Saturday, July 27, 2024

Full text of "Silent Invasion" Notes

Full text of "Silent Invasion"


My largest debt is to Alex Joske for his excellent research support. His 
work opened up a wide array of invaluable information in Chinese- 
language sources in Australia and, especially, in China. 

Since deciding to write this book, I have been surprised and gratified 
by the willingness of all kinds of people to help. 

I am extremely grateful to Geoff Wade, who generously provided 
a series of leads and suggestions as well as advice on how to interpret 
much of the information, including a deeper grasp of what the CCPs 
objectives and methods are. 

David Kelly and Philippa Jones in Beijing were exceptionally help¬ 
ful in making contacts and allowing me to benefit from their deep 
knowledge of China. 

John Garnaut has lent strong support and provided excellent advice 
throughout. John Fitzgerald has been a peerless source of knowledge and 
a pillar of support through the tribulations of publication. John Hu has 
been an invaluable source of information and links into the Chinese- 
Australian community. 

Ye Fei, a brilliant and courageous Beijing political analyst, gave me 
extraordinary insights into China’s politics and Beijing’s international 
ambitions. I can name him because, tragically, he died three months 
after our last conversation. 



Many of my interviewees in China and Australia cannot be named. 
The risk tliey face only increases my gratitude to them. Among those I 
am able to name, I would like to express my thanks to James Leibold, 
Gneg Austin, Peter Jennings, Stephen Joske, Rory Medcalf, Phil Dorling, 
Chris Uhlmann, Qi Jiazhen, Jinping Cheng, Zhang Xiaogang, Frank 
Dikdtter, Chen Yonglin, Nick McKenzie, Rowan Callick, Chris Buckley, 
Phil Wen, Greg McCarthy, Geoff Raby, Lucy Gao, Zhou Shixing, 
Feng Shuai, Angus Grigg, Bill Birtles, Zha Daojiong, Ma Tianjie, 
Anson Chan, Willy Lam, K.P. Chow, Hugh White, Borge Bakken, 
Feng Chongyi, Ying Yee, Kate Larsen, Jocelyn Chey, John Keane, 
Riciiard Baker, James Xiong, Kevin Jin, Anastasia Kapetas, Wu Lebao, 
Qin Jin, Paul Macgregor, Anne-Marie Brady, Lisa Dempster, Fergus 
Hanson, Tim Stephens, Jen Tsen Kwok, Fergus Ryan, Primrose Riordan, 
Chowai Cheung, Maree Ma and Warren Sun. 

Of course, they hold a wide divergence of opinions about the topics 
discussed in this book and should not be held responsible for any of the 
views expressed in it. 

Robert Manne kindly read the manuscript, alerting me to a number 
of potential problems and pressing me to think through more carefully 
some of the strategic implications. 

My thanks lastly to Charles Sturt University for giving me the 
opportunity to pursue a project like this one. 



Chapter 1 Dyeing Australia red 

1 The account given here is based on: an author interview with Chen Yonglin 
on 1 March 2017; his comments quoted in a Chinese-language interview 
published in The Epoch Times, 25 June 2015 <www.epochtimes.eom/gb/5/ 
6/25/n965354.htm>; and an important article by Chen Yonglin, ‘Australia is 
in the process of becoming Chinas backyard’, first published in Chinese in 
China in Perspective, 31 August 2016. 

2 Chen, ‘Australia is in the process of becoming China’s backyard’. 

Chapter 2 How China sees itself in the world 

1 Zheng Wang, Never Forget National Humiliation: Historical memory in 
Chinese politics and foreign rebtions. New York: Columbia University Press, 
2012; Michael Pillsbury, The Hundred-Year Marathon, New York: St Martin’s 
Griffin, 2016. 

2 Here 1 am drawing heavily on Wang, Never Forget National Humiliation. 

3 Wimg, Never Forget National Humiliation, p. 104. 

4 Geoffrey Crothall quoted by Wang, Never Forget National Humiliation, 

p. 116. 

5 Wiing, Never Forget National Humiliation, p. 116 

6 ‘Chinese Education Minister: The Hostile Forces’ First Choice for Penetration 
Is the Education System’, originally published in Sina, 10 December 2016, 
< >. 

7 Wang, Never Forget National Humiliation, pp. 111—12. 

8 Wang, Never Forget National Humiliation, p. 115. 

9 Quoted by Wang, Never Forget National Humiliation, p. 114. 

10 Wang, Never Forget National Humiliation, p. 227. 



11 Rachel Liu, ‘A new definition of Chinese patriotism’, Foreign Policy, 
11 September 2014. 

12 Wang, Never Forget National Humiliation, p. 125. 

13 Liu Xiaobo, in No Enemies, No Hatred: Selected essays and poems. Perry Link, 
Tienclii Martin-Liao and Liu Xia (eds), Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 
2012, p. 73. 

14 Liu, No Enemies, No Hatred, pp. 74—5. 

15 Liu, ‘The Communist Party’s “Olympic Gold Medal Syndrome’”, in 
No Enemies, No Hatred, p. 251. 

16 Liu, ‘The Communist Party’s “Olympic Gold Medal Syndrome’”, p. 255. 

17 Wtng, Never Forget National Humiliation, pp. 150-2. 

18 Lotus Ruan, ‘The new face of Chinese r ationalism’. Foreign Policy, 25 August 


19 Anon., ‘Smug Aussie swimmer won’t cloud Rio’, Global Times, 8 August 2016, 

20 Jennine Khalik, ‘Rio Olympics 2016: CFMEU protests Channel Seven’s 
coverage of China’, The Australian, 9 August 2016. 

21 James Jiann Hua To, Qiaowu: Extra-territorial policies for the overseas Chinese, 
Leiden: Koninklijke Brill, 2014, p. 44. 

22 Wang, Never Forget National Humiliation, p. 154. 

23 Lucy Hornby, ‘China battles to control growing online nationalism’. Financial 
Times, 8 January 2017. 

24 Li Jing and He Huifeng, ‘Anti-Japan protests turn violent in Shenzhen, 
Guangzhou and Qingdao’, South China Morning Post, 17 September 2012. 

25 Anon., ‘Chinese state media condemns protests at KFC restaurants in wake 
of South China Sea ruling’. South China Morning Post, 20 July 2016. 

26 Jun Mai, ‘China vows to nip patriotic protests in the bud to maintain stabil¬ 
ity’, South China Morning Post, 13 January 2017. 

27 Zheping Huang, ‘Inside the Global Times, China’s hawkish, belligerent state 
tabloid’, Qiiartz, 9 August 2016. 

28 Philip Wen, ‘This is the deal: “In time, this world will be China’s ”, The 
Sydney Morning Herald, 10—11 September 2016. 

29 Never Forget National Humiliation, 129-32. 

30 D.S. Rajan, ‘China: Can Xi Jinping’s “Chinese Dream” vision be realized?’. 
South Asia Analysis Group, 3 January 2013. 

31 Liu Mingfu, The China Dream: Great power thinking and strategic posture in 
the post-American era, New York: CN I'imes Books, 2015, back cover. 

32 Quoted by Michael Pillsbury, The Hundred-Year Marathon, New York: 
St Martin’s Griffin, 2016, p. 28. 

33 William A. Callahan, ‘Chinese visions of world order: Post-hegemonic or a 
new hegemony?’. International Studies Review, 2008, no. 10, p. 753. 

34 Pillsbury, The Hundred-Year Marathon, pp. 28, 12. 

35 Zheng Wmg, ‘Not rising, but rejuvenating: The “Chinese Dream’”, The 
Diplomat, 5 February 2013. 


notes: how china sees itself in the world 

36 In case citizens are inclined to forget it, in 2017 the authorities instructed 
Chinese cinemas to screen four-minute patriotic propaganda videos, v>me 
featuring a fist-pumping Jackie Chan extolling President Xi s China Dream 
and core socialist values. See Huang Wan, ‘Chinese cinemas to show patriotic 
trailer ahead of screenings’. Sixth Tone, 30 June 2017. 

37 Pillsbury, The Hundred-Year Marathon, [>.155. 

38 Pillsbury, The Hundred-Year Marathon, 250. 

39 Liu, The China Dream, p. 29. 

40 < l437648.htm>. 

41 He Yafeis speech followed one in 2013 by Cai Mingzhao, director of the 
Foreign Propaganda Office, where he spoke of ‘deepening foreign propa¬ 
ganda about the Chinese Dream’, a dream that will benefit not only Chinese 
people but, because of the ‘superiority of the Chinese nation’, the ‘people 
of the world’ (Anon., ‘China’s foreign propaganda chief outlines external 
communication priorities’, China Copyright and Media blog, 22 December 
2014, translated from People’s Daily). 

42 Paul Keating, ‘Australia must heed the shift in the US-China power balance’. 
The Australian, 24 December 2016. 

43 David Kelly, ‘Winding back the China Solution’, The Interpreter, Lowy 
Institute, 6 July 2017. 

44 Liu, The China Dream, pp. 2, 4. 

45 Jamil Anderlini, ‘The dark side of China’s national renewal’. Financial Times, 
21 June 2017. 

46 Anon., ‘Trump’s Korea gaffe exposes hegemonic thinking in China, Chosun, 
20 April 2017. 

47 Bill Hayton, ‘China’s “historic rights” in the South China Sea: Made in 
America?’, The Diplomat, 21 June 2016. 

48 < 
Award. pdf>. 

49 John Fiagerald, ‘Handing the initiative to China, Inside Story, 19 January 

50 Hu Jintao, full text of speech, 24 October 2013 < 

51 Geoff Wade, ‘Popular History and Bunkum: The book “1421, The Year 
China Discovered America” is a fairytale &C a fiction’, posted at Maritime Asia 
<>. See also <www. 1421 exposed 
.com/html/1421 _and_all_that_j unk.html>. 

52 Quentin McDermott, ‘Junk History’, Four Comers, ABC TV, 31 July 2006 

<\\'\s'\s’. 1699373.htni>. 

53 Geoff Wade, ‘The “Liu/Menzies” world map: A critique’, e-Perimetron, 
Autumn 2007, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 273-80. 

54 Timothy Kendall, Within Chinas Orhit?; China through the eyes of the 
Austmlian parliament, Canberra: Parliamentary Library, 2008. 


notes: how china sees itself in the world 

55 Kendall, Within Chinas Orbit?. 

56 Fu Ying. speech to the National Press Club of Australia, as quoted in Geoffrey 
IVtrker, ‘Diplomacy personified’, Australian Financial Review, 10 June 2005, 

57 <\N’\N'\>. 

Chapter 3 Oiaowu and the Chinese diaspora 

1 <\\-\\-\ 2 c/10/Document/1437648/l437648.htm>. 

2 Cheong Suk-Wai, ‘Beijing’s charm offensive: A challenge to test loyalty’. 
Straits hmes, 30 April 2017. 

3 James Jiann Hua To, Qiaowu: Extra-territorial policies for the overseas Chinese, 
Leiden: Koninklijke Brill, 2014. 

4 To, Qiaowu, p. 19. 

5 To, Qiaowu, p. 47. 

6 To, Qiaowu, p. 42. 

7 To, Qiaowu, p. 254. 

S To, Qiaowu, p. 258. 

9 To, Qiaowu, pp. 260, 261, 264. 

10 To, Qiaowu, p. 257. 

11 Hagar Cohen and Tiger Webb, ‘Chinese nationals deported from Fiji were 
sex workers, not fraudsters: Source’, ABC News Online, 6 October 2017. 

12 Gabrielle Chan, ‘Cabinet papers 1988-89: Bob Hawke acted alone in offer¬ 
ing asylum to Chinese students’. The Gmrdian, 1 January 2015. 

13 To, Qiaowu, p. 27. 

14 Quoted in Chan, ‘Cabinet papers 1988-89’. 

15 James To, ‘Beijing’s policies for managing Han and ethnic-minority Chinese 
communities abroad’. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 2012, no. 4, 

p. 186 . 

16 To, Qiaowu, pp. 75, 78-9; To, ‘Beijing’s policies for managing Han’, p. 186. 

17 Anne-Marie Brady, ‘China’s foreign propaganda machine’, Journal of 
Democracy, October 2015, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 51-9. 

18 James To explains that there are five major qiaoivu organisations, two 
under the central government (the OCAO and the All-China Federation 
of Returned OC Association) and three party departments (the Propaganda 
Department, the International Department and the UFWD) (To, Qiaowu, 
pp. 73-80). 

19 Marcel Angliviel de la Beaumelle, ‘The United Front Work Department: 
“Magic weapon” at home and abroad’. The Jamestown Foundation, China 
Brief,(>]\x\y 2017, vol. 17, no. 9. 

20 Anne-Marie Brady, ‘Magic Weapons: China’s political influence activities 
under Xi Jinping’, Wilson Center, Washington, D.C., September 2017. 

21 To, Qiaowu, p. 74. Qiaowu agencies are overseen by the CCP’s International 
Department while organisations such as the ACPPRC are managed by the 


notes: oiaowu and the Chinese diaspora 

United Front Work Department. However, they arc coordinated by the 
embassy in Canberra and work closely together. 

22 Rowan Callick, ‘“Non-profit” group linked to Chinese donors’, The 
Australian, 5 September 2016. 

23 To, Qiaowu, pp. 269-70. 

24 <> ‘Dr William 
Chiu, founder and chairman of the Australian Council for the Promotion of 
the Peacefiil Reunification of China passes away’, People’s Daily, TJ May 2015. 

25 To, Qiaowu, p. 268. 

26 To, ‘Beijing’s policies for managing Han’, p. 189. 

TJ Dylan Welch, ‘Ernest Wong: Labor’s go-to man for access to Chinese com¬ 
munity’, 730, ABC TV, 19 September 2016. 

28 Chris Bowen, accompanied by his wife, was flown to China in 2015 panly 
at the expense of the CCP and the Australian Guangdong Association, 
which Huang Xiangmo heads (Samantha Hutchinson and Ben Butler, 
‘Bowen on the Yuhu register as China doles out MP largesse’. The Australian, 
7 September 2016). In his memoir Bob Carr described a ‘gloriously suc- 
cessflil Labor fundraiser’ at a Chinese New Year event organised by Sam 
Dastyari that raised $200,000, which was split between Labor head office 
and Chris Bowen’s personal campaign (Rowan Callick and Sarah Martin, 
‘Dastyari’s donor has party cell’. The Australian, 7 September 2016). During 
the Dastyari affair. The Australian named the disgraced senator’s ‘allies and 
aides’ as Carr, Huang Xiangmo, Eric Roozendaal, Chris Bowen, Minshen 
Zhu and Paul Yi-Wen Han. 

29 <>. 

30 <>. 

31 To, Qiaowu, p. 268. 

32 Julie Makinen, ‘Beijing uses Chinese New Year to push China’s soft power’, 
Los Angeles Times, 18 February 2015. 

33 Philip Wen, ‘China’s patriots among us: Beijing pulls new lever of influence 
in Australia’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 28 April 2016. 

34 <w\\'>. ^ 

35 John Power, ‘Pro-Beijing activism by ethnic Chinese in Australia stirs unease , 
Asia Times, 12 May 2016. 

36 Rowan Callick, ‘Australia’s Chinese community: Inscrutable ties to another 
China’, The Australian, TJ August 2016. 

37 Wen, ‘China’s patriots among us’. Huang Xiangmo denied any connection 
bersveen the group and the ACPPRC. 

38 <\s'\>. See 
also Sydney Today < 122194>, whose story 
was republished in People’s Daily < 

39 <>. 



40 <\\-\\'W.bobnlng.coin/fca/?p=21 >. 

41 <uf\ videos/1048116948618517>. 

42 <w>v\ 


43 <\ 1/2016/0723/cl002-28579502.html>. 

44 <>. 

45 Philip Wen and Daniel Flitton, ‘South China Sea protests to come to 
Melbourne’, The Age, 21 July 2016. 

46 Naaman Zhou, ‘Chinese ballet draws protests for “glorifying Red Army”’, 
The Guardian, 18 February 2017. 

47 Anon., ‘Australian Chinese to boycott Chinese ballet “Red Detachment of 
Women’”, Duowei News, 5 February 2017. 

48 Ro\\’an Callick, ‘Rebel Chinese movement promotes “Australian values’”, The 
Australian, 5 September 2016. 

49 To, Qiaoum, p. 47. 

50 To, Qiaoum, p. 122. 

51 To, Qiaoum, p. 281 . 

52 To, Qiaoum, pp. 114-15. 

53 Jamil Anderlini, ‘The dark side of China’s national renewal’. Financial Times, 
21 June 2017. 

54 Email to the author, 23 October 2017. 

55 Daniel A. Bell, ‘Why anyone can be Chinese’, Wall Street Journal, 14 July 

56 < nll/.^p=33412>. 

57 Frank Ching, ‘Does Chinese blood really lack the DNA for aggression?’, 
South China Morning Post, 2 July 2017. 


59 To, Qiaoum, p. 116. 

60 David Zweig and Stanley Rosen. 'How China trained a new generation 
abroad’, SciDev.Net, 22 May 2013. 

61 To, Qiaoum, pp. 123-4. 

62 To, Qiaoum, p. 189. 

63 < 

focus-of-ccps-united-front-work/>. In 7'he End oj'History (1989), Francis 

Fukuyama forecast that Chinese students would return from study abroad 
bringing transformational democratic norms, another instance of what might 
be called the ‘Fukuyama Rule’, where the inHuence of Fukuyama’s ()redictions 
is in inverse proportion to their accuracy. 

64 To, Qiaoum, p. 130. 

65 To, Qiaou-u, p. 189. 

66 To, Qiaoum, p. 28. 

67 Koh Gui Qing and John Shiffman, ‘China’s covert global radio network’, 
Reuters, 2 November 2015; John Fitzgerald. ‘How the ABC sold out 


notes: oiaowu and the Chinese diaspora 

news values to get access to China’ <,au/mccliawatch/ 
transcripts/1615_afr. pdf>. 

68 To, Qiaowuy pp. 176-8. 

69 <>. 

70 To, Qiaowuy pp. 179-80. 

71 To, Qiaowu, p. 180. 

72 Anon., ‘Drive-by shooting won’t stop Sunnybank-based Chinese-language 
newspaper Epoch Times, say stafF, Courier-Mail, 3 November 2010; Kristian 
Silva, ‘One Nation’s Shan Ju Lin defends Pauline Hanson, says she fears 
Chinese Government will “take over’”, ABC News online, 21 December 2016. 

73 Qing and Shiffman, ‘China’s covert global radio network’. 

74 Anne-Marie Brady, ‘Magic Weapons: China’s political influence activities 
under Xi Jinping’, Wilson Center, Washington, D.C., September 2017. 

75 Rowan Callick, ‘Voice of China hits the Aussie airwaves’,, 

17 August 2009. 

76 Callick, ‘Voice of China hits the Aussie airwaves’; <www.multicultural.vic 
people.pdf>; <>. 

77 See also Jia Gao, Chinese Migrant Entrepreneurship in Australia from the 1990s, 
Waltham, Mass.: Elsevier, 2015, Chapter 6. 

78 <>. 

79 <>. 

80 <>. 

81 < .hcml>. 

82 John Fitzgerald, ‘Beijing’s guoqing versus Australia’s way of life’. Inside Story, 

27 September 2016. 

83 Fitzgerald, ‘Beijing’s guoqing versus Australias way of life . 

84 KeLsey Munro and Philip Wen. ‘Chinese language newspapers in Australia: 
Beijing controls messaging, propaganda in press’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 
10 July 2016. 

85 Firzgerald, ‘Beijing’s gwtjing versus Australias way ol life . 

86 Munro and Wen. ‘Chinese language newspapers in Australia’. 

87 Wanning Sun, ‘Chinese-language media in Australia: An opportunity for 
Australian soft power’, Australia-Chhia Relations Institute, 8 September 

88 Fitzgerald, ‘Beijing’s guoqing versus Australias way of life . 

89 <>. 

90 John Firzgerald, ‘How the ABC sold out news values to get access to China, 


91 <htt j'>://NCA\'cv.acj> l6.html>. 

92 <httj'>://w%N' 16.html>, <http.//>. 


notes: oiaowu and the Chinese diaspora 

93 Simon Dcnyer, The saga of Hong Kong’s abducted booksellers takes a darker 
turn', Washington Post, 17 June 2016. 

94 Will Koulouris, ‘20 years on, Hong Kong’s return to China a resounding 
success: Former Aussie Victoria state premier’, Xinhuanet, 18 July 2017. 

95 Ptter Hartcher, ‘China’s treatment of Hong Kong is a lesson for Australia, 
The Sydney Morning HeraUi, 11 October 2016. 

96 Anon., ‘New Zealand cancels meeting with Hong Kong pro-democracy 
advocates on “diplomatic” concerns’, ABC News Online, 21 October 2016. 

97 To, Qiaowu, p. 222. 

98 Anne-Marie Brady, ‘Magic Weapons: China’s political influence activities 
under Xi Jinping’, p. 13. 

99 Philip Wen and John Garnaut, ‘Chinese police chase corruption suspects in 
Australian suburbs’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 15 April 2015. 

100 To, Qiaowu, p. 193. 

101 Anon, ‘Businessman wrongly Jailed pursues justice’. South China Morning 
Post, 9 December 2004. 

102 John Garnaut, ‘China’s rulers team up with notorious “White Wolf” of 
Taiwan’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 11 July 2014; Anon., ‘Triad member 
behind scuffles between pro-China and pro-independence protesters on 
Taiwan university campus’, Synglobe, 25 September 2017; Anon., ‘Zhang 
Anle, the Sunflower Movement and the China-Taiwan issue’, Synglobe, 

1 April 2014. 

103 To, Qiaouru, p. 260. 

104 To, Qiaowu, p. 261. 

105 Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, ‘Interpol is helping to enforce China’s political 
purges’. Foreign Policy, 21 April 2017. 

106 Philip Wen, ‘Operation Fox Hum: Liw council says extradition treaty with 
China is “a joke"’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 2 May 2016. 

107 Primrose Riordan, ‘China extradition treaty fatal, says freed academic’. The 
Australian, 3 April 2017. 

108 <\\’\;icts71-20/20 l4/4_courts 

109 Anon., ‘China’s top court rejects judicial independence as “erroneous 
thought”’. The Guardian, 26 February 2015. 

110 M^n Palin, ‘The realit)’ of human organ harvesting in China’,, 
14 November 2016. 

111 Anon., Hospitals ban Chinese surgeon training’, 1 he Sydney Morning Herald, 

5 December 2006. 

112 David Hurt, The trouble with John Pilgers The Coming War on China', The 
Diplomat, 23 December 2016. 

113 Fleur Anderson, Abbot-Turnbull clash jeopardises China link’, Australian 
FinancialReiaew, 1-2 April 2017. 



114 Greg Sheridan, ‘Desperately seeking someone to blame after China fiasa/, 
Weekend Australian, 1-2 April 2017. 

115 Wen and Garnaut, ‘Chinese police chase corruption suspects in Australian 

116 Wen and Garnaut, ‘Chinese police chase corruption suspects in Australian 

117 Minxin Pei, Chinas Crony Capitalism: The dynamics of regime decay, 
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2016, p. 226. 

