian-Chinese community were first accused, by Clive Hamilton, of being potential ‘fifth columnists’ and4 Dec 2019

JOHN FITZGERALD. Reply to Bob Carr
I don’t speak for Clive Hamilton either as he is perfectly capable of representing ... journalists like John Garnaut and academics such as Clive Hamilton. Playing the race card against serious commentators
I haven’t read C Hamilton’s book, but I wonder what the reference to “Chinese21 May 2019

ANDREW JAKUBOWICZ. Election 2019: finally, the beginning of the end of White Australia?

include the genus Pauline Hanson, Andrew Bolt, Clive Hamilton and Alt Right Pollies, and they continue to16 May 2019

BOB CARR. The China panic and John Fitzgerald.
another piece of Hamilton orthodoxy that can be found on page 280 of the book. There Hamilton states the following: ... written by Hamilton on Chinese investment in Sydney’s real estate. They noted, that Hamilton’s article had13 May 2019

WANNING SUN. Another Non-Story on China – An Example of Selective Framing
Australia Summit in Canberra also featured Clive Hamilton and a few other commentators from the security ... commentator who seems to have made this attempt is Clive Hamilton, who gave a speech at the same Safeguarding10 May 2019

JOHN FITZGERALD. In response to Bob Carr on China.
points out that I supported the publication of Clive Hamilton’s Silent Invasion, a book he deplores. The major ... University’s Chinese student recruitment program. Hamilton devotes a chapter and more to the claim that the
should be so negatively labelled as a sin. Clive Hamilton had an agenda and pushed it well, other China8 May 2019

BOB CARR. Australians with Chinese origins need to come together.
ethics, Clive Hamilton, called Silent Invasion, published in early 2018. On pages 280-281 Hamilton wrote ... But Hamilton and his supporters like retired academic John16 Apr 2019

ALAN PEARS. Beyond the Climate Chaos
economic impacts and high carbon prices (See Clive Hamilton’s book Scorcher pp60-64 and Maria Taylor’s ANU
much of this history was well documented in Clive Hamilton's book, Scorcher: the dirty politics of climate11 Mar 2019

JOHN MENADUE. Some Coalition legacies that a new government must confront

...and Clive Hamilton.7 Mar 2019

Bob Carr replies to China critics (Australian Financial Review, 12.11.18)
other words, to Australia's enemy", academic Clive Hamilton had warned). Business wondered why Canberra13 Nov 2018

ANTHONY PUN: A Response to Prof John Fitzgerald article “How Bob Carr became China’s Pawn”.
Prof Fitzgerald and Dr Clive Hamilton have an opinion on the subject and we want12 Nov 2018

BOB CARR. Chinese Australians are the silent minority on foreign policy (Australian Financial Review, 25.10.18)
allegiance – that, in the words of academic Clive Hamilton, they are ready to "take to the streets in26 Oct 2018

BOB CARR. Australians have no interest in joining U.S. cold war against China

....and I watched Clive Hamilton's CSIS book promo talk and I must say I was23 Oct 2018

WILLIAM BRIGGS The anti-China syndrome at work in far away Tasmania.
made more so by a recent visit from Professor Clive Hamilton, while Tasmanian Greens leader, Cassie O’Connor ... Sadly, Hamilton is never far away when the anti-China drum is8 Oct 2018

JIEH-YUNG LO. Reflections of a Chinese-Australian.
in Australia”. Clive Hamilton has stressed (link: ... commentators and academics fall into this trap. Take Clive Hamilton for example. Many critics see his book Silent
Good onya, Jieh-Yung! I listened to Clive at the Adelaide Writers Festival in early March18 Sept 2018

CLIVE HAMILTON. None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See
Clive Hamilton, Professor of Public Ethics, Charles Sturt
Clive Hamilton has a good point. He is not10 Sept 2018

Chinese Australians Or Australian Chinese?
Yat-Sen Li, Clive Hamilton, author of the 2017 best seller The Silent Invasion, and myself. Hamilton claims ... and label them “Chinese.” Unfortunately, Clive Hamilton’s book uses racial profiling and his assertions
of the debate. the participants, including Clive Hamilton have refrained from engaging in racial politics
7 Sept 2018

