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Driving Adelaide to Sydney, tips? - On the road - Automotive

Driving Adelaide to Sydney, tips? - On the road - Automotive

Driving Adelaide to Sydney, tips?

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Forum Regular
posted 2015-Jan-28, 10:48 pm AEST

So Im flying to Adelaide with a friend to pick up my new car.

I would prefer to split the journey into 2 days, potentially staying somewhere for the night.

Does anyone have any tips or past experience? Which route to take, where to stay or any cool stop overs?

I plan to leave around midday Tuesday and get back by Wednesday night.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-28, 11:02 pm AEST

For the most direct route I'd suggest going via Hay, either Sturt Highway or Mid Western Highway.

Adelaide – Hay 686km

Hay – Sydney ~ 740km via Wagga Wagga or West Wyalong – depends if you want to come up the M5 or via Blue Mountains.

For a more scenic route you can go via Broken Hill, only a short trip on the first day but a long trip between Broken Hill and Sydney.

Forum Regular
posted 2015-Jan-28, 11:10 pm AEST

Andhrímnir writes...

For a more scenic route you can go via Broken Hill, only a short trip on the first day but a long trip between Broken Hill and Sydney.

This seems interesting! any risks of hitting any wildlife?

Jabba the Hutt
Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-28, 11:15 pm AEST (edited 2015-Jan-28, 11:19 pm AEST)

Aspec writes...

This seems interesting! any risks of hitting any wildlife?

I think most of them will come out at night time, right?

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-28, 11:16 pm AEST

Aspec writes...

This seems interesting! any risks of hitting any wildlife?

Worst time of day is twilight, by then you should be well out of any danger.

Adelaide to Broken Hill is an easy day trip, only a little over 500km. But getting from Broken Hill to Sydney is a 1,000km stretch, count on 14 hours or more.

Can be done in a day (especially if you've got more than one driver) but best to stretch it over two days.

Source: Been over a decade since I've done it personally, left South Coast NSW around 5am, over Blue Mountains around 7am and Broken Hill a little after 7pm.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-28, 11:18 pm AEST (edited 2015-Jan-29, 4:48 pm AEST)

There are a bunch of routes you could take but if you take the Sturt Highway, turn left at Balranald and head through Tooleybuc, Ouyen, Pinnaroo, and Lameroo, rather than keep going straight and have to deal with the Sturt between Mildura and Adelaide. The southern option has fewer trucks, fewer caravans, less traffic, and the road is in better condition.

Wagga Wagga or Narrandera make decent overnight points. Any further and you'll be driving into a setting sun, which isn't pleasant with all the kangaroos around.

If you stop at Narrandera, the next day will be about 800km to Adelaide.

Edit: I completely misread... just do this in reverse for Adelaide to Sydney :)

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-29, 1:51 am AEST

Andhrímnir writes...

Worst time of day is twilight, by then you should be well out of any danger.

So you think. This bit of rain we have had has brought them out of the woodwork, it's not just Roos either, but feral pigs and emus.

Only difference between night and day is that during the day you will see them before you hit them.

Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2015-Jan-29, 6:43 am AEST

We did a trip just like you are going to do last Oct.
Ours was a little different .
Adelaide to Echuca to see my folks , 2 days there then off to Benella onto the hume hwy 2 lanes all the way cruise on and thats all we did was a nice drive will add to this later as i am out of time ...The Hume hwy was good just the same ..

Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2015-Jan-29, 7:03 am AEST

did the same thing last year, I went Sydney, stopped for a breather and stretch at wagga then stayed the night at Balranald, left at about 5am through mildura to Adelaide as only me, didn't want to do it in the one hit as late night a lot of trucks so minimal high beam time and roos, emus etc are around hay plains way.

I didn't have any encounters with wildlife so was lucky.

Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2015-Jan-29, 9:16 am AEST

Finch! writes...

There are a bunch of routes you could take but if you take the Sturt Highway, turn left at Balranald and head through Tooleybuc, Ouyen, Pinnaroo, and Lameroo, rather than keep going straight and have to deal with the Sturt between Mildura and Adelaide. The southern option has fewer trucks, fewer caravans, less traffic, and the road is in better condition.

Came back this way last year , Adelaide to Narrandera , then to Sydney .

This is the way I will be driving to Adelaide and back in the future.

Sir Delvin
Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-29, 9:21 am AEST

Yeah I always take the Lameroo/Pinnaroo way. Going through Mildura takes too long.

Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2015-Jan-29, 10:56 am AEST


Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-29, 11:20 am AEST

If you want to drive continuous on the freeways... From Adelaide's highway 1 once you reach the VIC border...