118 Philip Wen, ‘Operation Fox Hunt: Melbourne grandmother Zhou Shiqin 
prosecuted after return to China’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 26 October 

119 Rowan Callick, ‘China tipped to give its spooks a licence to haunt foreign 
lands’. The Australian, 4 July 2017. 

120 Nigel Inkster, ‘China’s draft intelligence law’, 26 May 2017 <>. 

121 To, pp. 218-19. 

122 To, Qiaowu, p. 280. 

123 To, Qiaowu, p. 280. 

124 Nick O’Malley and Alex Joske, ‘Mysterious Bennelong letter urges Chinese 
Australians to “take down” the Turnbull government’. The Sydney Morning 
Herald, 13 December 2017: Alex joske, ‘Bennelong byelection: The influen¬ 
tial network targeting the Turnbull government in Bennelong’, The Sydney 
Morning Herald, 15 December 2017. 

125 O’Malley and Joske, ‘Mysterious Bennelong letter urges Chinese Australians 

to “take down” the Turnbull government’. 

126 Anthony Klan, ‘China scare Labor’s only success’. The Australian, 18 December 


127 Fiagerald, ‘Beijing’s guoqing versus Australia’s way of life’. 

128 Fitzgerald, ‘Beijing’s gtmjing versus Australia’s way of life’. 

Chapter 4 Dark Money 

1 Primrose Riordan, ‘China’s local emperor Huang Xiangmo says politics just 

\\V.e , AusTrulian Financial Review, 1 September 2016. ^ 

2 Anon., ‘Honorary President Huang Xiangmo discusses the art of giving, 
Shenzhen Chaozhou Chamber of Commerce Online, 29 March 2013, 

3 Philip Wen and Lucy Macken, ‘Chinese “King of the Mountain” brush with 
corruption scandal’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 25 February 2016, Riordan, 
‘Chinas local emperor Huang Xiangmo says politics just like sport. 

4 <\S^\S"VV. hurun.nct/CN/HuList/ln(iex?num=612C66A2h245>. 

5 <hnance.qq.eom/ay 20 i 10729/0060l6.htm>. 

6 Anon., ‘Huang Xiangmo visits and expresses his sympathy for the pitiful 
masses’, Shenzhen Chaozhou Chamber of Commerce Online, 4 March 2011 
<>; Anon., ‘Hurun publishes 


notes: dark money 

2012 philanthropy list, 3 honorary presidents of our Chamber of Commerce 
in the first hundred’, Shenzhen Chnozhou Chamber of Commerce Online, 
25 Marcl) 2013 <>. 

7 <>. 

S ov-ww. 0410.html>. 

9 Wen and Macken, ‘Chinese “King of the Mountain” brush with corruption 

10 <>. 

11 <}j/20141010/121920503512.shtmJ>. 

12 Michael Cole, ‘Guangzhou party leader’s fall tied to corrupt real estate deals’, 
Mingtiandi, 15 July 2014. 

13 Kirsty Needham, ‘Chinese recipient of Huang Xiangmo political donation 
gets suspended death sentence’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 7 June 2017. 

14 Needham, ‘Chinese recipient of Huang Xiangmo political donation gets 
suspended death sentence’. 

15 Wen and Macken, ‘Chinese “King of the Mountain” brush with corruption 

16 Minxin Pei, China's Crony Capitalism: The dynamics of regime decay, 
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2016. 

17 Pei, China’s Crony Capitalism, pp. 1-2. 

18 Pei, China's Crony Capitalism, pp. 2-3. 

19 Pei, China’s Crony Capitalism, p. 8. 

20 Pei, China’s Crony Capitalism, p. 243. 

21 Pei, China’s Crony Capitalism, pp. 247-8. 

22 Pei, China’s Crony Capitalism, p. 138. 

23 Quoted by Pei, China’s Crony Capitalism, p. 116. 

24 Pei, China’s Crony Capitalism, p. 117. 

25 Pei, China's Crony Capitalism, p. 142. 

26 Pei, China’s Crony Capitalism, p. 133. 

27 Pei, China’s Crony Capitalism, p. 225. 

28 Pei, China’s Crony Qjpitalism, p. 226. 

29 Joel Keep and Nila Liu, ‘The defector’, SBS Investigations, SBS News Online, 

5 September 2016. 

30 Pei, China’s Crony Capitalism, pp. 82, 262. 

31 Anon., ‘China voice: catching 14 military “tigers’”, Xinhuanet, 2 March 

32 Pei, Chitui's Crony Capitalism, pp. 6, 262. 

33 Frank Fang, ‘Former top Chinese military officer taken away for investiga¬ 
tion’, The Epoch Times, 12 February 2015. 

34 Kenneth Allen, ‘China announces reform of military ranks’, China Brief, 
30 Januarv’ 2017. 

35 Tania Branigan, ‘China blocks Bloomberg for exposing financial affairs of 
Xi Jinping’s family’. The Guardian, 29 June 2012. 


notes: dark money 






















Li Lingpu and Larry Ong, ‘Chinas Xi set to oust corrupt officials in Hong 

Kong’, The Epoch Times, 1-7 December 2016. v ’ TK 

Li and Ong. ‘China’s Xi set to oust corrupt officials in Hong Kong. 1 he 
Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) is a prcsti^ous 
body used to reward patriotic activists and businessmen. It as cen 
described by senior leader Jia Qinglin as ‘a patriotic united front or^nisa 
tion’ (John Garnaut, ‘Toeing the line’, The Sydney Morning Hera , pt> 

2011). > c 1 

Li and Ong, ‘China’s Xi set to oust corrupt officials in Hong ong. ee a so 

Pei, China’s Crony Capitalism, p. 147. 

< tm>. 

Jamil Anderlini, ‘The political price of Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption cam¬ 
paign’, Financial Times, 4 January 2017. , 

Anderlini, ‘The political price of Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign. 

Vt\, China’s Crony Capitalism,^. \A9. 

Martin Wolf, ‘Too big, too Leninist—a China crisis is a matter ol time, 

7/>n«, 13 December 2016. , 

Riordan, ‘Chinas local emperor Huang Xiangmo says politics just like sport. 
Gabrielle Chan, ‘Dastyari’s donations reveal a bigger story o in an 
largesse’. The Guardian, 7 September 2016. 


See, for example, Rowan Callick, 'Non-profit group linked to Chinese 

donors’, 5 September 2016. 

Huang has denied his Australian organisation is funded by Beijing rimr 
Riordan, ‘Sam Dastyari linked political donor resi^gns from 
after major review’, Ar^nalian Financial Revietv, 21 September 2016. see also 
Primrose Riordan and Lisa Murray, ‘Sam Dastyari linked to Chinese patrioti 
force group’, Australian Financial Review, 6 September 2016). 
<m\ /6738251 .shtml>. 

<\s'\ . tm 

Brad Norringlon, 'ALP branch accep.s Shorten edict 
Chinese businessmen', Th^ Au„n,tim.2\ July 2017; Sean N.cholls and Kam 
McClymont, ‘Former NSW treasurer Eric Roozendaa joins Chinese fir 
that was a big donor to NSW political parties’. The Sydney Morning Hera , 

4 Februar)'2014. i- • i 

Chris Uhlmann and Andrew Greene. ‘Chinese donors to Australian political 

parties: Who gave how much?’. ABC News Online, 21 August 2016. 

Gina McColl and Philip Wen. ‘Foreign Minister Julie Bishops links to 
Chinese political donors’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 August 2016. 
< bb43a/>. 

<>. . i 

Gina McColl, ‘Chinese interests j)lay increasing role in Australian political 
donations’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 21 May 2016. 


notes: dark money 

I rnm/v2010/newscletails.asp?id=364>. 

58 SiTand McClymont, ‘Former NSW rreasurer Eric Roozendaal joins 

Chinese firm’. r- . r. j i • • 

59 Nicholls and McClymont. ‘Former NSW treasurer Eric Roozendaal joins 









5 -to man for access to Chinese com- 















Chinese firm’. 

Dylan Welch, ‘Ernest Wong: Labor’s go- 
niunity’, 7.50, ABC TV. 19 September 2016. 


<\\'u'\>; <http;// 


<^v^^^v.>>. Huang also founded 
and became chairman of the Australian Fellowship of China Guangdong 
^odations in October 2014, which combined a few pre-existing Guangdong 
Associations (<\ /6738251 .shtml>). 

Row'an Cdhck, ‘Australia’s Chinese community: Inscrutable ties to another 
<--0103, The Australian, 27 August 2016. 

Pei ChMs Crony Capi,alum, p. 260; Br„ce J. Dickson. Wealth into Pouter: 

Qeonel7“w' “'T, "/C'/d'wt private sector, Washington, D.C.: 
'^eorge Washington University, 2008. 

<\vww.y 2010 /newsdetails.asp?id= 399 > 

< 2010 /ncwsdetails.asp?id=d 03 > 

< 1/2016/0823/c 1002-28659866 html> 

<«-N™.^' 201 0/newsde,ails.asp?id.407> 

V^l"ht r‘" Center, 

weir L- ' f <'’"P«"'-il».>,icWmagic- 

weapons-chmas-poli,ica|.inH„ence-ac,ivi,ics-nnder-xl.jinpi„g>, pp. 16-17. 

ang has denied his Ausiralian organisation is funded by Beijing. 

P "^'•^^PP^^*o*‘ 1 6/hzhSepl6.html>; <http:// 


tp.//\w\^\.^ ^t^ 10/ne\vs(Jetails.asp?i(i=577>. 

<http:/AvA\^ 2017 / 0324 / 42073 .shtml>. 

e sie Xlunro, Huang Xiangmos pro-China group denies organising Premier 
rent-a-cro\vd , The Sydney Moryiing Heraldy 24 March 2017. 

Bob Carr, Seven steps to tame fears over China, The Australian, 12 December 



notes: dark money 

81 Australian Electoral Commission returns, from March 2012 to September 
2016. Associates are William Chiu, Luo Chuangxiong, Eng Joo Ang anti 
Peter Chen. 

82 Sean Nicholls, ‘Chinese property firm Yuhu hires ex-deputy premier Andrew 
Stoner’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 November 2015. 

83 <>. 

84 < 1/2017/0518/cl 002-2928537 l.html>. 

85 McColl and Wen, ‘Foreign Minister Julie Bishop’s links to Chinese political 

86 < 405 l6.aspx?w=tblCa 

87 < 


88 < 40915.aspx?w=0%2F% 


89 <>. 

90 Michael Koziol, ‘Union campaign against China FTA branded racist, short¬ 
sighted’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 21 August 2015. 

91 McColl and Wen, ‘Foreign Minister Julie Bishop’s links to Chinese political 

92 Register of Members’ Interests, 9 December 2013. See also Gina McColl, 
‘Chinese interests play increasing role in Australian political donations , The 
Sydney Morning Herald, 2 1 May 2016. 

93 Dylan Welch, ‘Political donations: Former NSW Labor powerbroker calls for 
an end to the funding arms race , ABC News Online, 19 September 2016. 

94 Rowan Callick, ‘Overseas Chinese political donors are mystery men in 
China’, The Australian, 12 September 2016. 

95 Huang Xiangnio, ‘South Cliina Sea: Australia would be rash to confront 
China’, Australian Financial Revietv, 1 June 2016. 

96 Zhou Bo, ‘Duterte’s genial tone on the South China Sea is just one of many 
signs of warmer Sino-Asean ties’. South China Morning Post, 14 November 

97 < 
dastyari-more-than-a-soap-opera/ news-story/5138ad656beb2fc34b0e91246 

98 Primrose Riordan, ‘Huang Xiangmo quits as head of pro-China advocacy 
group’. The Australian, 27 November 2017. 

99 <>. (Note the name in the title, Xue 
Shuihua, is incorrect. Shuihua is Shuihe’s brother.) 

100 ACETCA’s PRC links are extensive. Among other activities, the association 
(which has an office in Sydney’s Chinatown) has paid for students from 
\*i’estern Sydney Universit)' and Macquarie University to travel to China. It 
was the main organiser of the 2017 Chinese New Year celebrations in Sydney. 


notes: dark money 

101 <>. 

102 <\\’\ 11 /02/03/the-mysterious-dr-chau/>. 

103 < 
Id» 20628 &utm_source=TractionNext&:utm_medium=Email&utm_ 

104 Uhlmann and Greene, ‘Chinese donors to Australian political parties’. 

105 < 
Id= 20628 &:utm_source=TractionNext&utm_medium=Email&utm_ 

106 Macau casino billionaire Stanley Ho and his associates donated $1.6 million 
to the Labor Party in 2008-09, mostly to the New South Wales branch, but 
Labor was forced to give most of his money back after the ALP conducted a 
‘due diligence’. Labor would not give a clear reason but it was suggested at 
the time that Ho had his eye on the licence for Sydney’s Star Casino, then up 
for renewal (Anon., ‘Labor’s mystery $200k donation’. New Matilda, 12 April 
2011; Anon., ‘Was Stanley Ho hedging his bets with the Australian Labor 
Party?’, South China Morning Post, 6 February 2009). 

107 John Garnaut, ‘Behind the mysterious Dr Chau’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 
4 July 2009. 

108 <>, p. 17. 

109 Garnaut, ‘Behind the mysterious Dr Chau’. 

110 Deborah Snow, Nic Christensen and John Garnaut, ‘Chinese billionaire 
funding our MPs’, The Age, A June 2009. 

111 < 

1 12 Email correspondence with John Garnaut, 29 September 2017. 

113 < 

114 The popular Yangcheng Evening News is not an official part)- organ but is sub¬ 
ject to close supervision (<contcmporar)’ 

115 Garnaut, ‘Behind the mysterious Dr Chau’. 

116 John Garnaut, ‘China spreads its watching web of surveillance across 
Australia’, The Sydney Morning Heralel, 26 April 2014. 

117 < 52680 
7da366.shtmlohn>; John Garnaut, ‘Toeing the line’, The Sydney Morning 

13 April 2011. 

118 <>. 

119 Gerr)’ Groot, ‘The e.xpansion of the United Front under Xi Jinping’, The 
China Story, Yearbook 2015, Austmlian Centre on China in the World. 

120 Statement of Claim, Chau Chak Wing v The .Australian Broadcasting 
Corporation and ORS, Federal Court of Australia (NSW Registry), 5 July 


notes: dark money 

121 Simon Benson, 'Chinese billionaire hits back at ASIO: 1 m not a communist 
agent’, The Australian^ 27 June 2017. 

122 Nick McKenzie and Richard Baker, "Wikilcaked: Billionaire Australian 
donor’s Beijing links detailed in “sensitive diplomatic cable, 7he Sydney 
Morning Herald, 16 July 2015. 

123 John Garnaut, ‘Are Chau Chak Wing’s circles of influence in Australia-China 
ties built on hot air?’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 16 October 2015. 

124 <>. 

125 Liang Zhen, ‘UN bribery scandal implicates CCP’s Jiang faction, The Epoch 
Times, 31 March 2016. 

126 <www.' 

127 Garnaut, ‘Are Chau Chak Wing’s circles of influence in Australia-China ties 
built on hot air?’. 

128 Kaja Whitehouse, ‘Troubled ex-UN official dies after barbell falls on his 
neck’. New York Post, 23 June 2016. 

129 Defence document lodged by the ABC, Fairfax Media and Nick McKenzie in 
the Federal Court of Australia, NSW District, 29 September 2017 

130 Primrose Riordan, ‘China backs Zhu’s private Sydney college’, Australian 
Financial Review, 15 April 2013. 

131 <>. 

132 Wendy Bacon and Ben Eltham write that other donations have been made in 
ways that need not be declared (A top education?, New Matilda, 2 September 
2016). In 2014-15 the ALP’s returns initially listed Top Education Institute’s 
address as ‘Dr Minshen Zhu—CEO and Principal GOl, 1 Central Ave, 
Australian Technology Park’. These were later amended to remove Zhu’s 


133 < 


134 <NV' 


135 <\>. 

136 Gerry Groot, Managing Transitions: The Chinese Communist Party, United 
Front Work, Corporatism and Hegemony, Abingdon: Routledge, 2004, p. 108. 

137 < 


138 <>. 

139 Lisa Murray and Primrose Riordan, ‘China singled out Sam Dastyari as one 
of the country’s key international supporters’, Australian Financial Review, 

September 2016. 

140 <>. ^ 

141 Madalina Hubert, ‘Ex-envoy details Chinese regime’s overseas scheme’. The 
Epoch Times, 10 September 2015. 



142 <Nv>\' -08-21 121 12.html>. 

143 <w\ 116/node 122/node 174/userobject6ai3564 

144 <\v>v\ -08-21 111 12.html>. 

145 <>. 

146 Eryk Bagshaw, Top Education; Company at centre of donations furore 
a beneficiary of streamlined visa program’, The Sydney Morning Herald^ 
10 September 2016. 

147 <\>. 

148 < /90777/90856/6622207.html>. 

149 •cwww.xzbu.eom/7/view-2956207.htm>. 

150 < 


151 Ladka Bourke, Labor Senator Sam Dastyari had Chinese interests foot the 
bill for travel entitlement repayment’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 August 

152 James Nlassola, Chinese donor the Yuhu Group steps in to help Sam Dastyari’, 
The Sydney Morning Herald, 27 March 2015; Kelsey Monroe, ‘Sam Dastyari 
donor steps down from universitys China centre over “supposed Chinese 
influence”’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 22 September 2016; Peter Martin, 
Chinas gifts, research, special bonds” and Sam Dastyari’s ghost from his 
past’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 7 September 2016. 

153 Some on the Labor Right have not discarded their anti-communism. Many 
on the Left have no sympathy for any kind of dictatorship and they are deeply 
concerned about the drift of the part^' under the influence of foreign money. 
Stephen Conroy, Kim Beazley and John Faulkner are reported to be among 

154 Primrose Riordan, ‘Sam Das^ari pledges to support China on South China 
Sea beside Labor donor’, Australian Financial Review, ?>\ August 2016. 

155 Riordan, ‘Sam Dast>'ari pledges to support China on South China Sea beside 
Labor donor’. 

156 Murray and Riordan, China singled out Sam Dastyari as one of the country’s 
key international supporters’. 

157 Sid Maher and Rosie Lewis, China sea conflict interested Labor senator Sam 
Dastyari’, The Australian, 3 September 2016. 

158 Quoted by Nick Bryant, ‘Sam Dastyari tries to fix the ALP’, The Monthly, 
July 2013. 

159 Fergus Hunter, Cash for comment : Malcolm Furnbull questions Sam 
Dast>'ari over China money’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 2 September 2016. 

160 <s'’\'-' 2017 - 06 - 05 /asio-china-spy-raid/ 8589094 >. 

161 Ror)' Medcalf, Sam Dast\'aris South China Sea support is a big deal and a 
timely warning’, Austmlian Financial Review, 5 September 2016. 



162 Nick McKenzie, James Mxssola and Richard Baker, ‘Dastyari 5 bug warning*. 
The Age, 29 November 2017. 

163 Adam Gartrell, ‘“Whose side is he on?”: Malcolm Turnbull says Sam Dastyari 
should be sacked’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 29 November 2017. 

164 Nick O’Malley, Philip Wen and Michael Koziol, ‘Give and take’. The Sydney 
Morning Herald, 10-11 September 2016. 

165 Medcalf, ‘Sam Dastyari’s South China Sea support is a big deal and a timely 

166 <>. 

167 <ww'>. 

168 A version of this section, written by Alex Joske and the author, was published 
as ‘Political netw'orking the Chinese way—a Sydney MP and his “community 
adviser”’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 22 June 2017. 

169 Primrose Riordan, ‘NSW Labor leader echoes Chinese criticism of Australian 
media’. The Australian, TJ September 2017. 

170 Brad Norrington, ‘NSW Labor rising star’s wife, pro-Beijing staffer in China 
venture’. The Australian, 15 June 2017. 

171 Interview'with Alex Joske, 19 June 2017. 

172 < 

173 Interview with the author, 18 June 2017. 

174 <wwv.'>. 

175 PDF of Yang Dongdong’s CV from <>, 
saved 30 November 2016. 

176 PDF of Yang Dongdong’s CV. 

177 Yang Dongdong declined to answer questions when phoned by Alex Joske, 
saying he was too busy to speak. 

178 PDF of Yang Dongdong’s CV. 

179 <v,'>. 

180 < 
.html>; <'09.html>. 

181 <w'ww.chinatow' .html>. 

182 <>. 

183 <ww'w'>; < 

184 Doug Hendrie, ‘How a Chinese-language social media campaign hurt Labors 
election chances’. The Guardian, 9 July 2016. 

185 <>. 

186 < &id=8810>; < 

187 <mp.w'>. 

188 <>. 


notes: dank moni-y 

189 < 11 IA()inSYIU|KIIiCg>, 

190 Litlkn Uourkc, 'Cllvc Palmer apologises for Cliitta comments in which he 
referred to Chinese "mongrels’’’, The Sydney Afornhiff / hrnld, 26 August 2014. 

191 < IHH756/>. 

192 Fergus Hunter, 'Sam D.istyarl contradicted Labor policy, hacked China’s 
position in sea dispute at event with donor’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 
1 September 2016. 

193 James Robertson and Vi.scntin, ‘"Adviser" with tics to Chinese com¬ 
munist lobbyist drops out of council race’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 24 
June 2017. 

Chapter 5 ‘Beijing Bob’ 

1 Huang Xiangmo said that he ‘personally appointed’ Bob Carr to the ACRI 
post (Primrose Riordan, ‘China’s local emperor Huang Xiangmo says 
politics just like sport’, Australian Financial Review, 1 September 2016). On 
1 September 2017, in response to some emailed questions, Bob Carr wrote to 
the author that he was chosen and appointed by the university. 

2 <\>. 

3 <>. 

4 Primrose Riordan, ‘Bob Carr’s China research used to justify FTA, AIIB 
xntmhcTs\\\p, Australian Financial Review, 5 September 2016. 

5 Anon., ‘Xi’s speech at Belt & Road forum wins broad approval overseas’, 
Pakistan Observer, May 2016. 

6 Nick O’Malley, Philip Wen and Michael Koziol, ‘Give and take’. The Sydney 
Morning Herald, 10-11 September 2016. 

7 Tony Stephens, ‘Rally speakers decry fascism’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 
7 June 1989. 

8 Bob Carr, Diary of a Foreign Minister, Sydney: NewSouth Publishing, 2014, 
p. 140. 

9 Bob Carr, ‘Australia needs a think tank that sees hope in partnership with 
China’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 11 September 2016. 

10 Anon., ‘The influence of the People’s Republic of China on Australian 
universities’. Parliament House research, September 2017, and author 

11 <\v\ S-roo 
.pdf>, p. 34. 

12 <\\ tower/issue-11 / the-new-silk-road>. 

13 ‘The establishment of ACRI was made possible by the generous donations of 
Chinese philanthropists and entrepreneurs, Xiangmo Huang and Chulong 
Zhou’ (<w\v’\vs/tower/issue-l l/the-new-silk-road>. 
It adds: ‘“We share a vision to produce high-quality research that will have 
worthwhile results for both our countries’ relationships in important business 
and societal spheres,” said Mr Huang.’ 


notes; 'BEIJING BOB' 

14 Primrose Riordan, ‘Sam Dastyari-1 inked political donor resigns from Bob 
Carr institute after major review’, Austruliun Financial Review, 21 September 

15 Riordan, ‘China’s local emperor Huang Xiangmo says politics just like 

16 Louise Yaxley, ‘Malcolm Turnbull questions Sam Dastyaris loyalty amid 
claims he passed security information to Chinese donor, ABC News Online, 
29 November 2017. 

