Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery Read this book online: HTML

Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery


By Lucy Maud Montgomery



CHAPTER I. Mrs. Rachel Lynde is Surprised

CHAPTER II. Matthew Cuthbert is surprised

CHAPTER III. Marilla Cuthbert is Surprised

CHAPTER IV. Morning at Green Gables

CHAPTER V. Anne’s History

CHAPTER VI. Marilla Makes Up Her Mind

CHAPTER VII. Anne Says Her Prayers

CHAPTER VIII. Anne’s Bringing-up Is Begun

CHAPTER IX. Mrs. Rachel Lynde Is Properly Horrified

CHAPTER X. Anne’s Apology

CHAPTER XI. Anne’s Impressions of Sunday-School

CHAPTER XII. A Solemn Vow and Promise

CHAPTER XIII. The Delights of Anticipation

CHAPTER XIV. Anne’s Confession

CHAPTER XV. A Tempest in the School Teapot

CHAPTER XVI. Diana Is Invited to Tea with Tragic Results

CHAPTER XVII. A New Interest in Life

CHAPTER XVIII. Anne to the Rescue

CHAPTER XIX. A Concert a Catastrophe and a Confession

CHAPTER XX. A Good Imagination Gone Wrong

CHAPTER XXI. A New Departure in Flavorings

CHAPTER XXII. Anne is Invited Out to Tea

CHAPTER XXIII. Anne Comes to Grief in an Affair of Honor

CHAPTER XXIV. Miss Stacy and Her Pupils Get Up a Concert

CHAPTER XXV. Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves

CHAPTER XXVI. The Story Club Is Formed

CHAPTER XXVII. Vanity and Vexation of Spirit

CHAPTER XXVIII. An Unfortunate Lily Maid

CHAPTER XXIX. An Epoch in Anne’s Life

CHAPTER XXX. The Queens Class Is Organized

CHAPTER XXXI. Where the Brook and River Meet

CHAPTER XXXII. The Pass List Is Out

CHAPTER XXXIII. The Hotel Concert


CHAPTER XXXV. The Winter at Queen’s

CHAPTER XXXVI. The Glory and the Dream

CHAPTER XXXVII. The Reaper Whose Name Is Death

CHAPTER XXXVIII. The Bend in the road

Anne of Green Gables | Chapter SummariesShare
See Chapter Summaries Chart
Timeline of Events

June, late 1800s

Matthew Cuthbert finds Anne Shirley waiting at the train station instead of the boy he's expecting.Chapter 1

Later that day

Anne arrives at Green Gables to find out she's not wanted.Chapter 3

Next day

Marilla Cuthbert tries to "return" Anne but ends up bringing her back home.Chapter 6

About two weeks later

Anne reluctantly apologizes to Mrs. Rachel Lynde after losing her temper at the older woman's comment.Chapter 10

A few days later

Anne and Diana Barry first meet and become friends for life.Chapter 12

A couple of weeks later

Marilla loses her amethyst brooch and blames Anne.Chapter 14

Early September

Teased about her red hair, Anne cracks her slate over Gilbert Blythe's head.Chapter 15

Next day

Anne is forced to sit with Gilbert and decides to leave school.Chapter 15


Diana accidentally gets drunk at Anne's house.Chapter 16

January, Year 2

Anne saves Minnie May's life by giving her ipecac for croup.Chapter 18


Anne accidentally puts anodyne liniment instead of vanilla into the cake for the Allans.Chapter 21


Anne accepts a dare and breaks her ankle falling from the Barrys' roof.Chapter 23


Matthew gives Anne a dress with puffed sleeves.Chapter 25

April, Year 3

Anne accidentally dyes her hair green, expecting it to be "raven black."Chapter 27