Consul-General for Australia in Hong Kong and Clive Hamilton, Professor of Public Ethics, Charles Sturt1 Sept 2018

ANTHONY PUN: The aftermath of the China Panic & its influence on a General Election

Anthony Pun and other victimhood advocates read Clive Hamilton's "Silent Invasion", and respond to and specifically1 Sept 2018

ANTHONY PUN. How do the Chinese settlers in Australia feel regarding the deepening dispute between China and Australia?
Comment: “In a Democracy, we respect Clive Hamilton exercising his freedom of expression in his ... association’. We would let History be the judge of Clive Hamilton’s allegations and whether he is morally justified30 Aug 2018

BOB CARR. ASIO and the China scare (the Australian 14 August 2018)
But in January he was “fingered” by Clive Hamilton in his submission to federal parliament because ... McCarthyism declares guilt by association. After the Hamilton submission, Huang resigned from his job with the
In a Democracy, we respect Clive Hamilton exercising his freedom of expression in his17 Aug 2018

QUENTIN DEMPSTER. Australia’s sledge hammer to crack foreign influence pedlars.
just-released book, Silent Invasion by academic Mr Clive Hamilton warns of Chinese Communist Party tactical hegemony ... Development Bank of China. Mr Keating has rejected Mr Hamilton’s book as a slur on his loyalty to Australia, arguing28 May 2018

JOCELYN CHEY. Caught in the middle: Chinese Australians feel unwanted
Clive Hamilton has noted that Chinese Australians are the
tears and this latest movement - and some of Clive Hamilton's fears and no doubt evidence - multi-millionaire15 May 2018

ELIZA BERLAGE. Our flailing aid created a Pacific problem.
Professor Clive Hamilton, who warned of this kind of grab for power26 Apr 2018

Politics with Michelle Grattan: "Clive Hamilton and Richard Rigby on Chinese influence in Australia"20 Apr 2018

JOCELYN CHEY. China Watchers Are Not China Stooges.
Clive Hamilton’s 2017 book Silent Invasion: The Influence of ... any publisher considering Hamilton’s book, and this was the case when Hamilton approached Allen and Unwin16 Apr 2018

JERRY ROBERTS. The Dalai Lama, Falun Gong and Australian Democracy.
Chinese Communist Party on its homeland. Now Clive Hamilton in “Silent Invasion” traces the tentacles of ... Government’s vendetta against the Dalai Lama. Clive Hamilton was in Canberra in 2008 when the Olympic torch5 Apr 2018

JERRY ROBERTS The West Australian Liberals get serious
I am reading Clive Hamilton’s book on the Chinese Communist Party’s infiltration
26 Mar 2018

ANDREW GLIKSON. The betrayal of the future
In his book “Defiant Earth” Clive Hamilton states: “Many intellectuals in the social sciences24 Mar 2018

ALLAN PATIENCE. Time to inject some realism into the China debate.
Clive Hamilton’s new book, Silent Invasion: China’s Influence ... Clive Hamilton and those associated with his way of thinking6 Mar 2018

Kevin Rudd protests that Clive Hamilton attacks are just not on - Canberra Times.3 Mar 2018

STEPHEN FITZGERALD AND LINDA JAKOBSON. Engaging with China does not mean being an agent of China
Clive Hamilton conveys a message which must be challenged ... indeed damaging to Australia's interests if people (Hamilton refers to unnamed powerful corporate figures)
I've just listened to Clive HAMILTON at the Adelaide Writers Festival - and he presents a quite disturbing2 Mar 2018

Whitlam had it easier on China policy
One Australian academic, Clive Hamilton, attacks university collaboration with Chinese ... (even outraged) as an Asian power pulls ahead. Is Hamilton saying the Chinese might steal our advantage in22 Feb 2018

GREG BAILEY. The Institute of Public Affairs, finance and the contradiction between individualism and corporatism.
highlighted several times, most effectively by Clive Hamilton ("The shadowy world of IPA finances", The Drum12 Dec 2017

Clive Hamilton. Damned Lies, Minister Hunt and Climate Models.
Clive Hamilton is Professor of Public Ethics, Centre for Applied25 Aug 2015

Robert Manne. Papal Encyclical and Cardinal Pell
science, as in so many other similar examples, as Clive Hamilton once wisely put it, our problem is not what21 June 2015

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