17 Gerry Groot, ‘The expansion of the United Front under Xi Jinping’, The 
China Story, Yearbook 2015, Australian Centre on China in the World. 

18 <'US>. 

19 In his emailed reply to the author, Carr says that ACRI has ‘gone above 
and beyond standard obligations for an institution wholly housed within a 

20 Quoted by Matthew Knott and Heath Aston, ‘Don’t become “propaganda 
vehicles” for China: Universities warned over donations’. The Sydney Morning 

8 September 2016. 

21 Riordan, ‘Sam Dasryari-linked political donor resigns from Bob Carr insti¬ 
tute after major review’. 

22 <>. 

23 Email response to the author, 1 September 2017. 

24 Philip Wen, ‘Former foreign minister Bob Carr photograph “raised eye¬ 
brows’”, The Sydney Morning Herald, 26 February 2016. 

25 Stephen McDonnell, ‘Carr’s challenge on Tibet’, The Drum, ABC News 
Online, 12 March 2012. 

26 Email response to the author, 1 September 2017. 

27 Email response to the author, 1 September 2017. 

28 < 

. • c k 

29 Bob Carr mentions Huang and ‘15 Australian corporates in a eptem er 
2016 opinion piece, but does not mention his second biggest benefactor 
(Carr, ‘Australia needs a think tank that sees hope in partnership with China L 
When 1 asked him about this he wrote that Mr Zhou has never asked that his 

name be kept out of the media. 

30 <>. 

31 Lucy Macken, ‘Access all areas, bought via Beauty Point’, The Sydney Morning 
Herald, 2 November 2013. 

32 Philip Wen and Lucy Macken, ‘Chinese “King of the Mountain” brush with 
corruption scandal’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 25 February 2016. 

33 Catherine Armitage, ‘Falun Gong ban hits uni earnings’. The Australian, 
12 September 2005; Sarah Martin, ‘Bob Carr’s think tank operating as 
Chinese propaganda arm ”, The Australian, 9 September 2016. 

34 Martin, ‘Bob Carr’s think tank “operating as Chinese propaganda arm”’. 


notes: 'BEIJING BOB’ 

35 Knott and Aston, ‘Don’t become “propaganda vehicles” for China: Univer¬ 
sities warned over donations’. 

36 John Fitzgerald, ‘Accommodating China’s interests in Australia business as 
usual’. The Australian, 2 September 2016. 

37 Hagar Cohen, ‘Australian universities the latest battleground in Chinese soft 
power offensive’. Background Briefing, ABC Radio, 14 October 2016. 

38 Quoted by Knott and Aston, ‘Don’t become “propaganda vehicles” for China’. 

39 Anon., ‘Dim Sam won’t stop Wong show’. The Australian, 9 September 2016. 

40 Kelsey Monroe, ‘Sam Dastyari donor steps down from university’s China 
centre over “supposed Chinese influence’”. The Sydney Morning Herald, 22 
September 2016. 

41 Riordan, ‘Sam Dastyari-linked political donor resigns from Bob Carr insti¬ 
tute after major review’. 

42 <>. 

43 <>. 

44 <http://ww\>. This suggests 
that ACRI may be managed like a Confucius Institute, each of which has a 
‘foreign director’ and a ‘Chinese director’. The foreign director is the public 
fiice and the Chinese director is the power behind the throne (<http://english 

45 Interview with Alex Joske, 25 September 2017 

46 < 15.html>. 

47 <>. 

48 <hrtp:// 1 /2017/0402/c408038-29186436.html>. 

49 <>. 

50 Interview with Elena Collinson, senior project and research officer at ACRI, 
17 July 2017. 

51 Emailed response to questions from the author, 1 September 2017. 

52 < l/the-new-silk-road>. 

53 Emailed response to questions from the author, 1 September 2017. 

54 Anon., ‘Former Australian FM hails new level in Sino-Australian ties’, China 
Daily, 19 November 2014. 

55 Anon., ‘China-Australia relations’. Global Times, 10 December 2016. 

56 < 1/2016/0813/c 1002-28634074.html>. 

57 < 1002-26312099.html>. 

58 <>. 

59 Bob Carr, ‘Why Australia is missing the strategic train in Asia’, Australian 
Financial Review, 14 September 2017. 

60 < 1002-25363671-2.html>. 

61 Bob Carr, ‘Australia, China, and the lunacy of Trump’s talk of trade war’, The 
Guardian, 26 November 2016. 

62 James Laurenceson, ‘China isn’t Australia’s biggest trade problem: It’s the US’, 
The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 November 2016. 


notes: ‘BEIJING BOB’ 

63 Primrose Riordan, ‘Australia “slaughtered” without Beijing links under Trump, 
Huang Xiangmo warns’, Aicstralian Financial Review, 12 December 2016. 

64 <,html>. 

65 Carr, Diary of a Foreign Minister. 

66 Dylan Welch, ‘Ernest Wong: Labor’s go-to man for access to Chinese com¬ 
munity’, 7.30, ABC TV, 19 September 2016. 

67 Jamie Smyth, ‘China’s $10bn propaganda push spreads Down Under, 
Financial Times, 9 June 2016. 

68 Prashanth Parameswaran, ‘Beware China’s political warfare campaign against 
US, allies: Experts’, The Diplomat, 10 October 2015. Liu Qibao has said: 
‘Experience has shown that it is better when Chinas cultural products are 
“sold out” rather than “sent out , prompting Chinas state-owned cultural 
organisations to make strategic acquisitions of Western cultural enterprises. 
See further at: Anne-Marie Brady, ‘China’s foreign propaganda machine’, 
Wilson Center, Washington, D.C., 26 October 2015 <www.wilsoncenter 


69 John Fitzgerald and Wanning Sun, ‘Australian media deals are a victory for 
Chinese propaganda’. The Interpreter, Lowy Institute, 31 May 2016. 

70 Brady, ‘China’s Foreign Propaganda Machine’. 

71 John Fitzgerald quoted in Smith, ‘China’s $10bn propaganda push sprea 
Down Under’. 

72 Philip Wen, ‘China’s propaganda arms push soft power in Australian media 

deals’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 31 May 2016. 

73 Fitzgerald and Sun, ‘Australian media deals are a victory for Chinese 

74 <http:^/w\ 456644/I456644.htm>. 

75 Anon., ‘China tells journalists to learn “Marxist news values’ , Reuters, 

30 August 2014. . L ’ TA 

76 Ross Gittins, ‘Australia and China, a partnership facing massive change , e 

Sydney Morning Herald, 20 August 2016; Ross Gittins, Australia not 
China’s Silk Road expansion of trade, for now’. The Sydney Morning Hera , 

31 July 2016; < l6/08/fast-moving-china-is ig 

and-bold-we.html>; Ross Gittins, ‘China will keep doing its own thing, The 

Sydney Morning Herald,?)^ ]w\y ^ 

77 Andrew Clark, ‘China: It’s got so big it changes everything , 

Financial Review, 15 August 2016; Andrew Clark, ‘Australia will be buffeted 
as China makes a priority of looking after its own’, Australian Financial 
Review, 21 July 2016; Andrew Clark, ‘China and Australias complicated 
security arrangement’, Australian Financial Review, 25 August 2016; Andrevv 
Clark, ‘Xi Jinping’s balancing act between the old and the new economy, 

Australian Financial Review, 30 July 2016. i u i a- 

78 Simon Denyer. ‘Money can’t buy happiness: Why a massive rise in wealth lett 

Chinese people less happy’, Washington Post, 23 March 2017. 


notes: 'BEIJING BOB' 

79 Brian Toohey, A better way of going to war’, Australian Financial Review, 
21 July 2016. See also: Brian Toohey, China’s private sector investing heavily 
in R&D , Australian Financial Review, 1 August 2016; Brian Toohey, *Xi’s 
technocratic crackdown risks Chinas growth’, Australian Financial Review, 
8 August 2016; Brian Toohey, Why suddenly so anxious about foreign capi¬ 
tal?’, Australian Financial Review, 22 August 2016; Brian Toohey, ‘Ignore all 
the fearmongering on Beijing ties’, Australian Financial Review, 6 September 
2016; Brian Toohey, Ausgrid denies provision of “critical” service’, Australian 
Financial Review, 15 August 2016; Brian Toohey, ‘Ausgrid rejection displays 
disturbing ignorance’, Australian Finaancial Review, 15 August 2016. 

80 Glenda Korporaal, China warns Australia not to join US patrols in South 
China Sea, The Australian, 19 July 2016; Glenda Korporaal, ‘Let’s tread 
carefully on South China Sea ruling’. The Australian, 27 July 2016; Glenda 
Korporaal, ‘Bob Carr warns on alienating China over South China Sea 
patrols’. The Australian, 26 July 2016. 

81 Shane Wright, ‘China warms on islands row’. The West Australian, 20 July 


82 <http://news.xinhuanet.eom/zgjx/20l6-08/l l/c_135585550.htm>. 
[‘Impressions from visiting China: Why were Australian journalists moved 
to say their “expectations were exceeded’”, All-China Journalists Association 
Online, 11 August 2016. 

83 John Wallace, ‘What’s good for Rupert Murdoch should be good for Chau 
Chak Wing’, Australian Financial Revieiv, 8 August 2017. 

84 Malcolm Farr, ‘Bob Carr’s backroom manouevering ends Chinese nightmare 
for Sydney academic’,, 3 April 2017; Troy Bramston, ‘Megaphone 
diplomacy with China will always foil: Bob Carr’, The Australian, 1 April 2017. 

85 < 

86 ^'Tien an ABC reporter tweeted about the Feng Chongyi interview, Carr was 
indignant at the suggestion that he claimed to have secured Feng’s release. He 
demanded an apology and complained to the director of ABC News. 

Chapter 6 Trade, invest, control 

1 Chinese political scientist Xie Guijua in ‘d 1 lAAD can be halted under Moon 
govt’, Gbbal Times, 21 May 2017. 

2 < KXP.G NFS.ZS>. 

3 < Q156NBFA>. 

4 <TIN-How-dependent-are-Australian-exports-to-China.pdf>. 

5 <TIN-How-dependent-are-Australian-cxports-to-China.pdf>. 

6 Rory Medcalf (ed.), ‘China’s economic leverage: Perception and reality’. 
National Security College, ANU, Policy Options Paper no. 2, 2017. 

7 < 


notes: trade, invest, control 

8 «^fi't'>. 

9 KPMG, Demystifying Chinese Investment in Australia, report by KPMG and 
the University of Sydney, 2017. 

10 KPMG, Demystifying Chinese Investment in Australia. 

11 Australian Tax Office, ‘Register of Foreign Ownership of Agricultural Land: 
Report of registrations as at 30 June 2017’, Australian Tax Office, Canberra, 

12 Anon., ‘China’s agricultural challenges: Roads to be travelled’. Price 
waterhouseCoopers, London, November 2015. 

13 Brad Thompson, ‘Chinese lining up for Australian agriculture businesses: 
HSBC’, Australian Financial Review, 17 December 2017. 

14 US$7.1 billion in 2015-16 to US$16.2 billion (converted at an exchange 
of A$1=US$0.79). Greater China includes Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. 
Source: Mergermarket Infographic. 

15 Glenda Korporaal, ‘Find an Aussie partner, Howard tells potential Chinese 
investors’. The Australian, 17 March 2017. The official Xinhua News Agency 
took up Howard’s call with alacrity: < 

16 Peter Drysdale, ‘Chinese state-owned enterprise investment in Australia, East 
Asia Forum, 25 August 2014. 

17 Linda Jakobson and Andrew Parker, ‘High time for proper debate on Chinese 
investment’, The Australian, 25 February 2016. They add: ‘Having party 
connections is integral to the way Chinese society functions. 

18 See <>. 

19 Geoff Wade, ‘Chinese investment in Australia needs closer scrutiny’. The 
Australian, 9 March 2016. 

20 Greg Levesque, ‘China’s evolving economic statecraft, The Diplomat, 12 April 

21 Against all this, James Reilly manages to argue—after setting out in some 
detail how China is uniquely able to apply economic coercion using tools no 
other nation possesses—that China’s economic statecraft lacks coherence, and 
Australia has little to worry about (James Reilly, Chinas economic statecraft. 
Turning wealth into power’, Lowy Institute, undated). 

22 Drysdale, ‘Chinese state-owned enterprise investment in Australia. 

23 Yi-Zheng Lian, ‘China, the party-corporate complex’. The New York Times, 
12 February 2017 (emphasis added). 

24 Lu Bingyang and Teng Jing Xuan, ‘Train manufacturer merges jobs of chair 
man, party secretary’, Caixin, 28 November 2016. 

25 Wei Yu, ‘Party control in China’s listed firms’. School of Accountancy, The 
Chinese University of Hong Kong, January 2009 (unpublished) <admin 

(full_version). pdfi>. 


notes: trade, invest, control 

26>. See also Lu and Teng, ‘Train 
manufacturer merges jobs of chairman, party secretary’, 

27 GNNynne Guilford, ‘Jack Ma: Mowing down demonstrators in Tiananmen 
Square was the “correct decision’”. Quartz, 17 July 2013. 

28 Paul Keating believes that China is not interested in challenging American 
hegemony, but is relaxed about what he sees as China’s plan to ‘colonise’ 
economically fifty or so states to its west. See Christian Edwards, ‘Keating’s 
China bank plans “economic colonisation’”, Australian Banking and Finance, 

29 John Garnaut, ‘Chinese diplomats run rings around Australia’, The Sydney 
Morning Herald, 27 March 2015. 

30 Quoted by Garnaut, ‘Chinese diplomats run rings around Australia’. 

31 John Garnaut, ‘Chinese military woos big business’. The Sydney Morning 
Herald, 25 May 2013. 

32 Anon., ‘Fact check: Does the China Free Trade Agreement threaten Australian 
jobs?’, ABC News Online, 13 August 2015. 

33 Primrose Riordan, ‘Bob Carr’s research used to justify FTA’, Australian 
Financial Review, 5 September 2016. 

34 Anon,, ‘Fact check’. 

35 ‘A coup for Australia’: ABC Radio National, The World Today, 10 November 
2014. A bad idea: ‘Why an Australian FTA with China has never stacked up’. 
The Conversation, 22 October 2013. 

36 GeofFWade, ‘Visa and industrial sector traps lurk in the ChAFTA’, The 
Drum, ABC News Online, 1 December 2015. 

37 < 


38 Nick McKenzie, Richard Baker and Chris Uhlmann, ‘Liberal Andrew Robb 
took $880k China job as soon as he left parliament’. The Age, 6 June 2017. 

39 Ian Verrender, ‘Australia’s FTA experience backs up Treasurer’s Ausgrid 
decision’, ABC News Online, 15 August 2016. 

40 Peter Martin, ‘Free trade agreements “preferential” and dangerous, says 
Productivity Commission’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 24 June 2015. 

41 GeofFWade, ‘Are we fully aware of China’s ChAFTA aspirations?’. The Drum, 
ABC News Online, 1 December 2015. 

42 ^heping Huang, Chinese president Kj Jinping has vowed to lead the “new 
world order’”. Quartz, 22 February 2017. 

43 <w\v^>. 

44 Eric Lorber, ‘Economic coercion, with a Chinese twist’. Foreign Policy, 

28 February 2017; Anon., Ralls Corps Oregon wind farms blocked by 
President Obama’, Huffington Post, 28 November 2012. 

45 Sarah Danckert, FIRB chairman Brian Wilson suspends himself as adviser to 
Carlyle investment house’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 October 2016. 


notes: trade, invest, control 

46 Extensive Chinese investment in health care also warrants attention See 

for example, <'invcstmcnt*in* 


47 Chris Uhlmann, ‘Chinese investment in Australia’s power grid explained’, 
ABC News Online, 21 August 2016; Phillip Coorey, ‘Scott Morrison sayi 
Ausgrid sale to Chinese contrary to the national interest’, Australian Financial 
Review, 11 August 2016. 

48 Brett Foley, Perry Williams and Prudence Ho, ‘Chow Tai Fook adds Australia 
power firm to property, jewelry’, Bloomberg, 16 March 2017. 

49 Peter Jennings, ‘Security crucial when leasing assets to foreign companies’. 
The Australian, 20 October 2015. 

50 Joe Kelly, ‘Ausgrid: Economic “populism behind decision”, says Bob Carf, 
The Australian, 12 August 2016. 

51 <>. 

52 Jessica Gardner, ‘DUET backs $74b takeover bid from Li Ka-shings Cheung 
Kong Infrastructure’, Australian Financial Review, 16 January 2017; Eric Ng, 
‘Cheung Kong Infrastructure’s bid for Duet faces tough scrutiny in Canberra, 
say analysts’, South China Morning Post, 1 December 2016. 

53 Australian Cyber Security Centre, 2017 Threat Report, Australian Cyber 
Security Centre, Canberra, 2017, p. 48. 

54 John Kerin, ‘Chinese hackers could shut down Australian power grid, w^ns 
former spy boss David Irvine’, Australian Financial Review, 9 March 2015. 

55 < 652>. 

56 <>. 

57 < 

20l6.pdf>. cc • I • 

58 For example, its chair from 2001-10, Qin Xiao, served as a party o ci m 

Beijing and is related through his sister to the princelings. 

59 <wv\' china 

moves-forward/>. . 

60 < ch i n ese-del egation-expl ore-op port uni ties wi 


61 <rajcairnsreport.wordpress.eom/2013/03/19/another-labor-mayor causing 

problems-cox-and-hill-in-tit-for-tat-spat-townsville-bulletin-news/>. ^ ^ 

62 Lisa Murray, ‘China eyes new Sydney airport as part of “belt and road’ plan , 

Australian Financial Review, 28 May 2017. 

63 ‘A national fibreoptic backbone will be built for Pakistan not only for internet 
traffic ... but also for terrestrial distribution of broadcast TV, which wi ^ 
cooperate with Chinese media in the “dissemination of Chinese culture 



64 Anon., ‘Backing Big Brother: Chinese facial recognition firms appeal to 
funds’, Reuters, 13 November 2017. 


notes: trade, invest, control 

(i5 One of the best sources, with an Australian focus, is Geoff Wade, ‘Chinas “One 
Belt. One Road” initiative’. Parliamentary Library briefing, Canberra, 2016, 



66 <\\^\'>. 

67 Ou Xiaoli, ‘Laying the foundations for China’s “One Beit, One Road”’, South 
China Morning Post, 25 November 2015. 

68 Wendy Wu, ‘How the Communist Party controls China’s state-owned indus¬ 
trial titans’, South China Morning Post, 17 June 2017. 

69 Christopher K. Johnson, ‘President Xi Jinping’s “Belt and Road” initiative: 
A practical assessment of the Chinese Communist Party’s roadmap for 
China’s global resurgence’, Center for Strategic and International Studies, 
Washington, D.C., March 2016. 

70 Anon., ‘China offers wisdom in global governance’, Xinhuanet, 6 October 

71 Ben Blanchard and Elizabeth Piper, ‘China invites Britain to attend new Silk 
Road summit: Sources’, Reuters, 8 February 2017. Bloomberg notes that 
AIIB ‘is central to President Xi Jinping’s ambition to seek a bigger voice in 
global affairs and deeper economic integration with its neighbors’ (<www 


72 Wade, ‘China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative’. 

73 Wade Shepard, ‘China’s “New Silk Road” is derailed in Sri Lanka by political 
chaos and violent protests’, Forbes, 21 February 2017. 

74 Jessica Me>^ers, ‘Sri Lankans who once embraced Chinese investment are now 
vtzry of Chinese domination’, Los Angeles Times, 25 February 2017. 

75 Bharatha Mallawarachi, ‘Sri Lanka, China sign long-delayed $ 1.5 billion port 
deal’, Washington Post, 29 July 2017. 

76 Brahma Chellaney in < 

77 Michael Fumento, ‘As the U.S. sleeps, China conquers Latin America’, Forbes, 
15 October 2015. 

78 Andrea Ghiselli, ‘The Belt, the Road and the PLA’, China Brief, The 
Jamestown Foundation, vol. 15, no. 20, 19 October 2015. 

79 Ghiselli, ‘The Belt, the Road and the Iff A’. 

80 Andrew Erickson and Conor Kennedy, ‘China’s maritime militia’, CNA 
Corporation, 7 March 2016. 

81 Anon., ‘Pentagon says China’s PLA expanding its global footprint’. The 
Economic Times, 13 June 2017 < 

82 Geoff Wade, Landbridge, Darwin and the PRC’, The Strategist, Australian 
Strategic Policy Institute, 9 November 2015. 


notes: trade, invest, control 

83 Ghiselli, ‘The Belt, the Road and the PLA’. 

84 Michael Sainsbury, ‘Australia stuck in the middle of Chinas latest attempt at 
“empire-building”’, Crikey, 15 May 2017. 

85 < l/17/c_l 113285659_2.htm>, 

86 < l/16/c_134822370.htm>, 

87 <>. 

88 <>. 

89 Rowan Callick, ‘One Belt, One Road China advisory group launches in 
Melbourne’, The Australian, 27 May 2017. 

90 Callick, ‘One Belt, One Road China advisory group launches in Melbourne’. 

91 <>. 

92 <>. 

93 Rowan Callick, ‘Investor certainty pledge to China’, The Australian, 21 
February 2017. 

94 Primrose Riordan, ‘Andrew Robb under fire for pushing China’s One Belt 
One Road policy’, Australian Financial Review, 31 October 2016. 

95 <>. 

96 Anne-Marie Brady, ‘China’s foreign propaganda machine’. Journal of 
Democracy, vol. 26, no. 4, October 2015, pp. 39-40. 

97 Henry Cook, ‘Winston Peters says western world is too hard on China over 
freedom issues’, Stuff, 5 December 2017; Fran O’Sullivan, ‘Winston Peters 
works to keep China sweet’, New Zealand Herald, 10 December 2017. 

98 < l436223299326525.shtml>. 

99 < l/c_l 120095586.htm>. 

100 < nw.Dl 1 0000renmrb_ 

20160110_2-03.htm>. The article extensively quotes Peter Cai, formerly of 
the Lowy Institute but now an adviser to the CEO of Virgin Australia. Virgin 
Australia is now partly owned by China’s HNA Aviation Group. 

101 Ana Swanson, ‘Chinese propagandists are using adorable kids to take on 
Donald Trump’, Washington Post, 18 May 2017. 

102 Zheping Huang, ‘China’s craziest English-language propaganda videos are 
made by one mysterious studio’. Quartz, 27 October 2015. 

103 Nadia Daly, ‘One Belt One Road: NT businesses welcome Chinese invest¬ 
ment despite reluctance over "new Silk Road , ABC News Online, 8 August 

104 Jamie Smyth, ‘Australia rejects China push on Silk Road strategy, Financial 
Times, 22 March 2017. 

Chapter 7 Seduction and coercion 

1 Tom Allard and John Garnaut, ‘Gas boom as China signs $25bn deal, The 
Sydney Morning Herald, 9 August 2002, p. 5. 

2 Anon., ‘Gas contract avails ties with Australia’, Peoples Daily, 17 September 



notes: seduction and coercion 

> Chen Yonglin, quoted In 25 June 2005 <www.epochtimes.eom/gb/5/6/25/ 
n965354.htm> (in Chinese). 