Anne joins the preparatory class for the teaching college.Chapter 30

June, Year 4

Anne takes the Queen's exams and ties with Gilbert for first place.Chapter 32


Anne leaves Avonlea to attend Queen's teaching college.Chapter 34

June, Year 5

Anne wins the Avery Scholarship to Redmond College.Chapter 36

Later that month

Matthew dies of a heart attack when he learns the bank has failed.Chapter 37

A few days later

Anne decides to stay with Marilla and become a schoolteacher.Chapter 38

Chapter Summaries Chart
  1. Chapter 1 In a small Canadian town, Avonlea, on Prince Edward Island, Mrs. Rachel Lynde is sitting at her window keeping an eye on...Read More
  2. Chapter 2 Matthew Cuthbert and the "sorrel mare" drive quietly toward the railroad station, enjoying the drive except when he has ...Read More
  3. Chapter 3 When Matthew and Anne reach Green Gables, Marilla is as unwelcoming as Matthew had feared she would be. For her part Ann...Read More
  4. Chapter 4 When Anne wakes up the next morning, she remembers her disappointment of the previous night. Still, it's such a beautifu...Read More
  5. Chapter 5 Marilla and Anne set out on the five miles it will take to reach White Sands and Mrs. Spencer, who will arrange Anne's r...Read More
  6. Chapter 6 Mrs. Spencer welcomes Marilla and Anne when they arrive at her house. Marilla explains the mistake that has brought her ...Read More
  7. Chapter 7 At the end of the momentous day Marilla takes Anne up to her room, lectures her about picking up her clothes, and prepar...Read More
  8. Chapter 8 For most of the following day Marilla doesn't tell Anne whether she'll be allowed to stay at Green Gables. When Anne fin...Read More
  9. Chapter 9 Mrs. Rachel Lynde catches the grippe (flu) around the time Anne arrives at Green Gables and is laid up for two weeks bef...Read More
  10. Chapter 10 When Anne doesn't appear at breakfast the next morning, Marilla must explain her absence to Matthew, who staunchly takes...Read More
  11. Chapter 11 Marilla presents Anne with three dresses she has sewn for her by hand. All three are plain and drab, and the best Anne c...Read More
  12. Chapter 12 Of course Marilla hears about the wildflowers on Anne's Sunday school hat, and of course she lectures Anne about them, a...Read More
  13. Chapter 13 Anne comes flying into the house to tell Marilla there's going to be a Sunday school picnic the following week—with ice ...Read More
  14. Chapter 14 Two nights before the picnic, a worried Marilla asks Anne if she's seen the amethyst brooch. Anne admits she tried it on...Read More
  15. Chapter 15 Anne and Diana walk to school together every day, assigning lovely names to many of the spots they pass—Diana's contribu...Read More
  16. Chapter 16 It's a Saturday morning in October, and Anne is ecstatic: Marilla, who will be out for the afternoon, has just suggested...Read More
  17. Chapter 17 The next day Diana comes over to say her mother has allowed her 10 minutes to bid Anne farewell. Sobbing, the girls prom...Read More
  18. Chapter 18 In January the premier of Canada visits Prince Edward Island, where a rally is held in his honor. Mrs. Lynde and her hus...Read More
  19. Chapter 19 It's February and Diana's birthday. To celebrate, she wants Anne to come to the Debating Club concert at the Avonlea Hal...Read More
  20. Chapter 20 It's spring again, and Anne and her friends once more revel in the beauty around them. One June evening—the anniversary ...Read More
  21. Chapter 21 A red-eyed Anne comes home after the last day of school, still tearful over the departure of her teacher, Mr. Phillips. ...Read More
  22. Chapter 22 Once the Cuthberts have had the Allans to tea, it's time for the Allans to reciprocate. Mrs. Allan, who teaches the chur...Read More
  23. Chapter 23 It turns out Anne will have to wait almost two months before she can go back to school. She's had a few mishaps since th...Read More
  24. Chapter 24 In October Anne is able to return to school. The new teacher, Miss Stacy, is everything Anne could have hoped for: "a br...Read More
  25. Chapter 25 One December evening some of Anne's classmates come to Green Gables to rehearse for the concert. Matthew tries to stay o...Read More
  26. Chapter 26 Anne and her friends find life flat and dull after the excitement of the previous weeks. "I'm afraid concerts spoil peop...Read More
  27. Chapter 27 When Marilla gets home from a meeting on an April afternoon, she looks forward to having tea in front of a crackling fir...Read More
  28. Chapter 28 Anne and her friends have gathered at the Barrys' pond to act out the story of Elaine, "The Lily Maid of Astolat," a poe...Read More
  29. Chapter 29 Diana comes to Anne with wonderful news: Aunt Josephine has invited the two girls to spend a few days with her in town s...Read More
  30. Chapter 30 Twilight at Green Gables, and Marilla and Anne are enjoying a rest in front of the fire. Marilla looks at Anne and wonde...Read More
  31. Chapter 31 Anne spends a relaxing summer on doctors' orders. One day the Spencervale doctor notices her at a patient's house and se...Read More
  32. Chapter 32 It's the end of June, and Miss Stacy has just left Avonlea School never to return. Anne and Diana walk home with "red ey...Read More
  33. Chapter 33 Anne and Diana are conferring in Anne's bedroom about what Anne should wear for a benefit concert at the White Sands hot...Read More
  34. Chapter 34 The three weeks after the White Sands concert are filled with preparations for Anne's departure. Matthew authorizes paym...Read More
  35. Chapter 35 Anne and her companions soon settle in at Queen's, though Anne still thinks her weekends in Avonlea are the best part of...Read More
  36. Chapter 36 It's the morning final exam results will be posted at Queen's, and Anne and Jane are on their way to see how they fared....Read More
  37. Chapter 37 "Matthew, are you sick?" cries Marilla. Anne comes down the hall just in time to see Matthew collapse across the thresho...Read More
  38. Chapter 38 Anne finds a downcast Marilla sitting in the kitchen. Marilla reports the oculist she saw predicts she'll go completely ...Read More

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