Monday, August 12, 2024

The future of sport in Australia

The future of sport in Australia

The future of sport in Australia
23 Nov 2009
Independent Sport Panel
Government of AustraliaSport Wellbeing Australia

apo-nid19766.pdf 14.41 MB


The Crawford Review was commissioned to investigate the reforms required to ensure that Australia’s sporting system remains prepared for the challenges of the future.

This report examines elite and community level sport as well as sport for young people, women and men, sport for people with a disability and the engagement of Indigenous and ethnic Australians.

The Independent Sport Panel featured 39 recommendations including:The first ever comprehensive National Sports Policy Framework - a national and innovative approach to developing sports policy at both an elite and community level.
Revolutionising the AIS and our state and territory institutes - the back bone of elite sport in this country - to create a truly national and world class system for our athletes.
A broadening of the definition of sporting success to include measures of our nation’s fitness and participation in activity.
A focus on physical education in our schools; looking at ways we can increase participation through innovative and flexible activities and investing in our sporting infrastructure both in facility and human volunteer terms.

The report does not recommend a funding cut to elite sport or the sport sector as a whole.

Independent Sport Panel Report (Crawford Report)

Report into the future of sport in Australia.

Full version of report

Letter of Transmission (PDF 119 KB)

Executive Overview (PDF 484 KB)

1.1 Defining our national sports vision (PDF 71 KB)
1.2 Reforming the Australian Sports Commission to lead the sports system (PDF 73 KB)
1.3 Merging our institutes of sport (PDF 65 KB)
1.4 Building the capacity of our national sporting organisations (PDF 90 KB)
1.5 Putting sport and physical activity back into education (PDF 72 KB)
1.6 Building community sport with people and places (PDF 85 KB)
1.7 Ensuring Australia's sports system is open to all (PDF 157 KB)
1.8 Sustaining the funding base for sport (PDF 100 KB)
Summary of recommendations (PDF 558 KB)

Assessment and Findings (PDF 478 KB)

2.1 National Sport Policy Framework (PDF 109 KB)
2.2 Roles and responsibilities (PDF 230 KB)
2.3 Cultural and societal impacts (PDF 160 KB)
2.4 Capacity of Australia's sporting organisations (PDF 179 KB)
2.5 Infrastructure (PDF 167 KB)
2.6 Education and sport (PDF 175 KB)
Top of page
2.7 Investing in the future of sport (PDF 314 KB)
Summary of findings (PDF 143 KB)


Appendix A: Terms of Reference (PDF 45 KB)
Appendix B: Membership (PDF 41 KB)
Appendix C: Methodology (PDF 45 KB)
Appendix D: Submissions and consultations (PDF 286 KB)
Appendix E: Summation of submissions and consultations (PDF 809 KB)
Appendix F: Australia's current sporting system and responsibilities (PDF 100 KB)
Appendix G: Acronyms (PDF 63 KB)
Appendix H: Impact of demographic change (KPMG)
Appendix I: Australian Sport: Commercialisation challenges and opportunities (GEMBA Group)
Appendix J: Community Forum Report (SMS Consulting) (PDF 879 KB)
Appendix K: References (PDF 34 KB)

An html version of this document is currently being prepared and will be available shortly.

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