4 Kelly Burke, 'Howard stands firm on Dalai Lama meeting, The Age, 17 May 


5 Anon., 'Gas contract avails ties with Australia’. 

6 John Garnaut, 'Are Chau Chak Wing’s circles of influence in Australia-China 
ties built on hot air?’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 16 October 2015. 

7 Rory Medcalf (ed.), ‘China’s economic leverage: Perception and reality’. 
Policy Options Paper no. 2, National Security College, ANU, March 2017. 

8 Linda Jakobson and Andrew Parker, ‘High time for a proper debate on 
Chinese investments’. The Australian, 25 February 2016. 

9 Geoff Wade, ‘Chinese investment in Australia needs closer scrutiny’, The 
Australian, 9 March 2016. 

10 Linda Jakobson and Bates Gill, China Matters: Getting it right for Australia, 
Melbourne: Black Inc., 2017. 

11 Stephen FitzGerald. ‘Managing Australian foreign policy in a Chinese world’, 
The Conversation, 17 March 2017. 

12 FitzGerald, ‘Managing Australian foreign policy in a Chinese world’. 

13 Paul Kelly, Friend or foe? Our China dilemma is our biggest test’, The 
Australian, 17 August 2016. In his habitual practice of being the first to 
identify crises, landmarks and turning points in Australian, Asian and world 
history, Kelly describes the Drysdale report as ‘audacious’, ‘a wake-up jolt’, 
‘shattering delusions’, ‘confronting’ and a ‘watershed’. It sank like a stone. 

14 East Asian Bureau of Economic Research and China Center for International 
Economic Exchanges, Partnership for Change, Australia-China Joint 
Economic Report, Canberra: ANU Press, 2016, p. 14. 

15 Partnership for Change, p. 14, 

16 Partnership for Change, p. \9. 

17 Peter Dr>'sdale, ‘Chinese state-owned enterprise investment in Australia’, East 
Asia Forum, 25 August 2014. 

18 Chen Yonglin, ‘Australia is in the process of becoming China’s backyard’, 
published in Chinese in China in Perspective, 31 August 2016 and translated 
into English by Chun Gwai-lo. 

19 Peter Drysdale, ‘Australian needs to get its act together on China, and fast’. 
East Asia Forum, 7 June 2009. 

20 Peter Dry'sdale and John Denton, Chinas influence and how to use it to 
Australia’s advantage’, Australian Financial Review, 3 October 2017. 

21 <\v\\^g/t555926.htm>. 

22 Cheng Li and Luej’ Xu, Chinese thinks tanks: A new “revolving door” for 
elite recruitment’. Brooking, 10 February' 2017. 

23 Anon., ‘China to introduce dual-management on think tanks’, Xinhuanet, 
4 May 2017. 

24 Li and Xu, ‘Chinese think ranks’. 


notes; seduction and coercion 

25 Partnership for Change, p. 19. 

26 This section has benefited from the work of Robert Blackwill and Jennifer 
Harris, War by Other Means: Geoeconomics and statecraft, Cambridge, Mass,; 
Belknap Press, 2016, and of William Norris, Chinese Economic Statecraft: 
Commercial actors, grand strategy, and state control, Ithaca: Cornell University 
Press, 2016. 

27 Blackwill and Harris, War by Other Means, p. 129; Tone Sutterud and 
Elisabeth Ulven, ‘Norway criticised over snub to Dalai Lama during Nobel 

















committee visit’. The Guardian, 1 May 2014. 

Quoted by Blackwill and Harris, War by Other Means, p. 129. 

Sewell Chan, ‘Norway and China restore ties, 6 years after Nobel prize 
dispute’. The New York Times, 19 December 2016. 

Blackwill and Harris, War by Other Means, p. 130. 

Grant Holloway, ‘Australia snubs Dalai Lama’,, 16 May 2002; 
Daniel Flitton, ‘Praise for Dalai Lama snub’. The Sydney Morning Hera , 

29 June 2012. „ 

Andrew Marszal, ‘Dalai Lama criticises David Cameron for money over 

norality” snub’, The Telegraph, 23 September 2015. 

Vnon., ‘Dalai Lama’s visit: Botswana’s President Dr Ian Khama tells China, 
‘We are not your colony’”, The aPolitical, 19 August 2017. ^ 

>oted by Anon., ‘Beijing’s new weapon in economic war: Chinese tourists, 

(, 26 June 2017. 

Blackwill and Harris, p. 10. 

lames Reilly, 'China’s economic statecraft: Turning wealth into power, lx,wy 

Institute, 2013. . 

Stephen Fir/Gerald, ‘Managing Australian foreign policy in a Chinese 

The Conversation, 17 March 2017. 

Blackwill and Harris, War by Other Means, p. 3. 

football team says about China-Korta relations, bovcott of 

2 April 2017; Cary Huang. ‘Opinion: Why Chiijas 

South Korea is self-defeating’. South China Morning Post 2 Apni 2017 _ P«er 

Rutherford. ‘Chinese women golfers may shun LPGA event a 

South Korea tensions’. Reuters. 30 March 2017. vcil^Hefense 

Michael Hola. ‘China gets testier as South Korea advances its mi 

plans’. Christian Science Monitor, 8 February 2017. ,,nHer 

Lenda Goh and Muyu Zu, 'Playing favourites? Chinese 

scrutiny as Lunar New Year nears'. The Sydney Mommg HerM. 25 January, 


44 Goh and Zu, ‘Playing favourites?’. 



45 BlaclcNvill and Harris, War by Other Means, p. 109. 

46 Michael Komesaroff, 'Make the foreign serve China, Center for Strategic and 
International Studies, paper no. 2, March 2017. 

47 Blackwill and Harris, War by Other Means, p. 108. 

48 Anders Corr and Priscilla Tacujan. ‘Chinese political and economic influ¬ 
ence in the Philippines: Implications for alliances and the South China Sea 
dispute,/oj/rw/r/ of Political Risk, vol. 1, no. 3, July 2013. 

49 Blackwill and Harris, War by Other Means, p. 113. 

50 Corr and Tacujan, ‘Chinese political and economic influence in the Philippines’. 

51 Blacbvill and Harris, War by Other Means, p. 116. 

52 Martin Fackler, ‘Virus infects computers in Japan’s parliament’. The New York 
Times, 25 October 2011; Blackwill and Harris, War by Other Means, p. 109. 

53 Blackwill and Harris, War by Other Means, p. 101. 

54 Goh and Zu, ‘Playing favourites?’. 

55 Chris Horton, ‘China’s attempt to punish Taiwan by throttling tourism has 
seriously backfired’. South China Morning Post, 9 February 2017. 

56 Horton. ‘China’s attempt to punish Taiwan by throttling tourism has seriously 

57 Blackwill and Harris, War by Other Means, p. 108. 

58 Helena Smith. 'Greece blocks EUs criticism at UN of Chinas human tights 
record’, The Guardian, 19 June 2017. 

59 Nick Cumming-Bruce and Somini Senguptajune. ‘In Greece, China finds an 
ally against human rights criticism’. The New York Times, 19 June 2017. 

60 <'''' 

61 Roie Yellinek, ‘How can Greece pay back China?’, BESA Center Perspectives 
Paper no. 523, 9 July 2017. 

62 Anon., ‘Turkey promises to eliminate anti-China media reports’, Reuters, 
3 August 2017. 

63 Lindsay Murdoch, ‘Beijing article warns Australia over South China Sea’, The 
Sydney Morning Herald, 2 January 2018. 

64 Bob Carr, Diary of a Foreign Minister, Sydney: NewSouth Publishing, 2014, 
p. 331. 

65 Patrick Hatch, YCTio really owns this 19 per cent stake in Virgin Australia?’, 
The Sydney Morning Herald, 7 August 2017; David Barboza, ‘A Chinese giant 
is on a buying spree. Who is behind it?’. The New York Times, 9 May 2017. 

66 Eryk Bagshaw and Peter Hannam, Pilot shortage: Chinese-owned airport in 
Australia looks to increase its flights by 1000%’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 
27 December 2017. 

67 <^^'w' 
strategy-TI Q. pdf>. 

68 Sue Williams, Chinese dominate in tourism investment’, 

Herald, 27 January 2017. 


notes: seduction and coercion 

69 Karen Wales, ‘Chinese dominate in tourism investment’, Colliers Radar, 
Colliers International, February 2017. 

Chapter 8 Spies old and new 

1 Brian Toohey, ‘Enemies old and new’. Inside Story, 2 November 2016. 

2 Anon., ‘China blamed after ASIO blueprints stolen in major cyber attack on 
Canberra HQ’, ABC News Online, 28 May 2013. 

3 Jonathan Kaiman, ‘China calls Australian spy HQ plans hacking claims 
“groundless”’. The Guardian, 29 May 2013. 

4 Primrose Riordan and Markus Mannheim, ASIO s new neighbours links to 
China’s government’, Australian Financial Review, 2 November 2015. 

5 Kirsten Lawson, ‘Failed bidders raise eyebrows at high price for Currong and 
Allawah flats’, Canberra Times, 12 February 2016. 

6 John Thistleton, ‘Chief Minister Andrew Barr and developer Terry Shaw 
launch Campbell 5 units’, Canberra Times, 21 September 2015. 

7 Riordan and Mannheim, ‘ASlO’s new neighbours’ links to Chinas government. 

8 Jewel Topsfield, ‘Australia grants asylum to Chinese diplomat’. The Age, 9 July 

9 Aaron Patrick, ‘Australia is losing the battle against China’s “citizen spies , 
Australian Financial Review, 3-4 September 2016. 

10 Bill Gertz, ‘China’s intelligence networks in United States include 25,0 

spies , Washington Free Beacon, W ]u\y 2017. ^ 

11 Patrick, ‘Australia is losing the battle against Chinas “citizen spies^ • 

12 Patrick,‘Australia is losing the battle against China’s “citizen spies . 

13 Paul Monk, ‘Chinese spies and our national interest’, Quadrant Online, 
June 2012, < 2 / 06 /chinese-espionage 

14 James Jiann Hua To, Qiaowu: Extra-territorial policies for the overseas Chinese, 
Leiden: Koninklijke Brill, 2014, p. 44. 

15 Andrew Greene, ‘Chinese spies “very active” in Australia, departing e ence 

secretary warns’, ABC News Online, 12 May 2017. 

16 Andrew Greene, ‘Chinese spies in Australia on the rise, former diplomat 
Chen Yonglin says’, ABC News Online, 20 November 2016. 

17 Christopher Joye, ‘Spy wars fuelled by territorial claims’, Financia 

28 April 2014. 

18 <>. 

19 Paul Maley and Mitchell Bingemann, ‘Spies feared China was hacking t e 
NBN’, 77;e/lKrrm//V/«, 28 March 2012. 

20 US House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee of InteUigence, 
‘Investigative report on the US national security issues posed by Chinese 
telecommunications companies Huawei and ZTE’, 8 October 2012 <https:// uawei 



notes: spies old and new 

21 As premier oF Victoria, Brumby had worked with Huawei to help establish 
an RMIT training centre (Michael Sainsbuiy, ‘Huawei names John Brumby, 
Alexander Downer board members’, The Australian, 6 June 2011). See also 
Maley and Bingemann, ‘Spies feared China was hacking the NBN’. 

22 Sainsbury, ‘Huawei names John Brumby, Alexander Downer board members’. 

23 ‘Investigative report on the US national security issues posed by Chinese 
telecommunications companies Huawei and ZTE’. 

24 Anon., ‘The company that spooked the world’. The Economist, 4 August 


25 ‘Investigative report on the US national security issues posed by Chinese 
telecommunications companies Huawei and ZTE’, pp. 13-14. 

26 Evan S. Medeiros, Roger Cliff, Keith Crane and James C. Mulvenon, 
‘A new direction for China’s defense industry’, RAND Corporation, 2005 
< d/pubs/monographs/2005/ 
RAND_MG334.pdf>, p. 218. 

27 Bill Gera, ‘Chinese telecom firm tied to spy ministry’, Washington Times, 
1 1 October 2011. 

28 Phillip Coorey, ‘ASIO not the target of my outburst, Robb explains’. The 
Sydney Morning Herald, 28 March 2012. 

29 Paul Osborne, ‘Opposition slams NBN exclusion of Huawei’, The Australian, 
26 March 2012. 

30 James Chessell, ‘Kerry Stokes: Secrets to my China success’, Australian 
Financial Review, 3 November 2012. 

31 Maley and Bingemann, ‘Spies feared China was hacking the NBN’. 

32 Hamlsh McDonald and Mark Forbes, ‘Downer Hags China shift’. The Age, 
18 August 2004. 

33 Chen Yonglin, at a press conference in a Chatswood club on the afternoon of 
22 June 2005 and confirmed in correspondence with the author on 8 January 

34 Peter Cai, ‘Huawei “extremely disappointed” with NBN ban’. The Sydney 
Morning Herald, 1 November 2013. 

35 ‘Investigative report on the US national security issues posed by Chinese 
telecommunications companies Huawei and ZTE’, pp. 34-5. 

36 Paul Wiseman and Sadie Gurmin, ‘Chinese cellphone giant ZTE to pay US 
almost $900M for breaking Iran sanctions’. The Mercury News, 7 March 

37 <>. 

38 Allie Coyne, ‘Australian MPs still scared of Huawei’, iTnews, 17 October 


39 Christopher Joye and Aaron Patrick, ‘Chinese spies may have read all MPs 
emails for a year’, Australian Financial Review, 28 April 2014. 

40 Chris Johnson and Chris Wilson, ‘Ex-ASIO director helped Raiders’, The 
Canberra Times, 31 March 2012. 


notes: spies old and new 

Cluis Wilson, ‘Huawei is the real deal for Raiders, The Sydney Morning 
Herald, 31 March 2012. Huawei had also been negotiating with the ACT 
Brumbies rugby union team. When a journalist asked the club’i chief 
executive, ‘Are the Raiders a political pawn for Huawei to lobby the Federal 
Government? he emphatically replied. Absolutely not.’ With a preternatural 
insight into Huawei’s motives, he added: ‘In terms of his [Richardson's) 
ASIO links, it had absolutely nothing to do with getting the sponsor or 
not getting the sponsor. I can understand people making that inquiry, but 
absolutely not.’ 

42 Ray Shaw, ‘Huawei and Canberra Raiders winning partnership’, i'nVire 
Newsletter, 29 March 2017. 

43 ‘Investigative report on the US national security issues posed by Chinese 
telecommunications companies Huawei and ZTE’, p. 2. 

44 Ben Grubb, ‘Telcos could face Huawei ban, Malcolm Turnbull confirms’. The 
Sydney Morning Herald, 27 July 2015. 

45 See anon., ‘The company that spooked the world’, and Medeiros, Cliff, 
Crane and Mulvenon, ‘A new direction for China’s defense industry, p. 218. 

46 Peter Simpson, ‘Huawei devices dropped amid security concerns. South 
China Morning Post, 14 January 2014. The story was originally published 
in a British Sunday newspaper. Nevertheless, Britain has allowed Huawei to 
supply equipment to British Telecom. 

47 <' 


48 ‘Investigative report on the US national security issues posed by Chinese 
telecommunications companies Huawei and ZTE , p. 3. 

49 Geoff Wade, ‘The State Grid Corporation of China: Its Australian engage¬ 
ment and military links’. The Interpreter, Lowy Institute, 17 December 

2015 <'Corporanon-chma- 


50 Greg Sheridan, ‘A questionable risk to security—Huawei an extraordinary 

creation’. The Australian, 18 May 2013. ^ 

51 Greg Sheridan, ‘Turnbull government carefully tackles Chinese interference , 

The Australian, \7 }\xne IQM. ^ 

52 Juro Osawa, ‘AT&T deal collapse forces Huawei to rethink global plans’. The 

Information, 9 January 2018. 

53 As told to the author by one who heard it from Credlin. 

54 Simon Benson, ‘Tony Abbott says China visit is most important trip by 
Auscralian Prime Minister’,^ 10 April 2014. 

55 Nigel Inkster, ‘China’s draft intelligence law’. International Institute for 
Strategic Studies, blog, 26 May 2017 < 


notes: spies old and new 

56 John Schindler, ‘The unpleasant truth about Chinese espionage’, The 
Observer, 22 April 2016. 

57 Nate Thayer, ‘How the Chinese recruit American journalists as spies’, Asia 
Sentinel, 4 July 2017. 

58 Brandi Buchman, ‘Bond revoked for ex-CIA agent charged with spying for 
China’, Courthouse News, 10 July 2017. 

59 Philip Dorling, ‘China spies on top ALP figures’. The Canberra Times, 11 July 

60 Richard Baker, Philip Dorling and Nick McKenzie, ‘Defence leaks dirt file 
on own minister’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 26 March 2009. Liu was also 
a member of the ACPPRC. 

61 Richard Baker and Philip Dorling, ‘Defence “rejected” minister spy link 
concerns’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 7 May 2009. 

62 Richard Baker and Philip Dorling, ‘Minister snared in row’, The Sydney 
Morning Herald, 27 March 2009. 

63 Richard Baker, Philip Dorling and Nick McKenzie, ‘ALP donor Helen Liu 
had close ties with a senior Chinese military intelligence operative’, The 
Sydney Morning Herald, 12June2017. 

64 Baker and Dorling, ‘Defence “rejected” minister spy link concerns’. 

65 Richard Baker, Philip Dorling and Nick McKenzie, ‘Secrets and lies’. The 
Sydney Morning Herald, 20 April 2013. 

66 Baker and Dorling, ‘Minister snared in row’. 

67 Richard Baker, Philip Dorling and Nick McKenzie, ‘Secret payments to 
Labor MP listed in Liu files’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 3 February 2010. 

68 Richard Baker, Philip Dorling and Nick McKenzie, ‘Immigration probes 
Helen Liu marriage’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 September 2013. 

69 Baker, Dorling and McKenzie, ‘Immigration probes Helen Liu marriage’. 

70 Baker, Dorling and McKenzie, ‘Secrets and lies’. 

71 Baker, Dorling and McKenzie, ‘Secrets and lies’. 

72 Alexi Mostrous and Billy Kenber, ‘Fears over rise of Chinese CC'l'V’, The 
Times, 16 September 2016. 

73 <>. 

74 Xioa Yu, ‘Is the world’s biggest surveillance camera maker sending footage to 
China.^’, VOA, 21 November 2016; John Honovich, ‘Hikvision CEO admits 
Hikvision China state-owned company’, IPVM, 6 October 2016; John 
Honovich, ‘Hikvision and the Chinese government’, IPVM, 7 December 
2016 . 

75 John Honovich, ‘Hikvision exec simultaneously Chinese government secu¬ 
rity leader’, IPVM, 27 April 2015; John Honovich, ‘Hikvision and the China 
Communist Party’, IPVM, 12 January 2016. 

76 <>. 

77 Yu, ‘Is the world’s biggest surveillance camera maker sending footage to 



78 Interview with the author, 6 March 2017. 

79 Its cameras have been hacked (<'hikvision'hacking' 

80 < l/content_6039653 

81 <>. 

82 Interview with the author, 3 August 2017. 

83 <>. 

84 < >. 

85 Honovich, ‘Hikvision and the China Communist Party. 

86 Chris Uhlmann, ‘China blamed for “massive” cyber attack on Bureau of 
Meteorology’, ABC News Online, 2 December 2015; Andrew Greene, ‘Bureau 
of Meteorology hacked by foreign spies in massive attack, report shows’, ABC 
News Online, 12 October 2016. 

87 Hamish Boland-Rudder, ‘Capital the top spot for weather man, The Canberra 
Times, 30 August 2013. 

88 Uhlmann, ‘China blamed for “massive” cyber attack on Bureau of Meteorology’. 

89 Andrew Greene, ‘Chinese technology on Australian supercomputer sparks 
security concerns’, ABC News Online, 19 November 2016. 

90 Bill Gertz, ‘Militar>' warns Chinese computer gear poses cyber spy threat’, 
Washington Free Beacon, 24 October 2016. 

91 Interview with the author, 15 March 2017. 

92 John Lee, ‘Innovation in China: More than a fast follower?’. The Diplomat, 
9 June 2016. 

93 James Scott and Drew Spaniel, Chinas Espionage Dynasty, Institute for 
Critical Infrastructure Technology, 2016, pp. 10-11. 

94 Quoted by William Hannas, James Mulvenon and Anna Puglisi, Chinese 
Industrial Espionage, London: Routledge, 2013, p. 126. 

95 Richard A. Clarke, ‘How China steals our secrets’. The New York Times, 

2 April 2012. 

96 Erin Ailworth, ‘Trial over theft of wind technology spotlights U.S.-China 
Tensions’, The Wall Street Journal, 6 January 2018. 

97 Scott and Spaniel, Chinas Espionage Dynasty, p. 15. 

98 Scott and Spaniel, Chinas Espionage Dynasty, p. 18. 

99 Andrew Fowler and Peter Cronau, ‘Hacked!’, Eour Comers, ABC TV, online 
transcript, 29 May 2013; Anon., “‘You’re on your own”: Codan fights back 
after Chinese hacking attack’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 25 June 2015. 

100 Anon., ‘“You’re on your own”: Codan fights back after Chinese hacking 

101 Isaac Leung, ‘Codan network hacked by Chinese , Electronics News, 29 May 

102 Des Ball speaking to Fowler and Cronau, Hacked!, Four Comers. 


notes: spies old and new 

103 John Schindler, ‘The unpleasant truth about Chinese espionage’, The 
Observer, 22 April 2016. 

104 josh Kenworthy, ‘In a Midwestern cornfield, a scene of Chinese theft and 
espionage’, Christian Science Monitor, 11 April 2016. 

105 Schindler, ‘The unpleasant truth about Chinese espionage’. 

106 Scliindler, ‘The unpleasant truth about Chinese espionage’. 

107 Anon., ‘China warns women off handsome foreign spies in “Dangerous 
Love" comic’, ABC News Online, 21 April 2016. 

108 Alex Joske, ‘Incident at university pharmacy highlights a divided Chinese 
community, Woroni, 28 August 2016. 

109 Pavel Polityuk and Eric Auchard, ‘Petya attack “likely cover” for malware 
installation in Ukraine’, iTnews, 30 June 2017. 

110 Allie Coyne, ‘Australia has created a cyber warfare unit’, iTnews, 30 June 2017. 

111 < research/ research-news/articles/boost-for-cyber- 

112 Chris Uhlmann, ‘China blamed for “massive” cyber attack on Bureau of 
Meteorolog)' computer’, ABC News Online, 2 December 2015. 

113 <>. 

114 <w'w^ 

115 < 

116 <>. 

117 <>. 

118 < lm#page-4>. 

119 <>. 

120 <>. 

121 <>. 

122 < 6616_785996.html>. 

123 <www.81 .cn/2016hjcllqzn/2016-04/21 /content_7017010.htm>. 

124 <>. 

125 <>. 

126 <http://ww\ l6240.htm>. 

127 < l64l5/>; < 

128 Stephen Chen, ‘Top 5 most secretive and mysterious research universities in 
China’, South China Morning Post, 19 April 2015. 