You could take the Western Freeway into Melbourne (afternoon peak would be pretty much over by the time you reach there).

Then take the Western Ring Road.

Up onto the Hume Freeway to Sydney.

The M31 (Hume) is the most direct (once North of Victoria), fastest (110km/h) and best route, most common in too.

Good luck :)

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-29, 11:55 am AEST

Adelaide to Sydney in 1 ½ days? Take the shortest, fastest route. Aim for Mildura or Euston / Robinvale to stay the night, then drive to Sydney. Personally I'd try to take 3 days.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-29, 2:10 pm AEST

many years ago I drove Adelaide to Brisbane.
We did Adelaide to Mildura
Mildura to Canberra
Canberra to Sydney
Sydney to Brisbane

The hay plain is boring, but the quickest way to go
if you've got 2 days, try adelaide to wagga wagga then wagga wagga to sydney
that gets the worst part over on day 1

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-29, 5:59 pm AEST (edited 2015-Jan-29, 6:04 pm AEST)

Did this syd to adel with brother couple of years ago.
Pretty much two full days, two drivers, him more than me.
Via Hay , varied budget motels down main drag.

Doing 140kmh for perhaps an hour of whole trip on quiet stretches.
Went via McDonalds Lithgow outbound ;)

Funniest thing was there was a set of portable traffic lights past Hay. Waiting four minutes for non existent traffic in the middle of woop woop was surreal. (Roadworks)

edit=the direction finch describes above post.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-29, 7:30 pm AEST

jasonc writes...

many years ago I drove Adelaide to Brisbane.
We did Adelaide to Mildura
Mildura to Canberra
Canberra to Sydney
Sydney to Brisbane

Wow... Everywhere except Adelaide to Melbourne :D Possibly the most common and fastest ADEL route.

Dangerous roads north-western VIC way :O

#NationalA21 #Sturt

Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2015-Jan-29, 8:36 pm AEST (edited 2015-Jan-29, 8:52 pm AEST)

Sully96 writes...

Wow... Everywhere except Adelaide to Melbourne :D Possibly the most common and fastest ADEL route.

Dangerous roads north-western VIC way :O

#NationalA21 #Sturt

According to google maps your Adelaide – Melbourne – Sydney route takes 2hrs longer and adds an extra 200km.

Soooo... Not sure what your definition of faster is but it ain't that.

Forum Regular
posted 2015-Jan-29, 8:42 pm AEST

It's only 1400 odd kms so if you leave at 8am you'll be home by midnight. Have done it heaps of times and have barely if ever seen any alive wildlife.

If you want to break it up though mildura and wagga are pretty much the only places worth stopping. Most other towns have a servo and a pub.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-29, 8:46 pm AEST

Evil_Robot writes...

Soooo... Not sure what your definition of faster is but it ain't that.

Poster really likes Melbourne...

Forum Regular
posted 2015-Jan-29, 9:26 pm AEST

My dad and I used to drive Adel-Syd-Adel for the V8's many moons ago and went the Lameroo, Pinaroo way. We used to leave early at 4am and arrive the same day at 5-6pm. Wasn't really pushing it, we'd take turns and ensure we drove at times where the wildlife would be less. Still plenty of dead Roos and whatnot, but none alive to jump in front of you!

Some parts are interesting, others very boring so bring plenty of music, podcasts, anything to keep you both occupied.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-29, 10:24 pm AEST

Evil_Robot writes...

According to google maps your Adelaide – Melbourne – Sydney route takes 2hrs longer and adds an extra 200km.

Papageno writes...

Poster really likes Melbourne...

Nah, I was just laughing at how Evil_Robot listed he'd done almost every Adelaide to.. drive, except a trip from Adelaide to Melbourne (which is,probably the fastest and most com,on journey) :D


Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2015-Jan-29, 10:35 pm AEST

Sully96 writes...

Nah, I was just laughing at how Evil_Robot listed he'd done almost every Adelaide to.. drive, except a trip from Adelaide to Melbourne (which is,probably the fastest and most com,on journey) :D


Lol wat.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-29, 10:42 pm AEST

Sully96 writes...

Nah, I was just laughing at how Evil_Robot listed he'd done almost every Adelaide to.. drive, except a trip from Adelaide to Melbourne (which is,probably the fastest and most com,on journey) :D

That sounds like a challenge.

El Saif
Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2015-Jan-29, 11:08 pm AEST

I did this trip earlier this month. I stayed overnight in an old pub in Hay.

