Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Australia's Dictation Test – The Test It Was a Crime to Fail | Brill

Australia's Dictation Test – The Test It Was a Crime to Fail | Brill

Australia's Dictation Test: The Test It Was a Crime to Fail
Series: Chinese Overseas, Volume: 18
Author: Michael Williams
The last person to ‘pass’ White Australia’s Dictation Test did so in 1907 by submitting a watercolour entitled ‘Advance Australia Fair'. For the next 50 years of its existence the thereafter more carefully trained officials ensured no one ever passed again.
Here is detailed how the White Australia Policy came to have a fake test of dictation at the heart of its administration. Beginning as an inspired piece of hypocrisy designed to preserve the semblance of imperial equality, in the hands of the early Commonwealth of Australia this ‘education test’ quickly evolved into a test it was impossible to pass.
<호주의 받아쓰기 테스트: 실패하는 것은 범죄였다.> 마이클 위리암스 저
[White Australia의 받아쓰기 테스트를 '통과'한 마지막 사람은 1907년에 'Advance Australia Fair'라는 제목의 수채화를 제출하여 통과했습니다. 그 이후 50년 동안 더 주의 깊게 훈련된 관리들은 다시는 아무도 통과하지 않도록 만들었다. 

여기서는 White Australia Policy가 행정부의 핵심에 가짜 받아쓰기 테스트를 가지게 되었는가에 대해 자세히 설명합니다. 제국주의적 평등의 모습을 보존한다는 영감으로 고안된 위선으로 시작하여 초기 호주 연방의 손에서 이 '교육 시험'은 빠르게 통과할 수 없는 시험으로 발전했다.]

Author: Michael Williams

An Introduction

Chapter 1 As Absurd as It Is Unique

Chapter 2 Avoid Stigmatising Them by Name as Being Unfit for Civilised Life
The Historical and Ideological Background up to 1901

Chapter 3 To Place Its Sufficiency beyond Doubt
Crafting the Dictation Test 1901 – 1909

Chapter 4 On Account of the Elasticity Which It Permits
Evolution of the Administration of the Dictation Test

Chapter 5 A Man Would Need to Live for Three Generations
Chinese Exceptionalism

Chapter 6 Is the Applicant of European (White) Race or Descent?
Defining the Desirable

Chapter 7 The Humanity of Australia Itself Will in Time Revolt
Passing of the Test and Fading of the Project

Chapter 8 Heads-I-Win-Tails-You-Lose
Has Australia Passed the Test?


Author: Michael Williams

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