129 Anders Corr, ‘Ban official Chinese student organizations abroad’, Forbes, 
4 June 2017. 

130 Scott and Spaniel, Chinas Espionage Dynasty, p. 34. 

131 US Depanment of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, ‘Higher education 
and national security: The targeting of sensitive, proprietary and classified 


notes: spies old and new 

information on campuses of higher education, April 2011, p, 9 <httpw'7/>. 

132 Scott and Spaniel, Chinas Espionage Dynasty, p. 37. 

Chapter 9 ‘Malicious insiders’ and scientific organisations 

1 James Jiann Hua To, Qiaowu: Extra-territorial policies for the overseas Chinese, 
Leiden: Koninklijke Brill, 2014, p. 73ff. 

2 ASIO, ASIO Annual Report 2016-17, ASIO, 2017. 

3 ASIO, ASIO Annual Report 2015-16, ASIO, 2016. 

4 In 2007 the former diplomat Chen Yonglin revealed that Chinese missions 
often play the leading role in setting up Chinese professionals groups in 
an effort to use them to Influence the mainstream. See Madalina Hubert, 
‘Ex-envoy details Chinese regime’s overseas scheme’. The Epoch Times, 
7 June 2007 < 

5 <>. 

6 <https;// .html>. 

7 < 119513745.htm>. 

8 Scott Harold, ‘The U.S.-China cyber agreement: A good first step, The 
Cypher Brief, 31 July 2016. 

9 To, Qiaowu, p. 43. 

10 To, Qiaowu, pp. 43-4. 

11 James Scott and Drew Spaniel, Chinas Espionage Dynasty, Institute for 
Critical Infrastructure Technology, 2016, pp. 10-11. 

12 Joshua Philipp, ‘Rash of Chinese spy cases shows a silent national emergency, 

The Epoch Times, 25 April 2016. 

13 ASIO, ASIO Annual Report 2016-17, ASIO, 2017, p. 5. See also ASIO, 
ASIO Annual Report 2015—16, ASIO, 2016, pp. 25-6. 

14 Four cases came to light in April 2016 alone. See Philipp, Rash of Chinese 

spy cases shows a silent national emergency. 

15 Michael Riley and Ashlee Vance, ‘Inside the Chinese boom in corporate 

espionage’, Bloomberg, 16 March 2012. 

16 US Department of Justice, ‘Michigan man sentenced 48 months for attempt¬ 
ing to spy lor the People’s Republic of China, media release, 21 January 

17 Anon., ‘China tops spy list; CSIS’, The Star, 30 April 2007. 

18 Anon.,‘China tops spy list’. 

19 Anon., ‘Beijing rejects claims Canadian engineer is Chinese spy, ABC Mews 
Online, 2 December 2013. 

20 Haiyan Dong, Yu Gao, Patrick J. Sinko, Zaisheng Wu, Jianguo Xu and Lee 
Jia, ‘The nanotechnology race between China and USA, Materials Today, 
12 April 2016. 


notes: ‘malicious insiders' and scientific organisations 

,J j 4 st,n l>an, ‘Prosecutors charge five with nanotechnology theft’, Taipei Times, 
28 July 2016. 

■>'> Daniel Golden, Spy Schools: How the CIA, FBI, and Foreign Intelligence secretly 
exploit Americas universities. New York: Henry Holt, 2017, p. 17. 

23 William Hannas, James Mulvenon and Anna Puglisi, Chinese Industrial 
Espionage, London: Routledge, 2013, Chapter 5. 

Hannas, Mulvenon and Puglisi, Chinese Industrial Espionage, pp. 122-3. 

25 Interview with Chen Yonglin, 1 February 2017. Chen says some scientists are 
gi\'en ver>' large bonuses for supplying information to the PRC (payments the 
ATO does not hear about). 

26 To, Qiaowu, pp. 45-6. 

■>7 Interview with Chen Yonglin, 1 February 2017. 

?g The director of ACAIEP is Ms Guixia Gao. 

29 Hannas, Mulvenon and Puglisi, Chinese Industrial Espionage, pp. 78-80. 

30 Hannas, Mulvenon and Puglisi, Chinese Industrial Espionage, p. 96. 

31 For the case of Noshir Gowadia see < 
75209/>; < 10906 
.htm>; and < 

32 Hannas, Mulvenon and Puglisi, Chinese Industrial Espionage, pp. 79-80. 

33 <w\N' /conten t_5141607.htm>. 

34 Hannas, Mulvenon and Puglisi, Chinese Industrial Espionage, p. 110. 

35 Hannas, Mulvenon and Puglisi, Chinese Industrial Espionage, p. 114. 

36 <>. 

37 <ww’\\'>. 

38 < 10/200910/t20091020_123750.html>. 

39 cwwwl>. 

40 Stephen Chen, ‘Top 5 most secretive and mysterious research universities in 
China’, South China Morning Post, 19 April 2015. 

41 <>. 

42 < 1297108.htm>. 

43 <ww\>; < 
1206x2/11419700.htm>; < 
.htm>; and <>. 

44 < 1014449. htm>. 

45 <>. 

46 < 
Final Media Notes.pdf>. 

47 <>. 

48 < 125 51099.htm>. 

49 < 



























Malicious insiders’ 


<www.cscs orp / 

Meeting-Agenda ^‘ S-Council- 

Name-LisH n?f ^ 2/2016-201 S-Council- 

Hannas m..I^^ ^'^^’?"'^"^^''P'°^‘^'^^^‘^^^^^CSCS_Attendec_List.pdf>. 
<wrL^ 7" Industrial Bpionag,. pp. 116-17. 

<www. 1 589 112 ?flag=l> 

< 1/2016/1115/c408038-28862609.html>. 



nterview with the author, 3 August 2017. 

li Baker and Nick McKenzie, ‘Chineses [sic] scientist absence exposed 
20^^ activities at CSIRO’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 December 

Unnamed journalist quoted by AFP in email dated 10 September 2015 
released under freedom of information. 

Documents released under freedom of information. 

<>; <>. 

< the-5th-cheung-kong-scholars-award-ceremony-held-in- 


Paul Mozur and Jane Perlez, ‘China bets on sensitive US start-ups, worrying 
the Pentagon’, The New York Times, 22 March 2017. 

Paul Mozur, Beijing wants AI to be made in China by 2030’, The New York 
Times, 20 July 2017. 

< -strengthening- 
Austral ias-cyber-secu ri ty>. 


< 1600/201507/2015070717485119 
.xls>; <>. 
<www.huangl 1010>. 

< 126fff7050bc0.html>; <http://vvvv\v>. 



Ao Fu-jiang, Qi Zong-feng, Chen Bin and Huang Ke-di, ‘Data stream mining 
techniques and its application in simulation systems,’ Computer Science, issue 
03, 2009 (in Chinese); Chen Bin, Ju Ru-sheng, Jiang Zhao-jin and Huang 
Ke-di, ‘Web-based situation display method in combat simulation’. Journal 
of System Simulation, issue 24, 2009 (in Chinese); Yang, Lun, Chen Bin, 
Huang Jian and Huang Ke-di, ‘Research of general 2-dimension view display 
system in combat simulation, Ordnance Industry Automation, issue 12, 2007 
(in Chinese); Yang Lun, Chen Bin, Huang Jian and Huang Ke-di, ‘Model 


notes: ‘maucious insiders’ and scientific organisations 

dorlopmcnt and management in the computational experiment oriented to 
emergcnq' management’,/ownw/ of National University of Defense Technology, 
issue 03, 2015 (in Chinese). 

74 <w'Nv^>; <www.cqvip com/ 

75 <>. 

76 <%v\\' /t20161128_3291681 .shtml>. 

77 Hu Peng, Qiu Xiao-gang and Meng Rong-qing, ’Resource Description in 
Remote Sensing Satellite Simulation Integrated Environment’, Computer 
Simulation, issue 07, 2011 (in Chinese). 

78 <>. 

79 < 

80 Prosecutors alleged Long, desiring to return to China, promised to provide 
stolen aircraft technology to the Shenyang Institute and the Chinese Academy 
of Sciences if they offered him employment. Xhey did and he returned to 
China carrying Voluminous’ secret documents. In an email, Long outlined 
his American work experience before concluding, ‘I believe my efforts will 
help China to mature its own aircraft engines’ (< 



81 He also holds an adjunct professorship at the University of Sydney (<people>). 

82 He visited the China University of Petroleum in June 2017 to talk about 
blockchain technology (< 
139484.htm>). He also visited Harbin Institute of Technology’s Weihai 
campus to discuss research collaboration with the institute’s president and the 
head of the campus’s computer science and technology school (<today.hitwh>). 

83 < />: <ieeexplore>; <>. 

84 <>. 

85 <>. 

86 <v^' 

87 <wv^'^ -and-Treasury-to- 

88 Another is Fu Yinjin of the People’s Liberation Army University of Science 
and Technology. 

89 < l/594599.shtml>. 

90 <zqb.cyol.coni/htinl/2013-08/30/nw.Dl 10000zgqnb_20130830_5-06.htm>. 





Chapter io *Pnni» • 

^ John Ficj"! ! 

from China’ Hi ^ and the contemporary university: Lessons 

‘ John R« rr rf ■ 

Quoted by Fitzgerald T contemporary university’. 

Perrv 1 inL • ' ^ ^•’^cdom and the contemporary univcrsit/. 

resentativ * Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Rep- 

Tjc • ! . ^ ^^cademic freedom threatened by China’s influence on 

/ r) crsities. , Washington, D.C: US Government Printing Office, 
4December20l4, p. 3. ^ 

Interview with the author, 10 May 2017. 

y Link, testimony to Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of 

presentatives, Is academic freedom threatened by China’s influence on US 
universities?’, p. 11. 

Interview with the author, 10 May 2017. 

Rowan Callick, Traps for old players, the People’s Republic of China way’, 
The Australian, 9 September 2016. 

< 7-05/ 1 070 1945.html>. 

Kirsty Needham, China’s internet erupts over Monash University’s drunk 
officials quiz question’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 22 May 2017. 

Primrose Riordan, ‘Monash University suspends lecturer over quiz question, 
The Australian, 22 May 2017. 

Primrose Riordan, ‘Monash throws out the textbook over Chinese student 
complaints’, The Australian, 30 May 2017; Riordan, ‘Monash University 
suspends lecturer over quiz question’. 




13 <news.>. 

14 <>. 

15 < 


16 John Garnaut, ‘Our universities are a frontline in China’s ideological wars, 
Australian Financial Review, 30 August 2017. 

17 Emma Reynolds, ‘Tensions rise as Chinese government’s influence infiltrates 
Aussie universities’,, 1 September 2017. 

18 < l/c90000-9254290.html>. 

19 Andrea Booth, ‘Chinese students left fuming after Sydney uni lecturer uses 
contested map of China-India border’, SBS News Online, 22 August 2017. 

20 Rowan Callick, ‘Chinese students taught to “snitch on politically incorrect 
lecturers’. The Australian, 1 September 2017. 

21 Primrose Riordan, ‘Top unis admit China influence, Go8 fears backlash, 
The Australian, 23 September 2017; < 



22 <>. 


notes; 'engineering souls’ in Australia's universities 

23 1 rinirosc l^ordan and Rowan Callick, ‘China consulate involved in Newcastle 
Uni Taiwan row’, The Australian, 28 August 2017. 

24 Thomas Cushman, testimony to Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of 
Representatives, ‘Is academic freedom threatened by China’s influence on US 
universities?’, p. 16. 

25 Maev Kennedy and Tom Phillips, ‘Cambridge University Press backs down 
over China censorship’. The Guardian, 22 August 2017. 

26 For the material on UTS and CETC I owe a large debt to Geoff Wade, and 
the detailed investigation of Chinese-language sources by Alex Joske. 

27 John Fitzgerald, ‘China’s scientists trapped’, Australian Financial Review, 
3 October 2013. 

28 < 

29 < 

30 <www.scmp.eom/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2058888/j-15- 
fighter-jets-chinas-liaoning-aircraft-carrier-make>; < 
china/20l6-l l-29/doc-ifxyawmm3819629.shtml>. 

31 <>. 

32 < 

33 Chris Uhlmann, ‘Australian Defence files to be moved out of privately owned 
data hub after Chinese buy-in’, ABC News Online, 20 June 2017. 

34 <>; < 
.htm>; <http;//>. 

35 <>. 

36 <>. 

37 William Hannas, James Mulvenon and Anna Puglisi, Chinese Industrial 
Espionage, London: Routledge, 2013, p. 259. 

38 <’s-drive-indigenous-innovation-web- 

39 <>. 

40 Fitzgerald, ‘China’s scientists trapped’. 

41 Matthew Luce, ‘A model company: CETC celebrates 10 years of civil-military 
integration’, C^z>w The Jamestown Foundation, vol. 12, no. 4, 2012. 

42 Danielle Cave and Brendan Thomas-Noone, ‘CSIRO cooperation with 
Chinese defence contractor should raise questions’. The Guardian, 3 June 

43 < 80/ 
Article_List.aspx?columnID= 1 >. 

44 < 

45 Luce, ‘A model company’. 


notes: 'engineering souls’ in Australia's universities 

46 Cave and d’homaA-Noonc, ‘CSIKO awperation v/ith Chineie defence cc/n- 
tractor should raise (|ue.stions’. 

47 Mannas, Mulvenon and I’uglisi, Chinese Industrial Espionafre, p. 259. 

48 Hannas, Mulvenon and Puglisi, Chinese Industrial Espionage, pp, 259-60. 

49 <www,uts,'enginccring'and'information-technolog'// 

50 <cn.yil)'rcscarchcrs-hopeful- 

51 Cave and Thomas-Noonc, ‘CSIRO cooperation with Chinese defence cr)n- 
tractor should raise questions’, 

52 Tom Igguldon, ‘Australian universities accused of sharing military technology 
with China’, AliCNews Online, 15 December 2017. 

53 <'launch'Centre-china'promote' 

54 < l/17/c_l 35835124.htm>. 

55 <>. 

56 <'and-information-technology/ 

57 <'Cnginccring-and'information-technology/ 

news/join t-ict-rcsearch'ccntre-china>. 

58 < ing/our-research/global-big-data- 


59 <>; <ndupress 113/defense- 
in telligcncc-analysis-in-thc-agc-of-big-data/>. 

60 < 9 / 



61 Aaron Patrick, ‘China’s citizen spies’, Australian Einancial Review, 3-4 
September 2016. 

62 Interview with senior officer managing university engagement, DST Group, 

3 August 20 17. . 

63 Daniel Golden, % Schook: How the CM, I-BI. ,mdForeipi htelligmct secretly 

exploit Artierkii's universities. New York: Henry Holt, 2017, p, 7. 

64 <>. ■ y 'tu 

65 Edward Wong, ‘University in Xi’an opens school of cyberengineermg , The 

New York 'Times, 7 January 2015. 

66 <>. 

67 The rest of this section was written with Alex joske, who also did most of the 
research for this section. 

68 Minnie Chan, ‘Xi Jinping tells Chinese defence firms to aim higher and catch 
up on weapons technology’. South China Morning Post, 4 October 2017; 


notes: 'engineering souls’ in Australia’s universities 

Charlotte Gao, '3 Major Takeaways from Xi Jinpings Speech at the 19th 
Party Congress’, The Diplomat, 18 October 2017. 

69 David Lague, ‘In satellite tech race, China hitched a ride from Europe’, 
Reuters, 23 December 2013. 

70 < 10291 -010-0165-9>. 

71 Zhang Weihua with UNSW researchers: <http;// 
science/article/pii/Sl874490714000020>; Zhang Weihua is a major general: 
<http://ww\ 1377750/n 1377781 /c 1802727/content.html>. 

72 < 
06/26/content_6556886.htm>; < 
25/c_l 27950466.htm>. 

73 < 

74 <>; 

75 < 
rep=rep 1 &type=pdf>;< 1 02279 1 6888 

76 <hrtp.7/ ba346fff00bed5b9f31 dd3-134.html>. 

77 Clive Hamilton and Alex Joske, ‘Australian universities are helping Chinas 
military surpass the United States’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 28 October 

78 < 29724787 

79 Emailed responses to the author, 14 November 2017. 

80 Email to the author, 25 July 2017. 

81 Emailed responses to the author, 27 October 2017. 

82 Conversation with Alex Joske, 8 November 2017. 

83 <^^'^v^>; < 

84 Hannas, Mulvenon and Puglisi, Chinese Industrial Espionage. 

85 Anon., ‘Chinese scientist Huang Kexue jailed for trade theft’, BBC News, 
22 December 2011. 

86 <w\>. 

87 < 

88 <http://wNv^v.president. 

89 < 

90 Quoted by Hannas, Mulvenon and Puglisi, Chinese Industrial Espionage, p. 63. 


notes: ‘engineering souls’ in Australia’s universities 

91 < 120688273.htm>. 

92 John Ross, ‘Torch precinct lights the way for UNSW innovators’, The 
Australian, 7 May 2016. 

93 Anders Furze and Louisa Lim, “‘Faustian bargain”: Defence fears over Australian 
university’s SlOOm China partnership’, The Guardian, 19 September 2017; 
Brian Boyle, ‘Chinese partnerships are vital for universities and global research’, 
Australian Financial Review, 30 October 2017. 

94 Ross, ‘Torch precinct lights the way for UNSW innovators’. 

95 Interview with Laurie Pearcey, 2 August 2017. 

96 ... we do extensive due diligence on all of our prospective partners and this is 
conducted by an expert independent third party. This involves consideration 
against a range of criteria including corporate beneficial ownership informa¬ 
tion as well as sanctions/regulatory/exclusion lists and so through this process 
we absolutely do look at military linkages as part of our considerations.’ Email 
to the author, 5 October 2017. On 17 October Pearsey emailed as follows: 
‘All of our research contracts with overseas partners go through a rigorous due 
diligence process and this includes ensuring that all contracts are compliant 
with Defence Trade Controls.’ 

97 Laurie Pearcey seems sympathetic to the goals of the Communist Party 
regime, variously arguing that: once the elitist demands for democracy 
fade, Hong Kongers will realise that their destiny has always been as part 
of China (‘Beyond the fog of tear gas, Hong Kong’s future remains with 
China’, The Conversation, 2 October 2014); that the One Belt, One Road 
initiative will save Australia from ‘splendid isolation’ (‘Chinas Belt and Road 
initiative counters isolationist sentiment: Australian academics, Xinhuanet, 
23 November 2016); and that Australian universities must suspend their 
parochialism and take the ‘bold first step along the new Silk Road ( Scholar 
urges bold step for Australia’s higher education along new Silk Road , Global 
Times, 26 May 2015). His views are regularly trumpeted by Chinas official 
media. He is the director of UNSW’s Confucius Institute. 

98 This topic is sensitive and no studies have been carried out. The existence of 
enclaves is easy to see from university staff lists for certain departments and 
centres. The possible impacts on academic culture are here speculations based 
on anecdote. 

99 University of Adelaide: <>; Victoria 
University: <>. 

100 <\\'>. 

101 <\\'%\'wl>. 

102 < 1467a34057/page.htm>; <heuac.hrbeu>. 

103 <>. 

104 <>. 


notes; ‘engineering souls’ in AUSTRALIA’S UNIVERSITIES 

105 <www.f) 198/page.htm>; < 


106 <>s’>>. 
10? Anon., ‘A message from Confucius’, The Economist, 22 October 2009. 

108 Omid Ghoreishi, ‘Beijing uses Confucius Institutes for espionage, says 
Cmadian intelligence veteran, The Epoch Times, 14 October 2014. 

109 < 10971 .htm>. 

110 David Shambaugh, ‘China’s propaganda system: Institutions, processes and 
efficacy’. The China Journal, no. 57, January 2007. 

1 11 James Jiann Hua To, Qiaowu: Extra-territorial policies for the overseas Chinese, 
Leiden: Koninklijke Brill, 2014, p. 146. 

112 Rachelle Petersen, Outsourced to China: Confiicius Institutes and soft power 
in American higher education. New York: National Association of Scholars, 
2017, p. 80. 

113 Anon., ‘Sydney University criticised for blocking Dalai Lama visit’. The 
Guardian, 18 April 2013. 

114 Adam Harvey, ‘Uni under fire for pulling pin on Dalai Lama event’, ABC 
News Online, 18 April 2013. 

115 Petersen, Outsourced to China, p. 83. 

116 Ha*^ Cohen, ‘Australian universities the latest battleground in Chinese soft 
power offensive’, ABC News Online, 14 October 2016. 

117 Zhiqun Zhu, ‘The undoing of China’s soft power’. The Diplomat, 8 August 

118 Petersen, Outsourced to China. 

119 Petersen, Outsourced to China, p. 88. 

120 Ghoreishi, ‘Beijing uses Confucius Institutes for espionage, says Canadian 
intelligence veteran’. 

121 Raff)' Boudjikanian, ‘Local Chinese school visited by CSIS, director says’, 
CBCNews, 8 September 2014. 

122 <'education-the-hon-christopher- 
pyne-visi ts-peki ng-un i versi ty/>. 

123 Geoff Wade, ‘Confucius Institutes and Chinese soft power in Australia’, 
Canberra: Parliamentary Library, 24 November 2014. 

124 <>. 

125 < 

126 Wade, ‘Confiicius Institutes and Chinese soft power in Australia’. 

127 John Fitzgerald, ‘Academic freedom and the contemporary university— 
lessons from China’, Humanities Australia, 2017. 

128 < 

129 <>! 


notes: 'engineering souls’ in 


130 <*cccf 

131 Justin Norrie, Confucius says school s in, but don’t mention dcmocrac/, The 
Sydney Morning Herald, 20 February 2011. 

132 Michael Churchman, ‘Confucius Institutes and controlling Chinese lan¬ 
guages , China Heritage Quarterly, ANU, no. 26, June 2011. 

133 <>. 

134 Norrie, ‘Confucius says school’s in, but don’t mention democracy’. 

135 Louisa Lim, The People's Republic of Amnesia: Tiananmen revisited, Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 2014. 

136 < pers/DB Assets/tabled paper/web 


137 Tom Cowie, ‘Theatre group raises questions about Chinese Consulate 
intimidating schools’, Crikey, 23 February 2011. 

138 Kelsie Munro and Hannah Francis, ‘Confucius Classrooms: Chinese govern¬ 
ment agency teaching Victorian kids’. The Age, 29 May 2016. 

139 Alex Joske and Philip Wen, ‘The “patriotic education of Chinese students at 
Australian universities’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 7 October 2016. 

140 Angus Grigg, Lisa Murray and Primrose Riordan, Canberra pharmacy at 
front line of China’s push for global influence, Australian Financial Review, 
1 September 2016. Note; the words ‘of power’ were accidentally omitte 

from the published story. c vl 

141 Open letter from Geremie Barme to ANU vice-chancellor Brian Schmi t 

and chancellor Gareth Evans, 15 August 2016. Note. In May 2017 Pro 
William Maley confirmed to me that Lei Xiying was continuing 

studies at the ANU. . i- • i 

142 Philip Wen, ‘The Australian connection behind China’s ultra-nation ist vir 

, The Sydney Morning Herald, A 

143 Andrew Chubb, ‘Are China’s most extreme nationalists actual y oreign 


stooges?’, Foreign Policy, 26 July 2016. 




145 Open letter from Banne CO Schmidt and Evans. . , i > Thp 

146 Alex W. Palmer, ‘The lonely crusade of China’s human rights awyers, 

New York Times Magazine, 25 July 2017. 