Buy your fuel in Adelaide including for that spare container in the boot.

Print off the shortest route from Google Maps.

Follow the road numbers eg B34 not names of highways.

Do not drive at night.

Use the cruise control in your car.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-29, 11:18 pm AEST

We do the ADL – SYD trip every 2 years. We used to take the Ouyen way but now prefer the Mildura way as we live in the Northern suburbs and it is slightly closer. Also we prefer going through the bigger towns like Renmark and Mildura.

Renmark is the last town with the cheapest petrol and then everything is much more expensive until you get into Sydney.

We normally break overnight at Hay and stay at the Nicholas Royal Motel. If you go in summer, then you have lots of daylight for driving.

On our last trip, we drove to Renmark and stayed overnight at the Golf & Country Club. It was cheap and good with a nice bistro attached. Then we left at 5am and stopped at Mildura for breakfast. Then on to Narrandera for lunch and Goulburn for dinner. We reached the SW suburbs around 8pm. There's practically no wildlife during the day on the Sturt Hwy.

We have driven to Broken Hill for a holiday and the wildlife is out during the day.

If going through the Lithgow way, just be mindful that the last leg of the journey is going to be a bit twisty so might be best avoided due to fatigue.

For staying alert, we break at every town and I get mixed fruit and nuts to munch on in the car. It keeps the concentration going when you're munching on something – just not junk food.

The S.Q.
Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-29, 11:23 pm AEST (edited 2015-Jan-29, 11:30 pm AEST)

Living in Adelaide, with a brother in Newcastle, I've driven Adelaide <-> Sydney a few times.

For quick, you really can't beat Mildura-Hay. The Hay plains suck big time. But hey, Hay really does go out of it's way to try & make visitors welcome. If you're gong to try & do it cheap, sleeping in your car, they have good places in Hay, a visitors centre with shower etc.

Going as far north as Broken Hill makes sense if you're heading up to Brisbane, but Broken Hill – Wilcannia makes the Hay planes look spectacularly scenic. And I'm sorry if anyone lives there, but Wilcannia is one place I'd rather avoid stopping.
The first time I travelled this road we wound up doing a long stretch at about 40km/h dodging the roos. Memorable for all the wrong reasons.

The roads further south, such as through Ouyen are a touch less boring, but nowhere near as good a road.

I drove Adelaide->Newcastle in one stretch alternating driving with my brother. Possible, but I'd not recommend it.

What kind of accommodation do you have in mind?
We usually do the trip in a campervan so our ideal stopover is somewhere free with a loo. There's quite a few good options once you get to know them. If you're looking for somewhere that supplies a bed – I can't help much there sorry.

Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2015-Jan-30, 5:51 am AEST

Aspec writes...

I would prefer to split the journey into 2 days, potentially staying somewhere for the night.

Adlelaide to Bendigo (7 hours), that get you to Bendigo for dinner and if running late then Horsham is an option.
Bendigo to Sydney (8.5 hours)
All pretty easy driving roads.

If it is a brand new car, remember to avoid constant RPMs for extended periods of time. Easily done just vary your speed or change down 1 or 2 gears occasionally and give it a blat. I believe its a ring bedding thing.
That's what my manual suggested for the first 1000km anyhow, I am sure others here will suggest that isn't required.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-30, 9:45 am AEST

Papageno writes...

That sounds like a challenge.

forget it. in the 80s my dad's boss had a porsche and did it in less than 6 hours.

edit: the bendigo route definitely wouldn't be as boring as the hay plain.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-30, 10:39 am AEST

jasonc writes...

forget it. in the 80s my dad's boss had a porsche and did it in less than 6 hours.

Good luck doing thi$ today.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-30, 10:51 am AEST

Papageno writes...

Good luck doing thi$ today.


Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Jan-30, 12:45 pm AEST

Evil_Robot writes...

Lol wat.

You should try it. #Challenge #SouthAustralians :D


Stuart Hwy would be my preference anyway (via Adelaide)... Have family who've done the big WA-SA-NSW-QLD trip before (aiming for the Sunny Coast).


Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2015-Feb-9, 1:30 pm AEST

Aspec writes...

Does anyone have any tips or past experience? Which route to take, where to stay or any cool stop overs?

I've driven it quire a few times and have it down to an art form.

PB: 10hrs45mins

It depends what time of the day you are willing to travel, and if you can use summer sunlight you can pull off almost complete daylight.

I depart 0300 from either direction. Not much difference between crossing the border at renmark or pinaroo tbh, depends on suburb of origin.

From balranald, hay plains, then go off the beaten track to junee, then join the freeway south of yass. Avoid the major highways.

If you wish to use a heavy foot, use the Olympic hwy.. Very isolated, can sit on 140 without any traffic.

posted 2016-Jan-20, 7:24 am AEST

Here we are, in one week will be my turn.

From Sydney to Adelaide: I will be splitting the trip in two days, Thursday and Friday. Short on Thursday (will stop at Wagga Wagga overnight), definitely longer on Friday (from Wagga Wagga to Adelaide).. but that was the only way I could make it.

My car has a range of about 700 km with a full tank: advice about where to stop to refill ? (Probably Wagga Wagga will be the first stop).

No much space in the boot as I am moving (so, plenty of stuff I am transporting), therefore I would bring a jerry can only if required.

Your view ?

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2016-Jan-20, 7:34 am AEST

From Wagga Wagga there are petrol stations every 100-150kms so spare petrol can is probably not needed.

After Wagga Wagga depending on where your going you could top up at Balranald it's abut 400kms and then go scenic through Mildura or the quick way down through boarder town.

posted 2016-Jan-20, 7:49 am AEST

Perfect, sound like a plan!

Thank you!

In the penalty box
posted 2016-Jan-20, 10:20 am AEST

When you get to Sydney, kill yourself.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2016-Jan-20, 11:24 am AEST

I think the fuel can is to try and avoid the extra expensive fuel costs or at least negate them somewhat.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2016-Jan-20, 11:47 am AEST

ROAWOG writes...

When you get to Sydney, kill yourself.

Could at least make it fun.
Buy pre-paid phone for trip
Every rest stop call all numbers on toilet graffiti
Meet whoever answers for a coffee and a chat

Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2016-Jan-20, 12:04 pm AEST

Just done Adelaide-Sydney in the last two weeks via Broken Hill and Dubbo. Only real issue is that there is stacks of road kill (mainly roos) between Yunta and BH, and also out the other side towards Wilcannia. Don't drive over them, they'll rip the underside of your car. If there is oncoming traffic, pull over and stop until the road is clear.

posted 2016-Jan-25, 11:28 am AEST

Is there any particular chunk of road where it is reasonably possible to do a bit more than the speed limit ?

Not talking about ludicrous speed, but even going 10k/h more than the limit would make a bit of difference...

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2016-Jan-25, 11:33 am AEST

Starflex writes...

Not talking about ludicrous speed, but even going 10k/h more than the limit would make a bit of difference...

10km/h! thats 10 dead children and 5 bank robberies per km

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2016-Jan-25, 11:33 am AEST

Starflex writes...

Not talking about ludicrous speed, but even going 10k/h more than the limit would make a bit of difference...

Hay plains 150kms flat and striaght ... boring as bat s%$t.. Boys in blue patrol most area's either side of the plains very heavily especially near ballranald and Narrandera

posted 2016-Jan-25, 11:49 am AEST

I bought a car in Sydney and drove it home to Adelaide a while ago. I did the Syd- Wagga- Hay – Oyen – Adel route. Dull as but I left at about 11am and was at home by 2 am, driving on my own. Be careful in NSW, lots of point to point cameras now.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2016-Jan-26, 9:15 pm AEST

You probably wouldn't, but many do because Melbourne... Is Melbourne.

Drive via Melbourne?

MUCH safer, easier & scenic.

Some of those rural arterials (I think it's the A20 – Sturt Hwy) are so baron and deadly!

Melbourne's traffic is diabolical anyway and peal volumes return tomorrow (or Monday Feb 1).

Good luck.

Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2016-Jan-27, 8:34 am AEST

rex555 writes...

Be careful in NSW, lots of point to point cameras now.

Except they only do heavy vehicles, not anything under 4.5t gvm.

posted 2016-Jan-27, 10:30 am AEST

Sully96 writes...

You probably wouldn't, but many do because Melbourne... Is Melbourne.

..and I'm Italian, so I love Melbourne!! :)

Unfortunately, it is a kind of rat-race for me. Working on Thursday morning, leaving Sydney in the afternoon and driving to Wagga. Next day from Wagga to Adl.

Must be in Adelaide before Friday afternoon (4pm) as I have to inspect a place and (hopefully) find a long term accommodation since day 1. The current tenant is leaving to ..Melbourne for the weekend and I would like to check the place ASAP, in order to avoid a few days in the hotel and driving a car packed with boxes and luggage.

That's why I have to go for the shortest (and most boring, unfortunately) way. Having to work on Thursday morning makes the Mel choice not a viable one, unfortunately....

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