147 To, Qiaowti, p. 31. 

148 To, Qiaowu, pp. 32-4. nara/ 

149 < 


150 Ross Peake, ‘Overseas students are good for Canberra - an vice ver 
Canberra Times, 4 September 2015. 


notes: 'engineering souls’ in Australia’s universities 

151 Anon., ‘Protect uni students from foreign spies, says Gareth Evans’, The 
Australian, 4 October 2017. 

152 Alexander Joske, Kelsey Munro and Philip Wen, ‘Australia’s top-ranked global 
university' moves to lower share of Chinese students’. The Sydney Morning 
Herald, 5 October 2017. 

153 James To, Beijings policies for managing Han and ethnic-minority Chinese 
communities abroad’. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, no. 4, 2012, 
pp. 183-221,205-6. 

154 To, Qiaotvu, p. 29. 

155 To, Qiaoum, p. 218. 

156 Chang Ping, ‘Chinese students studying abroad a new focus of CCP’s “United 
Front work”’, China Change, 9 June 2015. 

157 Gerry' Groot, The expansion of the United Front under Xi Jinping’, China 
Story Yearbook, Canberra: Australian Centre for China in the World, 2015. 

158 James Scott and Drew Spaniel, Chinas Espionage Dynasty, Institute for 
Critical Infrastructure Technology, 2016, p. 34. 

159 Madalina Hubert, ‘Ex-envoy details Chinese regime’s overseas scheme’. The 
Epoch Times, 10 September 2015. 

160 Hubert, ‘Ex-envoy details Chinese regime’s overseas scheme’. 

161 Joske and Wen, ‘The “patriotic education” of Chinese students at Australian 

162 At an unadvertised meeting in 2017, Guo Xiaohang was elected presi¬ 
dent of the ANU/ACT CSSA ‘unanimously’ (< 

163 Matthew Robertson, ‘Columbia University closes Chinese students group’, 
The Epoch Times, 24 March 2015. 

164 Nick McKenzie, Sashka Koloff and Anne Davies, ‘Power and influence’. Four 
Comers, ABC TV, 6 June 2017. 

165 John Garnaut, ‘Chinese spies at Sydney University’, The Sydney Morning 
Herald, 21 April 2014. 

166 McKenzie, Koloff and Davies, ‘Power and influence’. Four Corners. Lupin 
Lu, a young Chinese student temporarily living in Australia, launched a 
defamation action against the ABC and Fairfax Media in the Supreme Court 
of Victoria claiming that the program implied that she is, inter alia, a spy or 
a proxy for the Chinese Communist Party in Australia and that, as a result of 
the program and subsequent news reports, her reputation has been severely 
injured. Against the defendants Lu is claiming damages, aggravated damages, 
injunctions against further publication, interest on the damages, legal costs 
and ‘such further or other relief as the Court considers appropriate’ (Ping 
(Lupin) Lu Statement of Claim lodged at the Supreme Court of Victoria on 
29 November 2017). 

167 McKenzie, Koloff and Davies, ‘Power and influence’. Four Comers. 



168 Grigg, Murray and Riordan, ’Canberra pharmacy at front line of Chinas 
push for global influence’. 

169 Chang Ping, ‘Chinese students studying abroad a new focus of CCP’s “United 
Front work’”, China Change, 9 June 2015. 

170 Central Intelligence Agency, ‘China: Student informant system to expand, 
limiting school autonomy, free expression, Washington, D.C.: Directorate 
of Intelligence, 23 November 2010, < 

171 Garnaut, ‘Chinese spies at Sydney University’. 

172 Alex Joske, personal communication, 30 March 2017. 

173 John Horwitz, ‘Chinese students in the US are using “inclusion” and “diver¬ 
sity” to oppose a Dalai Lama graduation speech, Quartz, 15 February 2017. 

174 Zhang Xunchao (CSSA member and Ostar employee), ‘Open letter to 
Woroni regarding the ANU Chinese student community’, Facebook post, 
1 September 2016. 

175 Chenchen Zhang, ‘The curious rise of the “white left” as a Chinese internet 
insult’, DewoenzQ', 11 May 2017. 

176 Jim Waterson, ‘The Chinese Embassy told Durham University’s debating 
society not to let this former Miss World contestant to speak at a debate, 
Buzzfeed, 11 February 2017 < 



177 Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, ‘Is academic free¬ 
dom threatened by China’s influence on US universities?, Washington, D.C.. 
US Government Printing Office, 4 December 2014. 

178 Chris Uhlmann, ‘ASIO warned ANU of donor links to Chinese Communist 
party, Opposition ramps up inquiry call, ABC News Online, 13 June 2017. 

Chapter 11 Culture wars 

1 Sue Neales, ‘China’s Ningbo Dairy Group looks to greener Australian 
pastures’. The Australian, A 

2 < puguangtai/20130504/12301534934 

shtml>; < 13_02/27/22524284_0.shtnil>, 

<news. /22609837_0.shtml>. 

3 Powell Tate, ‘The licence that matters: Beyond Foreign Investment Review 
Board approval’, report by Powell Tate, 2017, p. 46. 

4 Sue Neales, ‘Dreams blocked as council cries over milk spilling to China, The 
Australian, 5 September 2015. 

5 Sue Neales and Primrose Riordan, ‘Avoid Aussie icons: FIRB bosss tips for 
China on investment’, The Australian, 1 March 2017. 

6 Glenda Korporaal, ‘Find an Aussie partner, Howard tells potential Chinese 
investors’. The Australian, 17 March 2017. 

7 Powell Tate, ‘The licence that matters’, p. 30. 


notes: culture wars 

8 IVnsrII Tate, 'The licence that matters’, p. 48. 

9 Dominique Schwartz, Anna Vidot and Clint Jasper, ‘S Kidman and Co: Scott 
Morrison approves sale of cattle empire to Gina Rinehart, Chinese company’, 
ABCNetos Online, 10 December 2016. 

10 Cameron England and Tory Shepherd, ‘Chinese mining magnate Sally Zou 
is SA Libs’ largest donor as PM Malcolm Turnbull reveals his $ 1.75m dona¬ 
tion’, Adelaide Now, 2 February 2017. 

11 < 

chinese-ferrari-protesting-sydney-towards-india?language=zh-hant>, <www>. 

12 < 


13 < 
world-program-backer>. For good measure, Zou also backs Adelaide United 

football team (< 


ucy87u>). Gui Guojie, the property developer boss of Shanghai CRED 
and business partner of Gina Rinehart, is a major funder of Port Adelaide 
AFL Club (Brad Thompson, ‘Kidman owner wins with AFL in Shanghai’, 
Australian Financial Review, 25 October 2017). 

14 <>. 

15 < 543581 .htm>. 

16 <>. 

17 Primrose Riordan, ‘Sally Zou denies billion-dollar deal with Chinese state- 
owned company, The Australian, 17h4ay2017. 

18 <>. 

19 Anon., ‘Tips and rumours: Who is Gloria and why did she take out a full 
page ad in The Oz?’, Crikey, 19 March 2015. 

20 < tml>. 

21 < 2AI c364496-27850484.html>. 

22 When in June 2017 the Labor Party attempted to put Bishop on the spot 
by asking about the Julie Bishop Glorious Foundation in parliament, the 
government returned fire by attacking Labor for taking money from dodgy 
gold dealer Simon Zhou, even putting him on its Senate ticket. Labor 
retaliated by bringing up Andrew Robb’s Chinese deals, and the government 
lobbed back accusations against ‘Shanghai Sam’ Dastyari and Joel Fitzgibbon. 
The exchange was vicious and exposed just how deeply both major parties 
have been corrupted by Chinese money and why both feel so obligated that 
they have been unwilling to crack down on it, at least until Prime Minister 
Turnbull introduced in December 2017 new national security legislation, a 
very important move. (For the parliamentary exchange, see Louise Yaxley, 
‘Julie Bishop denies knowledge of Chinese donor setting up company bearing 
her name’, ABC News Online, 14 June 2017.) 


notes: culture wars 

23 Sally Rose, ‘FIRE Chinese real estate buyer crackdown called “racist” as 
Ray White urges calm’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 26 March 2015. 

24 Lucy Macken, ‘Cashed-up Chinese find the sweet spot’. The Sydney Morning 
Herald, 23-24 August 2014. 

25 Elizabeth Redman, ‘Foreigners spending $8bn a year on new housing in 
NSW and Victoria’, The Australian, 24 March 2017. 

26 Jackson Gothe-Snape, ‘Property sector scrambling to recruit Chinese real 
estate agents on 457 visas’, SBS Online, 10 April 2017. 

27 Property Council of Australia, ‘New report demonstrates value to the 
Australian economy from foreign investment in real estate’, media release, 
30 May 2017. 

28 Sarah Martin, “‘Migrant millionaires” fuel property boom’. The Australian, 
26 April 2017. 

29 Martin, “‘Migrant millionaires” fuel property boom’. 

30 Kirsty Needham, ‘Chinese police chief Wang Jun Ren jailed for buying 
Australian real estate with corrupt money’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 
18 March 2017; Angus Grigg and Lisa Murray, ‘Corrupt Chinese payments 
fund education, housing and holidays in Australia’, Australian Financial 

2 March 2016. 

31 Paul Maley, ‘China’s dodgy $lbn in property’, The Australian, 30 January 

32 Miles Godfrey, ‘Foreign buyers cash out’, Daily Telegraph, 6 February 

33 Larry Schlesinger, ‘Foreign investor crackdown dismissed as farce , 
Australian Financial Review, 11 August 2015. 

34 David Pierson, ‘Mega-mansions in this LA suburb used to sell to Chinese 
buyers in days. Now they’re sitting empty for months’, Los Angeles Times, 
23 February 2017. 

35 Larry Schlesinger, ‘Chinese developers surge back into Melbourne, Australian 
Financial Review, 18 January 2017. 

36 Anon., ‘World’s biggest real estate frenzy is coming to a city near you, 
Bbomberg News, 15 November 2016. 

37 < 120&reset= 1 >. 

38 Its website hosts nineteen articles by Yang Dongdong, described as a member 
of a New South Wales government minister’s advisory committee and 
discussed in Chapter 4, on themes like ‘Listening to Chairman Xi speak at 
Parliament House’ (<>). 

39 <>; <https.7/en.wikipedia. 


40 Yaxue Cao, ‘Mo Yan, according to you—part two’, China Change, October 
2012, <>. 

41 < 


notes: culture wars 

42 <>vw>>. 

43 ov>v\>; < 

44 <\ 16/08-1 l/98769.shtml>. 

45 <>v\\'>. 

46 <>. 

47 <\\' 1 /2016/0830/c 1002-28677567.html>. 

48 < 002-28677567.html>. 

49 James Jiann Hua To, Qiaowu: Extra-territorial policies for the overseas Chinese^ 
Leiden: Koninklijke Brill, 2014, p. 150. 

50 <>. 

51 < Church of Aotearoa New Zealand (1 ).pdf>. 

52 <> (screenshot saved). 

53 < archives/18913/comment-page-1 >. 

54 InteA'iew with author, 6 June 2017. 

55 Hong Liu and Els van Dongen, ‘Chinas Diaspora policies as a new mode of 
transnational governance’, of Contemporary China, vol. 25, no. 102, 

56 7 \nne-Marie Brady, ‘China’s foreign propaganda machine’. Journal of 
Democracy, vol. 26, no. 4, October 2015, pp. 51-9. 

57 Email to the author from Greg Kimball, media relations manager, Australian 
War Memorial, 10 July 2017. 

58 < 34633608_5.htm>; 
< 116592509.htm>. 

59 < 134633608_5.htm>; 
< 116592509.Inm>. 

60 Email to the author from Greg Kimball, media relations manager, Australian 
War Memorial, 18 July 2017. 

61 Sheng Fei (ed.). Quiet and Loyal Spirit: Commemorating Chinese Australian 
military service. New Century Publications Fund, 2015. 

62 With thanks to First Fleet historian Cathy Dunn for confirming this. 
According to historian Shirley Fitzgerald; ‘The earliest documented Chinese 
settler was Mak Sai Ying, who arrived in 1818, and purchased land in 
Parramatta’ (<>). However, Fitzgerald 
repeats the erroneous claim that ‘Chinese contact with the east coast of 
Australia almost certainly occurred by the time of the Han Dynasty (202 
BC-220 AD), and may date further back to the undocumented past’. 

63 Howard French, ‘China’s te.xtbooks tsvist and omit history’. The New York 
Times, 6 December 2004. 

64 Ian Johnson, ‘China’s memor>' manipulators’. The Guardian, 8 June 2016. 

65 The CCP claims that it was the PLA that defeated the Japanese aggressors, 
whereas in truth the CCP withdrew and left most of the fighting to their 
nationalist opponents, the Kuomintang. 


notes: culture wars 

66 The strategy is applied to the Koch brothers in the United States, according 
to David L. Levy (‘Its the real thing’, Climateinc, 8 September 2010). 

67 Karl Wilson, ‘Exploring a shared history’, China Daily, 11-17 December 
2017. See Robert Macklin, Dragon & Kangaroo: Australia and Chinds shared 
history from the goldfields to the present day, Sydney: Hachette, 2017. 

68 <w\ 149963>5 
<au.f]sen. com/2016-08/25/content_ 18366654.htm>. 

69 <>. 

70 Mao Tse-tung, ‘Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art (May 1942) 
in Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Peking: Foreign Unguages Press, 1967. 

71 <^.WaeyfMZjKi4>. 

72 <>. 

73 Amy Hawkins, ‘KFC China is using facial recognition tech to serve custom¬ 
ers—but are they buying it?’, The Guardian, 11 January 2017. 

74 James T. Areddy, ‘One legacy of Tiananmen: China’s 100 million surveillance 

cameras’, Wall Street fournal, 5 June 2104. 

75 Nathan Vanderklippe, ‘Chinese blacklist an early glimpse of sweeping new 
social credit control’, The Globe and Mail, 3 January 2018. 

76 Anon., ‘China invents the digital totalitarian state’, The Economist, 17 

December 2016. 

77 Nathan Vanderklippe, ‘Chinese blacklist an early glimpse of sweeping new 
social credit control’. The Globe and Mail, 3 January 2018. 

78 <> 

79 Anon., ‘China invents the digital totalitarian state’. US tech researchers are 
now developing ways for people to protect themselves from having their faces 
logged. One promising method is the wearing of spectacles with zany patterns 
on the frames to confuse image capture (<^' 


80 < 1 /17/c_l 35835124.htm>. 

81 <>. 

82 < 2 /uts-launch-centre-china-promote- 

83 Sam Levin. ‘Half of US adults are recorded in police facial recognition data¬ 
bases, study says’. The Guardian, 18 October 2016. 

84 Geoff Wade, ‘Beidou: China’s new satellite navigation system’, post on website 
of the Parliamentary Library, Canberra, 26 February 2015 <http://www.aph 


85 Anne-Marie Brady, ‘China’s expanding Antarctic interests: Implications 
for Australia’, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Canberra, August 2017, 
Anne-Marie Brady, ‘China’s expanding Antarctic interests: Implications 
for New Zealand’, paper presented at the conference Small States and the 
Chanoing Global Order: New Zealand Faces the Future, University of 

O O 


notes; culture wars 

Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, June 2017 <http://www.arts. 


86 Nicola Davison, 'China eyes Antarctica’s resource bounty’, China Dialogue, 
19 November 2013; Jo Chandler, ‘Chinese resources chief eyes Antarctica 
minerals’. The Sydney Morning Herald, 7 January 2010. 

87 Brady, ‘China’s expanding Antarctic interests’. 

88 <\NaNW. 

)'xxlfjjxgsfwbttpyjjdgldrhw/t 1212943.shtml>. 

89 With thanks to Tim Stephens of the University of Sydney Law School for 
making this point. 

90 Brady, ‘China’s expanding Antarctic interests: Implications for Australia’, 
Table 1. 

91 Will Koulouris, ‘Interview: Australia-China collaboration in Antarctica a 
shining example of great relationship’, Xinhuanet, 15 September 2017. 

92 Nengye Liu, ‘How China came in from the cold to help set up Antarctica’s 
vast new marine park’. The Conversation, 1 November 2016 <theconversation 

93 Neng>'e Liu, ‘Demystifying China in Antarctica’, The Diplomat, 9 June 2017 

94 David Leary, ‘The future of Antarctica: Conflict or consensus?’, blog 
post, 14 January 2016 < 

95 Dr Tony Press, who for many years headed the Australian Antarctic Division 
and who remains a central player, also believes that China’s membership 
of the treaty regime ensures that its commitment to the mining ban will 
be honoured (Nick Rowley, ‘In Conversation on Antarctic sovereignty: 
full discussion’. The Conversation, 3 July 2014 < 

96 <>. 

97 Thomas Kellogg, ‘The South China Sea ruling: China’s international law 
dilemma’. The Diplomat, 14 July 2016 < l6/07/the- 

98 Anon., ‘China’s international law problem is as wide as the sea’. The Globe 
and Mail, 12 July 2016. 

Chapter 12 Friends of China 

1 Anne-Marie Brady, ‘China’s foreign propaganda machine’, in Larry Diamond, 
Marc Plattner and Christopher Walker (eds). Authoritarianism Goes Gbbal, 
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016, p. 190. 

2 Jiayang Fan, ‘Trump, Confucius, and China’s vision’. The New Yorker, 19 May 


notes: friends of china 

3 Joo-Cheong Tham, 'Of aliens, money and politics: Should foreign political 
donations be banned?’, Kings Law Journal, 2017, vol. 28, no. 2, pp, 1-17. 

4 <>. 

5 Sue Neales, ‘Labor backing China bid for Kimberley land, says Barnaby 
Joyce’, The Australian, 1 June 2012. 

6 Anon., ‘Tony Abbott says Labor “should listen to Bob Hawke” over China 
trade deal’. The Guardian, 28 August 2015. 

7 Bob Hawke, ‘Forging an iron bond of friendship with China’, Australian 
Financial Review, 19 December 2012. 

8 Paul Kelly, ‘Australia must heed the shift in the US-China power balance: 
Keating’, The Australian, 24 December 2016. 

9 Chang Ping, ‘Chinese students studying abroad a new focus of CCP’s “United 
Front work”’, China Change, 9 June 2015. 

10 <>. 

11 < 

role-in-asia-in-the-trump-era>. From minute 33.00 to minute 36.35. 

12 Philip Wen, ‘Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi flies off the handle on video’. 
The Sydney Morning Herald, 2 June 2016. 

13 Brady, ‘China’s foreign propaganda machine , p. 189. 

14 Kelly, ‘Australia must heed the shift in the US-China power balance’. 

15 At other times, Keating does not echo the CCP’s absurd claim but contra¬ 
dicts it. But he presents PRC colonisation as somehow natural. With its One 
Belt, One Road initiative, he said, China plans the ‘economic colonisation 
of the 50-odd states between the western border of China up to at least 

western Europe’ (<w\s' 

16 Hugh White, ‘China’s power and the future of Australia, Annual lecture. 
Centre on China in the World, Australian National University, 11 April 2017 

<>. This section is drawn 

largely from: Clive Hamilton, ‘China capitulationism: What’s missing from 
Hugh White’s China calculus ,, 28 April 2017 <https://www>. Hugh White replied: We need to 
talk about China,, 4 May 2017 <https://www.policyforum 

17 White,‘China’s Power and the Future of Australia. 

18 Rory Medcalf (ed.), ‘China’s economic leverage: Perception and reality. 
National Security College, ANU, Policy Options Paper no. 2, 2017. 

19 Jonathan Fenby, Will China Dominate the 21st Century?, Cambridge, U.K.: 
Polity Press, 2017. 

20 Michael Danby, Carl Ungerer and Peter Khalil, ‘No winners by appeasing 
China’, The Australian, 16 September 2010. 

21 White, ‘China’s power and the future of Australia’. See also Hugh White, 
Without America: Australia in the New Asia, Quarterly Essay, issue 68, 2017, 


notes: friends of china 

V(elK>umc: Black Inc. Books. While for White the only options are choose 
China or go to wir, two US strategic analysts consider a wider range of 
ojHions lt>r responding to Chinas aggressive expansion—see Hal Brands and 
Zack Cooper, 'Getting serious about strategy in the South China Sea’, Naval 
War CoUfsr Rmai>, Winter 2018, vol. 71, no. 1. 

Wltire, Wttlmn Amnica, p. 9. 

White, Witlfout America, pp. 11, 12. 

^ Mich.ael Pillsbury, The Hundred-Year Marathon, New York: St Martin’s 
Griffin, 2016, Chapter?. 

<>5 Speaking at a forum hosted by the Australia-China Relations Institute, 
‘South China Sea: What next?’, held at the National Library of Australia, 
23 November 2016. 

^5 Wliite, ‘China’s power and the future of Australia’. 

•>7 VCliite, ‘China’s power and the future of Australia’. 

White, ‘China’s power and the future of Australia’. 

79 White Without America, p. 69. 

30 White, ‘China’s power and the future of Australia’. 

31 Richard BuUivant, ‘Chinese defectors reveal Chinese strategy and agents in 
Australia’, National Observer, Spring 2005, no. 66 , pp. 43-8. 

32 In his memoir. Bob Carr wrote that Andrew Forrest says of the Chinese: 

‘I think they want humility from us’ (Bob Qirr, Duiry of a Foreigfi Minister, 
Sydney: NewSouth Publishing, 2014). 

33 Geoff Raby, ‘Northern Australia takes its place on Xi Jinping’s new silk road 
mzf, Amtralian Financial Review, 11 May 2016. 

34 Geoff Raby, ‘Xi Jinping’s One Belt, One Road triumph and Australia’s Sino 
confusion’. The Australian, 17 May 2017. 

35 In 2017 the winds in Canberra began to blow in a new direction. The 
government began to push back, verbally at least, against the PRC’s inter¬ 
ference in Australian politics and society. Geoff Raby seemed to shift too, 
wTidng in October that President Xi Jinping is centralising too much power 
in himself. This overreach is making China less stable and multiplying 
economic risks for western countries. Geoff Raby, A stronger Xi Jingping 
(sic) means a more brittle Chinese state’, Australian Financial Review, 
30 October 2017. 

36 < 

Mackerras-1 .docx>. 

37 <\\' 201 6/08-04/7962 178 .shtml>. 

38 < 

Mackerras-1 .docx>. 

39 Callum Smith, ‘Fears of Chinese infiltration of Australia overblown’, Gbbal 

8 June 2017. 

40 Callum Smith, ‘No room for fear, greed in Sino-Australian ties’. Global Times, 

11 August 2016 . 


notes: friends of china 

41 Callum Smith, ‘Australian hypocrisy on full view in UNCLOS ease’, Global 
TimeSy 7 September 2016. 

42 Andrew Parker, ‘Populist alarm skews Chinese investment debate’, The 
Australian, 1 May 2017. 

43 < 8/1226476/658338'full-transcript- 

44 Interview with former associate, 4 May 2017. 

45 Ben Butler, ‘Seven in China media ties’, Herald Sun, 6 May 2010. 

46 Editorial, ‘Australia must not get sucked into dangerous US power play’, The 
West Australian, 5 November 2015. 

47 Interview with former journalist, 4 May 2017. 

48 Cheng Jingye, ‘China seeks peaceful solution to sea dispute’. The West 
Australian, 17 June 2016. 

49 Merriden Varrall, ‘Four Corners sees the Party-state in all the shadows’. The 
Reporter, Lowy Institute, 6 June 2017. 

50 Between 6 June and 31 July 2017 Dr Varrall (temporarily) changed her tune, 
writing in The New York Times that Chinese students in Australia should not 
have their views closed down, a ‘threat to debate and openness’ that univer¬ 
sities need to deal with (Merriden Varrall, ‘A Chinese threat to Australian 
openness’. The New York Times, 31 July 2017). 

51 A week after the death of Imprisoned writer Liu Xiaobo, Merriden Varrall s 
contribution was to report sympathetically the reactions of Chinese national 
ists, who blamed the West for Liu’s death rather than his jailers in China. Her 
article was a rebuke to the outpouring of grief in the West, including from 
Chinese writers and dissidents. (Merriden Varrall, ‘China sees the West behind 
Liu Xiaobo’, The Interpreter, Lowy Institute, 18 August 2017). Elsewhere, 
Varrall misinterpreted the results of a Lowy Institute poll of public opinion 
by making out Australians are ‘confused’ because their growing anxiety about 
the military threat China poses was construed by her as conflicting with their 
belief that China is more economically important to us. The article aims to 
make the case that if only Australians were better informed they would be less 
worried and more friendly towards China. 

52 Merriden Varrall, ‘Why Australia needs a smarter China policy’. South China 
Morning Post, 17 December 2017. 

53 Bob Carr, ‘One Chinese political donation does not a scandal make, The 
Australian, 10 June 2017. 

54 Chris Uhlmann, ‘Bob Carr fliscinates with sins of omission on Chinese influ¬ 
ence’, The Australian, 12 June 2017. 

55 Michael Danby, Carl Ungerer and Peter Khalil, ‘No winners by appeasing 
China’, The Australian, 16 September 2010. 

56 Jamie Smyth, ‘Australia rejects China push on Silk Road strategy, Financial 
Times, 22 March 2017. 


notes: friends of china 

5 "^ Aslan Bureau of Economic Research and China Center for International 

Ea>nomlc Exchanges, Partnership for Change, Australia-China Joint 
Eamomic Report, Canberra: ANU Press, 2016, p. 181. 

58 Partnership for Change, p. 183. 

59 Peter Drysdale and John Denton, ‘Chinese influence and how to use it to 
Austndias advantage’, Australian Financial Review, 3 October 2017. 

Chapter 13 The price of freedom 

1 Email correspondence, 17 April 2017. 

2 Lindsay Murdoch, ‘Beijing article warns Australia over South China Sea’, The 
Sydney Morning Herald, 2 January 2017. 

3 Grant Wyeth, ‘Why has Australia shifted back to the Quad?’, The Diplomat, 

16 November 2017. 

4 Philip Wen and Daniel Flitton, ‘South China Sea protests to come to 
Melbourne’, The Age, 21 July 2016. 



N te- Chinese names are shown with surname first and personal name second. 

\^?>ere the owner of the name reverses the order, a comma appears after the surname. 
Most Chinese names are also given in Chinese characters to avoid ambiguities. 

Ill Project itJ^'J, 175, 181 
211 Project X^, 210 
3 aV, 42 
3PLA, 156 
457\fisa, 118,238 
610 Office see Falun Gong 
863 Program ittt 210-1 1 
973 Program Ttt'J, 210 
985 Project XS, 210 

Abbott, Tony, 48, 71 , 79 , 89 
ABC, 33,44,45,85, 152, 154 
four Comers, 23, 76, 77-9, 107, 225 
269. 272, 273 
Media Watch, 44 
Abe, Shinzo, 90 

academic freedom, 95-^, 109, 194- 

216-19, 228-9 
ACIL Allen Consulting, 238 

‘Influence in, 50, 125, 1 

The, 103. 164 
^exander.John. 53, 54 

^‘nta Energy, 121 
^u„d„ Heaven 

-China Federation of Return 

All Chinese, 88, 186 

1 AC ^ Associatic 

105. 107 

Allen & Unwin, x 

Anderlini, Jamil, 21, 37 

Anderson, Fleur, 50 

Ang Eng Joo see Hong Yongyu 

Antarctic Treaty 1959, 252-4 

Anti-Secession Law, 42 

Anzac legend, 244, 247, 248 

ANZUS Treaty, 157 

artificial intelligence, 124, 189, 190, 249 

Ashe, John, 77-8 

Ashfield, 45, 89 

Asia Pacific Journalism Centre, 107 
Asian Bureau of Economic Research, 


Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 
(AllB), 117, 119, 126, 309n71 
Association of Australia China 

Friendship and Exchange, 75 , 245 
Aus Gold Mining Group, 235, 236 
Ausgrid, 101 , 106, 122 , 148,159 

all iance with United States, x, 2, 71, 
102, 119, 263, 265, 270, 278, 280 
as weak link in Western alliance, 3, 


PRC’s potential claim over, 22-4 
within China’s overall periphery, 1 
Australia China Business Counci, 
Australia China Business Summit, SJ 



Australia China Economics, Trade & 
Culture Association (ACETCA), 


Australia China Friendship and Exchange 
Association (ACFEA), 245 
Australia-China Association for 
International Exchange of 
Personnel (ACAIEP), 183-4 
Australia-China Belt & Road Initiative 
(ACBRI), 130-1 
Australia-China Council, 163 
Australia-China Institute for Arts and 
Culture, 247 

Australia-China Parliamentary 
Friendship Group, 99 
Australia-China Relations Institute 

(ACRI), 70, 72, 93-102, 104, 108, 
118,179, 212, 303n44 
Australian Action Committee for 
Protecting Peace and Justice, 33 
Australian Antarctic Territory, 252 
Australian Broadcasting Corporation see 

Australian Chinese Ex-services 
Association, 248-9 
Australian Chinese Teo-Chew 
Association, 67 

Australian Chinese Times, 80-1 
Australian-Chinese Writers Association, 

Australian Council for the Promotion 
of Peaceful Reunification of China 
(ACPPRC), 33, 81,87, 90, 97, 99, 
103, 165, 187, 188 
activities, 32, 44—5, 178 
as peak United Front body in 
Australia, 30 

links with CCP, 30-2, 287n21 
role of Huang Xiangmo in, 30, 33, 

65, 67, 69, 73, 75, 90 
Australian Council of Irade Unions, 117 
Australian Cyber Security Centre, 122, 

Australian Defence Force, 173, 245 
Australian Defence Force Academy 
(ADFA), 174, 175-6 
Australian Federal Police, 188, 234 
Australian Fellowship of China 

Guangdong Associations, 65, 69, 

Australian Financial Review, 72,79,100, 
Australian Guangdong Association, 

Australian Labor Party (ALP), 54,71, 

72, 84 passim, 118, 162, 163, 259, 
Til, 333n22 

NSW Branch, 31,65,66, 67,69,75, 
Z'b passim, 103, 164, 165, 297nl06 
Australian National University (ANU), 
24,79,85, 100, 112, 130, 138, 

140, 141, 168, 196, 228, 256, 257, 
269, 274 

Chinese students at, 41, 187, 198, 
220-3, 225, 226, 233, 234, 235 
PLA links with, 208, 209 
Australian New Express Daily, 33, 76 
Australian Parliamentary Library, 23, 218 
Australian Red Scarf, 198 
Australian Research Council (ARC), 

174, 201,202-3, 205, 208, 

Australian Secret Intelligence Service 
(ASIS), 155 

Australian Security Intelligence 
Organisation (ASIO), 89, 120, 

121, 132, 152-4, 158, 161, 164, 
171, 180,256 

unable to cope, 82, 151, 154 
warnings of PRC influence, 77, 153, 
177-8, 180, 228, 244 
Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), 

Australian Values Alliance, 5, 35, 279 
Australian War Memorial (AWM), 

Australian-Chinese Writers Association, 

Aviation Industry Corporation of China 
(AVIC), 201-3 
Axiom, 170 

Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery, 30 
Badgerys Creek airport, 124 
Baird, Mike, 32 

Baker. Richard, 77, 85, 163, 164, 165 

Bank of China, 165 

Bao, Shisan ‘Bob’ 179 

Barme, Geremie, 221 

BBC, 43 



b^Lhi iwN'iRai'''*' sj'stcni, 208, 252 

U Jrr.ln- -<«• Beijing University 
^^\\ff\»n;uitics and Astronautics 
Rajing B.'reign Studies Unis-ersity. 99 
Rftiing Institute of Aeronautics and 
Vstwnautics, Beihang University, 

r6, 185 

Beijing Oimpics 

2008, 14-15,39, 89, 

Olympic Torcli relay 2008, ix, 
11,76,81-3,222, 224 
Bei)in« Unnersitv of Aeronautical 
Materials, 201, 202 
Beijing University of Chemical 
fcchnolog)’, 202 
Beijing Unh’ersit)' of Posts and 
Telecommunications, 192 

Bdl. Daniel, 37 

Belt &: Road Initiative (BRI) see One 
Belt, One Road 
Benson, Simon, 77 

Berejiklian, Gladys, 89 

Berlin Wall, xi, 9 
Bemardi, Cory, 48 

Bishop, Julie, 48-9,70,71,74,79, 93, 
98,102,185,237, 245,271 
BlackssiU, Robert, 143, 144, 146 
Bloomberg, 63, 239 
Boao Forum, 161, 267 
Bolkus, Nick, 31 
Bourke, Latika, 83 
Bowen, Chris, 31—2, 67, 87, 165, 


Boyle, Brian, 212 

Brady, Anne-Marie, 29, 30, 47, 69, 252, 

Bramston, Troy, 108 

Broob, Robert, 197 

Brumby, John, 46,155, 258, 315n21 

Brungs, Attila, 205 

BuUisant, Richard, 266 

Bureau of Meteorology, 168, 170, 174 

Burgmann, Meredith, 31 

Burke, Tony, 75 

Burwood Council, 67, 90, 92 

Cai Mingzhao 286n4l 

Callick, Rowan, 52, 67, 196 
Cambridge University Press, 200 
Cameron, David, 142 

CAMG Media Group, 42 
Canada, 64, 139, 154, 181, 218, 227, 

Canadian Association of University 
Teachers, 217 

Canadian Security Intelligence Service, 

Canberra Raiders, 158-9 
Canberra Society of Chinese Scholars 
(CSCS), 187 

Carr, Bob, 67, 75, 76,79, 83, 118, 122, 
165, 247, 258, 267, 269, 273, 

and ACRI, 70, 93-109, 179, 301nl 
see also Australia-China Relations 

Carr, Helena, 165 
Carr, Kim, 79, 81 
Cave, Danielle, 203, 204, 205 
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 84, 
156, 162, 181,225 

Central Military Commission, 62, 190 
century of humiliation, 9, 10-13, 17, 

18, 199 

see also Zheng Wang 
CETC see China Electronics Technology 
Group Corporation 
Chan, Anson, 45-6 
Chan, Jackie, 286n36 
Chang, Anthony, 225 
Chang Ping 260 
Chang, York Yuan, 204 
Changjiang Scholar, 174 
Channel Seven, 15, 269 
Chaozhou, 56, 67, 74 
Chau Chak Wing 30, 33. 56. 

73-9, 93, 95, 107, 135, 165, 178, 
244-7, 269 
Chau, Eric JSjim®', 74 
Chau (Chow), Winky, 75-6, 78 
Chen Baosheng, 12 
Chen Bin 191 
Chen Hongping 56-8 

Chen, Jingping, 45 
Chen Junliang 192 

Chen Shiping 192-3 

Chen Xiankui 13 

Chen Yonglin 2-3, 80, 89, 

99. 134, 140, 152, 154, 157, 224, 



Chen Zhijic 192 

Cheng Jingye 272 

Cheung Kong Infrastructure, 121, 122, 


Cheung Kong Scholars Programme, 189 
Chey, Jocelyn, 217 
China Aidi Group, 71 
China Centre for International Economic 
Exchanges (CClEE), 138, 140, 141 
China Council for the Promotion of 
Peaceful National Reunification 
China Daily, 17, 44, 63, 100, 103 
China Development Bank, 260 
China Dream see Xi Jinping 
China Electronics Technology Group 
Corporation (CETC), 166, 203—6, 
China Gold Group, 236 
China Light and Power, 121 
China lobby, 4, 94, 278 
China Matters, 112, 113, 137, 270 
China Merchants Group, 123 
China National Agricultural 
Development Group, 71 
China Quarterly, 200 
China Radio International, 41, 42, 43 
China Railway Group, 56 
China Scholarship Council, 184 
China University of Petroleum, 323n82 
China-Australia Free Trade Agreement 
(ChA™), 26, 68,71,72, 94, 

100, 111, 112, 116-20, 171,231 
Chinalco, 140 

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), 
162, 186, 323n80 

Chinese Association for International 
Exchange of Personnel (CAIEP), 


see also Australia-China Association for 
International Exchange of Personnel 
Chinese Communist Party (CCP), x, 1, 
ambition to dominate, 20 {see also Xi 

and academic freedom, 95, 194, 196, 
200, 203,216,227-8 
and party-corporate conglomerate, 

113-15, 123, 125 
as Leninist party, 12, 29, 50, 64 

Central Committee of, 1,29 
distorts history, 246-8 
identified with the nation, 5, 11-14 
35. 258-9 

influence in diaspora, 4, 25ff, 29ff, 

36ff, 40,44,69, 154,177-8,275 
influence in mainstream, 86f, 96, 141, 
International Department of, 83 
its ‘five poisons’, 142 
legitimacy of, 8-9, 16, 52 
not responsible for lifting 600 million 
out of poverty, 261-2 
Propaganda Department of, 29, 103, 
104, 105,216,219,241,271. 

punishes Norway, 142 
surveillance by, 124, 167, 168, 251 
thought control and, 11, 153, 219, 
221,223, 24Iff, 260 
see also Politburo; United Front Work 

Chinese Communist Youth League, 88 
Chinese maritime militia, 128, 129 
Chinese New Year, 32-3, 61,68, 71,73, 
160, 186, 288n28, 296nl00 
Chinese People’s Association for 

Friendship with Foreign Countries, 

Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign 
Affairs, 83 

Chinese People’s Political Consultative 
Conference (CPPCC), 31, 63,75, 
76, 77, 81,294n37 
Chinese Poets and Authors Society of 
Victoria, 240 

Chinese Professionals Club of Australia, 


Chinese Students and Scholars 

Association (CSSA), 176, 223-9, 
Chinese Writers Association 
Melbourne, 241 
Sydney, 242, 244 
see also Australia-Chinese Writers 

Chinese Writers Festival, 240-2 
Chineseness, 36-40, 243 
Chiu, William 30—1, 67, 218, 




aongqing Energy College, 184 

. iTi 

ChowTai Pook Enterprises, 121 
Christian churches, 243—4 
Churchman, Michael, 219 
CC Capital, 123 
Gobo, Steve, 130 
Gark, Andrew, 105 
Geary. Phil, 34 

Codan, 170-1 
Coleman, David, 91,99 
Columbia University, 224, 234 
Communist Party of Australia (Marxist- 
Leninist), 80 

Confiicius, 215-16,233-4,261 
Confucius Classrooms, 219-20 
Confucius Institutes, 81, 215-19, 253, 

Construction, Forestry, Mining and 
Energ)’ Union (CFMEU), 15 
Cook, Qptain James, 24 
corruption in the PRC, 47, 48, 51, 
57-9, 59-64,157,212 

COSCO Shipping, 148 
Critical Infrastructure Centre, 121 
CSIRO, 123,168, 173,181, 187, 
188-93,205,206, 253 
Cultural Revolution, 6, 8, 79, 200, 215 

O’ber attacks, 31, 41, 123, 147, 149, 
152,154-5,160, 179-80 
cypher security and theft, 122, 147, 
168-72,173,174-5,190, 192-3, 

cyber warfere, 173-6 

Dai Shenglong 201 

Dalai Lama, 42, 89, 97, 135, 142-3, 
153,216, 226, 227, 228, 234 
Dalian Heavy Industry Group, 180 
Darwin, Port of, 17, 112, 118, 120, 

123, 128, 132, 268 

Dastyari, Sam, ix, 32, 55, 65, 66, 67, 69, 
72-7,83-6,91,92,95, 99, 102, 
160, 179, 218, 288n28, 333n22 
Data6l (CSIRO), 190-3 
Davos World Economic Forum, 119 
Dawkins, John, 29, 256 
Deakin University, Centre for Cyber 
Security Research and Innovation, 

Deep Panda, 170 

Defence Science and Technology Group 
(DST), 190, 206,215 
Defence Science Institute, 206 
Defence Trade Controls Act, 205, 210 
Deloitte Access Economics, 211 
Deng Xiaoping 8, 9, 17,47, 100 

Department of Defence, 84, 121, 129, 
132, 154, 155, 158, 160, 163-4, 
168, 201,256 
Department of Finance, 83 
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 
(DFAT), 84, 103, 129, 131-3, 155, 
158, 196, 256,257, 266 
Department of Homeland Security 
(US), 167 

Department of Immigration, 28, 81, 

118, 165, 184,210 
Department of Prime Minister and 
Cabinet, 257 

Department of Treasury, 121, 193, 256, 

Dikotter, Frank, 276 
Ding Haiyu, 61 
Djibouti, 128, 264 
Document 9, 261 
Dong Feng, 51 
Doolan, Ken, 245 
Dorling, Philip, 162-5 
Downer, Alexander, 53, 155, 157 
Dragon Tails (historians), 247 
Drysdale, Peter, 112, 138—41, 256, 274 
Drysdale report, 112, 138-41, 256-7, 

Durham University, 227 
Duterte, Rodrigo, 72 

East China Sea, 84, 102, 279 
East China University of Science and 
Technology, 189 

economic coercion, 2, 110, 143-50, 

146, 149, 278 

see abo Dalai Lama effect: fifth 
column; Lotte; THAAD; tourism 
Economist-, The, 156, 250 
Energy Australia, 121 
Energy Networks Australia, 123 
English, Bill, 46 

Epoch Times, 41, 43, 220-1, 225, 234 
see abo Falun Gong 



Erdogan, Rcccp, 149 

Erickson, Andrew, 128 

espionage, 77, 78, 152, 153,154-5, 

162, 164, 170, 172, 176, 177-84, 
188, 192, 203, 207,210-1 
see also ASIO; cyber security and theft 
e-Stasi, 251 

European Association of Chinese 
Studies, 217 

Evans, Gareth, 221, 223, 257 
Export-Import Bank of China, 118 
extradition treaty with PRC, 48-52, 268 

facecrime, 225 

facial-recognition technology, 124, 225, 

Fairfax Media, 32,44, 58,72, 74—9, 85, 
103, 104, 107, 164,257, 269 
Falun Gong, 31, 41, 43,47, 49, 51, 

52-3, 80, 98, 142, 153, 172,219, 
220, 222, 227, 267 
610 Office, 52 

organ harvesting, 49, 227, 267 
Farr, Malcolm, 108 

Federation for a Democratic China, 88 
Federation of Chinese Associations 
(Victoria), 33 

Federation of Chinese Scientists in 
Australia (FOCSA), 33-4, 179, 
184-6, 189 
Fei, Sheng, 246 
Fenby, Jonathan, 263 
Feng Chong)'i ]^'i>USL, ^9, 108, 196 
feng shui 57 
fifth column, 135-6, 255, 280 
Fiji, 27 

Financial Times, 37 

Fitzgerald, John, 22, 41,43, 44, 54, 98, 
103, 104, 194-5,201,203,218, 

FitzGerald, Stephen, 137-8 
Fitzgibbon, Joel, 163-5, 333n22 
Fitzgibbon—Liu affair, 163—5 
Fletcher, Paul, 158 
Foreign Investment Review Board 

(FIRB), 98, 111, 120-1, 122, 166, 

Forrest, Andrew, 117, 138, 266—7, 270, 

Fraser, Malcolm, 31 

Fu Ylng mt 23,100, 184 
Fudan University, 81 
Fujian University of Technology, 214 
Furze, Anders, 212 
Fuxing Road Studio, 132 

Gantner, Carrillo, 35 

Gao Song 197 

Gao Xinbo 175 

GaoYu?rWl!i, 195 

Garnaut, John, 74,75, 76,117, 257 

Garnaut, Ross, 256 

Gchry, Frank 74, 95 

Genetec, 166 

geoeconomics see economic coercion 
Geoscience Australia, 168 
Gill, Bates, 137 

Gillard, Julia, 67, 79, 83, 97, 103,142, 
Gittins, Ross, 105 

Global Big Data Technologies Centre 
(UTS), 205-6 
Global Switch, 201 
Global Times, 13, 15, 17, 37, 67, 86, 
269, 278 

Globe and Mail, The, 254 
Gowadia, Noshir, 321n31 
Grant, Sandy, x 
Great Leap Forward, 8 
great rejuvenation of the Chinese people, 
11, 17f, 21,29, 126,178,194, 


nation, people or race? 37 
Greece, 123, 147-8 
Greens, the Australian, 48, 220 
Groot, Gerry, 223 
Group of Eight, 199, 216, 223 
Gu Xiaojie 90 

Guangdong, 56, 58, 60,65,69,74, 246 
LNG deal with, 134-5 
Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences, 

Guangdong Chamber of Commerce, 83 
Guangdong Overseas Chinese Affairs 
Office, 34 

Guangdong Overseas Chinese 

Businessmens Association, 77 
Guangzhou, 16, 58, 74,75,76,77,123, 
196, 241 








HinnA«li«. 182,183.184,202 

HMon.hulint.40 ,« i|S 

HirWn Engin«ring Univeral)', 185, 215 
Hirbin Institute of Technology, 176, 

Hithin Univ-ersin- of Science and 
Technolog)’, 192 

Hirris, Jennifer, 143,144,146, 147 
Hartcher, Peter, 46 
Hirwin, Don, 236 
Hawke, Allan, 158 

Hawke. Bob, 27-8,31,42, 255, 256, 

■>SR '>'10 ?t;n 


Huang, Lepin^^^ 

Huang, j^^ang 



and politiail connections, »/, »7 

and Sam Dastyari, 83, 84-5 
ASIO warning concerning, 244 
before arriving in Australia, 55-9 
building networks in Australia, 64-73 
defenders of, 72 , 269, 272 see also 
Carr, Bob 

interest in history, 247-8 
meets OCAO director, 178-9 
Hugh, John see Hu, John 
Huawei, 83, 106, 154-61, 167, 201, 

hundred-year marathon, 9, 17-19, 126 

HeYafei 20, 25 

Henry, Ken, 256 
Henry, Simon, 237 
hide and bide, 17-18 
Hikv’ision (Hangzhou Hik%'ision Digital 
Technology), 124, 165-8 
Hill, Cameron, 70 

HNA Aviation, 150 
Hockey, Joe, 129, 237 
Hoj, Peter, 218 
honey traps, 161-3 
Hone)'\vell, 167 

‘^“"6 42.45-6, 47, 63,71.7 


C g 67, 68 

Honon, Mack, 15 

Howard. John, 48, 106 , 112 - 1 - 
^ B5. 142. 231 

H 174, 176 

Hu Jmtao 2-) 7 


5-6, 35. 36 
Hu Me. (May Hu) 240 

Huang Guobin 240 

Huang, Holly 248 

Huang Hongming 5 

lemma, Morris, 75 
Inkster, Nigel, 161 
Institute of Public Affairs, 129 
Interpol, 47-8 
Ivanov, Yevgeny, 163 
Irvine, David, 120-2 

Jabour, Julia, 253-4 
Jacobs, Ian, 211-12 
Jakobson, Linda, 112-13, 137, 270 
Japan, 105, 111. 112, 113, 139, 222, 

and Last China Sea, 84, 102, 145, 

anti-Japanese protests, 16, 17 
economic coercion of, 146, 147 
pre-iy45 conllict and legacy, 10, 12, 
32, 34,90, 100,246, 247, 261 
Jennings, Peter, 121, 168, 282 
JiaQinglin VbkW,294n37 
Jiang, Tommy 42 

Jiang Zemin 10, 13, 17 62, 63, 


Jiang Zhengyi 179 

Jieyang, 56, 62 
jieyang Tower scandal, 57—9 
Johnson, David, 23 



Joskc, Alex, 172, 220, 325n26, 326n67 
Joyce, Barnaby, 259 
Jupp, James, 29 

Kadeer, Rebiya, 47 

Keating, Paul, 20-1, 255 passim, 260-2, 
264, 307n28 
Keeler, Christine, 163 
Kelly, David, 21 
Keneally, Kristina, 53 
KFC, 16 

Kidman estate, 232 
Kingold Media Centre, 245 
Korea, Republic of, 21-2, 32, 90, 105, 

economic coercion of, 145, 147, 149 
Korporaal, Glenda, 105-6 
Koziol, Michael, 86 
Kuomintang, 10, 335n65 
Kwang, James, 244 

Landbridge Group, 17, 112, 118, 128 

Laundy, Craig, 87-92 

Law Council of Australia, 48 

Leary, David, 253 

Lee Kuan Yew, 19 

Lee, Martin, 46 

Lei Tao 'Hi' , 241 

Lei Xiying 221-3, 330nl4l 

Leibold, James, 96 
Lenovo, 168 
Lewis, Duncan, 244 
Li Ka Shing, 121, 189 
Li Keqiang 37, 48, 79, 131, 

132, 178,211,226. 249 
Li Peng 9, 135 
Li Ruogu 118 

Li Weiguo, 44 
Li Xiannian 75 

Li Xiaolin 75 

Lian, Yi-Zheng 114 

Liang Guangwei 152 

Liaoning (ship), 201 
Liaoning University, 184 
Liberal Party of Australia, 35, 48, 53, 

87, 89, 90, 92. 129 
donations to, 30, 70, 71, 74, 81, 

235, 237 

Lim, Louisa, 212, 219 
Lin, Anastitsia, 227 

Lin Bin -M'M, 33 

Lin Shusen 74 

Link, Perry, 196 

Liu, Helen MMM, 163-5 

Liu Hu, 250 

Liu Jianping>JlJi£ T^, 218 

Liu, Mian (Leo) 99-100, 188 

Liu Mingfu 18-19, 21 

Liu, Nengye 253 

Liu Qibao 103, 304n68 

Liu, Queena, 163 

Liu Shengfa 58 

LiuXiaobo ^iJlljS'®, 13, 14, 15,51, 

142, 225,242. 261 
Liu Xiaocheng 191 

Liu Yandong 67 

Liu Yunshan ^iJSlij, 219, 271 
Lloyd Webber, Andrew, 163 
Long, Yu, 192 
Lord, John, 155, 157 
Lotte, 145 

Lu, Gaoqing ‘Max’ 186-7 

Lu Kai }^$[, 193 
Lu, Lupin, 224, 225, 331nl66 
Luo Ou 58 
Luce, Matthew, 204 

Ma, Guowei 185 

Ma Tianyi, 202 

Ma Zhaoxu 68, 89, 93, 96, 


Macken, Lucy, 58 
Mackerras, Colin, 268—9 
mafia see triads 
Mannheim, Markus, 152 
Mao Zedong 8, 11, 34, 248 

Maritime Silk Road Initiative, 124, 129, 
130, 133,237 

see abo One Belt, One Road 
Marshall, Larry, 253 
McCircgor, James, 202 
McGurk, Donald, 171 
McKenzie, Nick, 76-7, 85, 163-5 
Mcdcalf, Rory, 85. 86, 110, 136, 263 
media (Chinese-language) in Australia, 

29. 30, 33, 40-5,46, 53, 80, 90, 
102.104, 197 

Melbourne Chinese Writers Friendship 
Association, 240 
Melbourne Dailyy 241 



port of* 1^3 

Mflbouf« Writers Festival, 239-4Z 


\Untics, Gavin, 2 




Ministr)' of Foreign Affairs of PRC, 2, 


Ministry of Public Security of PRC, 166, 

Ministr)' of Science and Technology of 
PRC, 186,212 

Ministr)' of State Security of PRC (MSS), 
47,155,156, 162 ,181,182,223 
Shanghai Sute Security Bureau, 162 
Tianjin State Security Bureau, 108 
Minxin Pei ser Pei, Minxin 
Monash University, 197-8 
Mongolia, 143 
Monk, Paul, 153 
Morrison, Scott, 101 , 122,165 


Murdoch, Rupert, 103, 108 

Newcastle, Port of, 123,127 
New York Times, 48 
New Zealand, 3,25,26, 30,42,46-7, 
Ningbo Dairy Group 

northern development plan, 129-30, 
Norway, 142 

NSW Department of Education, 


Nanhai Media. 32 
atio^nM Association of Scholars (US), 


^^o^putational Infrastructure 

(ANU), 168 

aiional Development and Reform 
Commission (NDRC), 129, 130-1, 

National Education Council of PRC> 
iNatlonal Energy Administration of 

PRC, 181 

T4acior\al Innovation and Science 

2.08-9 45 

IvSelson, Brendan, 2 

O’Brien, Mark, 76 
O’Dwyer, Kelly, 160 
O’Farrell, Barry, 30 
O’Malley, Nick, 86 
Obeid, Eddie, 66 

Office of Foreign Propaganda (of CCP), 

Office of National Assessments, 256, 


Olympic torch relay 2008, ix, 11,14, 
see also Beijing Olympics 
One Belt, One Road (OBOR), 19, 87, 
185,251,267,268, 309n65 
see also Maritime Silk Road; northern 
development plan 
Opium Wars, 10 
Optus, 157, 159 

Orwell, George, 249-50 r pop 

Overseas Chinese 

State Council (OCAO), 20, 25, 29, 
31,32, 33, 34,65,69, 177, 178, 
\79, 240, 241, 287nl8 

Packer, James, 74, 113 

Pakistan, 94, 124, 125 

Panama papers, 63 

Panasonic factory, 16 

Parker, Andrew, 112-13, 270 

Parkinson, Martin, 256, 257 

Patrick, Aaron, 153 

Patriotic Education Campaign, 10-11, 

38, 103, 223 

Pearcey, Laurie, 212—13, 328n97 



Pci, Minxin 59, 60, 64 

Peking University, 218, 225 
Peng Gangcling 179 

Peng, Jack, 169 
Peng, Jiandong (James), 47 
Peng Shi, 214-15 
Pentagon, 128, 168, 189 
Peoples Daily, 57, 61, 68, 70, 72, 85, 
100, 103,215,258,260 
reporting Australia and Australians, 
31,32, 34,70, 84,91,97, 101, 
102, 129-30, 132, 134, 184, 187, 
198, 236, 241 

Peoples Liberation Army, 18, 120, 152, 
164, 204,207, 235 
3PLA, 156 

61st Research Institute, 174, 192 
Air Force, 201 

Air Force 1st Aeronautics Institute, 

and Huawei, 156 
and OBOR, 128-9 
and scientists in Australia, 174—5, 
190-2, 200-2, 204-5, 206-10, 

‘Australian Eighth Corps’ of, 248-9 
linked to University of Technology 
Sydney (UTS), 204-6, 206-7, 209 
corruption in, 61-2 
invades Tibet, 97 
Liaison Department, 117 
Navy (PLAN), 19, 128, 175, 191, 204 
Navy Armaments Academy, 191 
Navy Classified Warship Technology 
Research Institute, 175 
overseas reach of, 128-9, 174, 182-3, 

Second Department, 163, 180 
Third Department, 155, 180, 203 
Unit 31002, 191 
Unit 61398, 155, 168 
Unit 63892, 191 
Unit 77569, 191 
Unit 92941, 191 
Unit 95949, 191 
Xi’s closeness to, 18-19 
see also AVIC; CETC; NUDT; Xidian 

Philippines, 21, 72, 106, 110, 146, 264, 


Phoenix Satellite Television, 78 
Pilger, John, 50 
Pillsbury, Michael, 9, 18, 19 
Plibersek, Tanya, 98 
Polar Research Institute of China, 252 
Politburo of the CCP, 47, 61,62, 67, 
103,116, 177 

Standing Committee, 31, 59, 65, 69 
Port Adelaide Football Club, 235-6 
Powell Tate, 231 
Profumo, John, 163 
Propaganda Department of CCP see 
Office of Foreign Propaganda 
Property Council of Australia, 238 
Pu Shiliang 7flM!i^, 166 
Puglisi, Anna, 182, 183, 184, 202, 210 
Purcell, Bill, 95,99, 188,205 
Pyne, Christopher, 79, 81,218 

Qi Jiazhen 35, 54, 242-3 

Qian Qiguo, 33 
Qiao Shizhang 202 

qiaowu, 26ff, 35, 39-54, 65, 69, 240, 

Qiu Xiaogang 191 

Qiu Yuanping 178-9 

Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, 278-9 
Queensland Chinese Association of 
Scientists and Engineers (QCASE), 

Quinlan, Gary, 103 

Raby, Geoff, 132, 257, 266-8, 274 
racism see xenophobia 
ILAND Corporation, 156 
red bloggers, 16 
Red Detachment of Women 
35. 45. 242 
Reilly, James, 306n21 
Rein, Shaun, 143 

relevance deprivation syndrome, 257 
Ren Zhengfei 156 

Renmin University, 13, 133 
Reuters, 41, 207 

Richardson, Dennis, 151, 154, 158, 
256,257. 3l6n4l 
Rinehart, Gina, 129, 232 
Rio Tinto, 113, 140 
Riordan, Primrose, 56, 79, 84, 94, 99, 



Robb. Andrew. 

129.130,131.157, 333n22 

Rongjiang Guanyin Pavilion 

Roozcndaal, Eric, 66-7, 70, 288n28 
Roral Melbourne Institute of 

Technology (RMIT), 185, 315n21 
Rudd, Kevin, 55, 67, 75, 79, 95, 142, 

163, 164, 258, 271 
Ruddock, Caitlin, 99 
Ruddock, Philip, 30, 99 
Russia, 125, 134, 169, 277 

Sata, Michael, 144 

SBS, 44, 240-1 

Scarborough Shoal, 146 

sectio^n 44 of Australian Constitution, 

Senkaku Islands see Japan 
Shaanxi Writers Association 

Shambaugh, David, 216 


ShanghaiAcademy of Social Science,. 

Shanghai CRED, 232 
Shanghai Daily, 271 
see also Stokes, Kerry 
Shan^ai Federation of Returned 
'“''^'■seas Chinese, 88, 91 
ang lai Nanotechnology Promotion 
Centre, 189 
Shanghai Pengxin, 232 

anghai State Security Bureau, 162 
Shen Changxiang}:t^#, 175 

enyang Institute of Automation, 192, 


Shenzhen, 106, 152, 157, 160, 189, 

Shenzhen Australia Community 
Association, 187 
Shenzhen Chaoshan Chamber o 
Commerce, 97 
Sheridan, Greg, 160 
Shi, Peng 



Shoebndge, \ 



shuanggui, 57-8, 62 
Sidoti, John, 89 
Silicon Valley, 182, 189 
Silicon Valley Chinese Overseas Business 
Association (SCOBA), 169 
Singer, Peter, 173 
Sinovel, 180-1 
Sky News, 103 
Smith, Callum, 269-70 
Smith, Stephen, 75 
Snowden, Edward, 251 
social credit system, 249-51 
Sofitel Hotel, 43, 150 

South China Morning Post, 47 ,159 
South China Sea, 71, 84-6, 128, 130 

activism in Australia over, 33, 34,42, 
65, 72, 279, 280 

Australians who echo PRC view of, 
105, 106, 143-4, 253-4,260,267, 
271-2, 273 

Hague Tribunal ruling on, 16,34, 86, 

occupation and militarisation of, 2, 

7, 19 

PRC claim over, 2, 22, 33, 127 
South Korea see Korea, Republic of 
Soviet Union see Union of Soviet 
Socialist Republics 
Spence, Michael, 199, 216 
Square Kilometre Array, 205 
Sri Lanka, 126-7 
Stalin, Joseph, 9 

State Administration of Foreign Experts 
Affairs (SAFEA), 183-4, 187 
State Council of PRC, 20, 26, 183. 186, 
194,243, 244 

State Grid Corporation, 121-3, 148, 

State Key Laboratory of Cryptology, 176 
State Key Laboratory of Integrated 

Services Networks, 174, 192 

State Key Laboratory of Networking and 
Switching Technology. 192 
state-owned enterprises (SOEs), 129, 

140,233 ^ 

,le of CCP in, 52. 1 12-15, 140 
rengthening of, 114, 125, 143 
fes, Kerry, 157, 269, 270- 
ler, Andrew, 70 



students, Chinese in Australia, ix, 4, 8, 

11, 14, 53,70, 76,81-2,95,98, 

153, 175-6, 181, 183. 190,213, 

214, 260 

and Tiananmen Square massacre, 


economic coercion and, 149 
‘hurt feelings’ and patriotic actions of, 
14, 38-9,41.52,76,81-2, 153, 
197-200, 220-9, 234, 272 
with PLA links, 208 
see also CSSAs; Olympic Torch relay 
Sujunxi 34 

Su Zhaokai 66 

Su Zhengtao 202 

Sun Dali 186 

Sun, Wanning #^1^, 44 
Sun Yafang 156 

Sun Yang 15 
Sun Zhijun 104 

Swan, Wayne, 75 
Swann, 167 

Sydney Council for the Promotion 
of the Peaceful Reunification of 
China, 89 

Sydney Opera House, 32, 35, 41 
Sydney Today 0 SiE, 33, 197. 199 

Taiwan, 44, 112, 142, 149, 157, 178, 
over-sensitivity to, 196, 199, 217, 243 
PRC bullying of, 16, 42, 47, 147-8 
Tao Pinru 220-1 

Tasman, Abel, 24 

Tasmania, 112, 123, 252, 253, 267, 269 
Telstra, 159 

Ten Thousand Overseas Chinese 

Innovation Operation, 177, 179 
THAAD, 144-5 
Tham, Joo-Cheong, 258-9 
Thayer, Nate, 162-3 
Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, 132, 169 
Thomas-Noone, Brendan, 203, 204, 


Thousand Talents Plan, 214—15 
Tiananmen Square massacre, 8—10, 

27-9, 39,41, 50, 88, 94, 115, 165. 
200,219, 225,240, 242 
fiarixia, 14, 19, 116 

Tibet, ix, 7.21.31,37.41.89,91,97, 
142, 143, 219, 222, 268, 274,280, 

see also Dalai Lama 
Tie Ning 240 
Times, (London), 165, 166 
To, James Jiann Hua, 25-7, 32, 36,38, 
39,41,47, 53, 153, 182, 183.216. 
223,243, 287nl8 
Toohey, Brian, 105-6 
Top Education Institute, 79, 81, 82, 83, 
see also Zhu, Minshen 
Torch program, 210-11 
Torch Innovation Project 

tourism, as lever for PRC, 145-6, 147 
in Australia, 70, 110, 123, 138, 
149-50, 231,278 
Townsville, 123—4 
Transgrid, 121 
triads, 47, 59-60 

Trump, Donald, 21, 102, 119, 138, 

189, 226^227 
Tsai Ing-wen 147 

Tsipras, Alex, 148 
Tudeng, Kezhu 97 

Turkey, 148 

Turnbull, Malcolm, 33, 71, 73, 79, 84, 
85,89,95, 120, 138,211 
Turnbull government, 48, 53, 120, 149, 

twisted patriotism, 17—18, 235 

Uhlmann, Chris, 273 
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 
(USSR), 20, 50, 153, 163 
collapse of, xi, 9 

United Front work in Australia, 29fF, 

38, 47, 53-4,75-8, 87-9, 177-9, 
183-4, 223-4, 244,276, 279 
organisations in Australia, 44-5, 65, 
73, 75,76, 80,81,87, 92,99, 178, 
179, 187-8, 189,218, 241,242, 

United Front Work Department 

(UFWD),29, 30,31,42,77, 78, 
89, 97, 177, 187, 225 
United Nations, 77—8, 147-8, 261 



Unitcvi Nations Convention on the Law 
or the Sea, 254 

Unitcvl Nations Declaration of Human 
Rights. 260, 261 

United States of America, 100, 102, 

106, 108, no. 119,144, 149, 153, 
169,211,263, 278-80 
Australian alliance with ree Australia, 
alliance with United States 
Chinas ambition to supersede, 18, 19, 
26, 122, 173, 182-4, 264, 265 
desire by some to break link, 138, 

helped Chinas rise, 50, 111, 114 
its colonialism, 128 
measures to resist PRC, 40-1, 77, 
120, 139, 154, 155-6, 162, 166-7, 
170, 179-80, 189, 203, 205 
non-interference in Australia, x-xi 
University of Adelaide, 202, 214 215 
224,235,253 ’ ’ 

University of Auckland, 47 

University of California, San Diego. 22( 
University ofNew England, 82 

niversity of Newcastle, 199 
niversity ofNew South Wales, 176, 
179, 192-3, 203. 208-9, 210-12, 

aUo Torch Innovation Project 

niversity of Queensland, 131 , 186, 


Universi^ty of Sydney, 131, 163. 185, 

University of Technology Sydney (U1 
44. 49, 70.74.93flF,108.166.1 

collaboration with PLA-linked 
company, 203-5 
collaboration with PRC military 
university, 206-7, 208 
"^^251"^*'^ I’RC security state, 205 

icc aUo Australia-China Relations 
Institute; Carr, Bob; Chau Chak 
Wing; Huang Xiangmo 
University of Western Australia, 185, 

Uren, Roger, 77-8 

US Military Cyber Command, 170 

Vangiuird, 80 
Varrall, Merriden, 272-3 
Verrender, Ian, 118 
Victoria University, 184, 214 
Vietnam, 21, 32, 127, 146, 246, 264, 

Virgin Australia, 149-50, 31 On 100 
Vodafone, 159 

Wade, Geoff, 37, 113, 119, 126, 128, 
137,160, 325n26 
Wallace, John, 107-8 
Wan Qingliang Jj S., 58 
Wang, Chen 190-2 
Wang, Harry 230-1 

Wangjun I79 
Wang Peng, 202 
WangYi m 130, 261 
Wang, Zheng )!#, 9-13, 16,19 
Wei GangHt-l^, 189 
Wei Yufeng, 204 
WenJiabaotU^S, I4l, 181 
Wen, Philip, 17, 32,33, 52, 58, 86, 

Wen Yunsong 181 

West Australian, The, 105, 107 
Western Australia Chinese Engineers 
Association, 185 

Western Australia Chinese Petroleum 
Association, 185 

Western Australia Chinese Scientists 
Association (WACSA), 185, 213 
Western Sydney University, 187, 248, 

Westmead Hospital, 68 
White, Hugh, 132,262^, 274, 

White Wolf (real name Chang An-lo 
'K'k'As), 47 
Whitlam, Gough, 31 
Wijeratne, Aaron, 197 
Wightwick, Glenn, 95, 98, 205, 209 
Wikileaks, 77 

Williamtown RAAF Base, 123 
Wilson, Brian, 98. 121,231 
Wolf, Martin, 64 

Wong, Ernest TH-'fi. 31, 67, 87, 102 
Wong, Penny, 118, 158 
Wood, Peter, 217 



World Dank, 94, 126 
World Indochinese Council for 
the Promotion of the Peaceful 
Reunification of China, 241 
World Trade Organization, 50, 144 
Wright, Shane, 105, 107 
Writers Victoria, 239, 241-2 
Wu, Jun Mei, 61 
Wu, Meijuan (Anna), 66 
Wu Zhen Zhou, 204 

xenophobia, 3, 101, 122, 139, 212, 258, 
259, 269, 273 

used to silence critics, 5, 118, 120, 
172, 270 

xenophobia-phobia, 5, 214, 279 
Xi Jinping xi, 19, 29 passim, 

61, 114, 141, 169, 190, 244, 263 
China Dream of, 18-19 26, 68, 119, 
125-6, 166, 178, 286n36 
corruption crackdown by, 59-60, 


deployment of overseas Chinese, 29, 
32,35, 38,41,76, 178, 223-4, 


global ambitions of, 18, 21, 26, 
119-20, 125-6, 128, 146, 169, 

244, 262, 263 

in Australia, 55, 129, 149, 252, 267, 

increasingly repressive, 6, 50, 166, 

promotes jingoism, 13, 16, 37, 38, 


Xiang, V^ing 173-5, 192 
Xidian University, 174, 206-7 

Mobile Internet Security Innovation 
Talent Recruitment Base, 175 
State Key Laboratory of Integrated 
Service Networks, 192 
Xie Fei 74 

Xinhua 42, 46, 62, 107, 122, 145, 

205,212, 245 

Xinhua News Agency, 43, 80, 103, 104, 
131, 186, 271 
Xinjiang, 37, 148 
Xu Caihou 62 

Xu Lin 217 

Xu Shaoshi 129, 130 

Xu Xiao 1^#, 187 

Xue Shuihe 73 

Xuc Shuihua 73 

Xue Yeguang 73 

Yan, Sheri 77-8 

Yang Dongdong 87-8, 91-2 

Yangchen Evening News Group, 76, 

Yasukuni Shrine, 90-1 
Yu Lei Zhou, 15 
Ye, Lin 185 
Yu Quan 174, 192 
Yu, Xinghuo, 185 
Yu Zhengsheng 31, 65 

Yuhu Group, 56, 64, 66-72, 83, 97, 
100, 248 

see also Huang Xiangmo 
Yunnan Normal University, 189 

Zeng Peiyan ^ Jp ife, 141 

Zhang Chengqi 179 

Zhangjianguo ^^15, 184 

Zhang Junsai 82 

Zhang Rongan, 222 

Zhang Weihua, 327n71 

Zhang, Xiaogang John, 45 

Zhang Xiaohong, 240 

Zhao Ziyang 38 

Zheng He 24 

Zheng Songbiao 57 

Zheng Wang, 9, 10-11, 12, 13, 16, 19 

Zhiwei Group, 97, 100 

Zhou Chulong 97-8, 100 

Zhou Guangming 67 

Zhou Man jijJ'/'fil), 23 

Zhou Shiqin, 51 

Zhou, Shuo (Simon), 99, 333n22 
Zhou Wenzhong, 2 
Zhou Yongkang 59 

Zhou, Yu Lei, 15 

Zhou Zerong see Chau Chak Wing 
Zhu Jianguo 179 

Zhu, Liming, 193 

Zhu, Minshen 79-84, 178, 

218, 270 

Zhu Rongji 74 

Zhu Weiqun 97 

Zou, Gloria, 236—7 
Zou, Sally 235-7 

ZTE, 155-8, 203, 204 


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