Thursday, February 29, 2024

Episode 24: Herman Lehmann, The White Indian

0:00we're out here today at a local cemetery
0:02on the east side of town here in Poland
0:05on a very cold wintry day had ice storm
0:09recently you can see little remnants of
0:11that and frozen pond back here and this
0:17cold day and the cemetery actually sets
0:20the tone for the story I want to share
0:23with you this morning
0:24today it deals with a guy named Herman
0:27layman and he's buried in a cemetery in
0:31Fredericksburg Texas down in Central
0:33Texas why the story I actually heard it
0:36from so being out here that in a in a
0:40cemetery there that's a long time ago we
0:43have people here from the Civil War
0:46World War 2 on up a lot of old grapes
0:50here it's a lot like Herman layman's
0:53life very tragic tale a very tough story
0:57and one that has some very colorful
1:00people integrated into it let me share
1:03this with you
1:17Herman layman was born near Mason Texas
1:20in 1859 he was a son of German
1:23immigrants that moved into the area they
1:26had fields of wheat they were planted
1:28out nearby he was with his brothers and
1:33sisters out in the field trying to shoo
1:35the birds away make sure they weren't
1:37eating the wheat it happened to be on
1:39May the 16th of 1870 there was a raiding
1:43party of somewhere between 8 and 10
1:44Apaches came through and they kidnapped
1:48both the boys the girls got away in the
1:50wheat fields but they grabbed the boys
1:52and ran off with them
1:54and the sisters escaped they got home
1:57and they contacted a neighboring fort
2:01that was nearby
2:01it was a Calvary regiment of
2:03african-american Calvary soldiers and
2:06they put a patrol out to find these boys
2:09and wound up running into them on May
2:13the 20th just about four days later the
2:15two groups fought in the middle of that
2:17fight the younger brother Willie escaped
2:22by Herman did not the Indians ran off
2:25with him a sideline story of that was
2:28the very first african-american Calvary
2:30man to win the Medal of Honor happened
2:33to be one of those gentlemen a sergeant
2:35that was there that day in Central Texas
2:38for six years Herrmann lived among the
2:41Indians he assimilated his life into
2:44their heritage the best he could
2:46learning their language learning how to
2:48hunt learning his own name learning how
2:53to hate white people and it does a very
2:57interesting way that he wound up
2:59becoming an Indian they would attack
3:02buffalo hunters as they roamed around
3:05they would attack white settlers and
3:08stories came about about a blue-eyed
3:11Indian a pale faced Indian that wrote
3:14among them as one of them but attacked
3:17the white settlers like an Indian would
3:22it happened to be that the Indian days
3:26were coming to a close Quanah Parker the
3:29legendary Indian chief went to find this
3:34group of Apaches and he found them and
3:37talked them into moving on to the Indian
3:39Reservation at Fort Sill Oklahoma had
3:42Herman would wind up living with Quanah
3:45Parker and his family and while he was
3:49Herman's mother had heard these stories
3:51about a blue-eyed Indian and in that
3:54area and so she contacted the local
3:57officer for that fort the officer took
4:01the young man in a Calvary troop in
4:05handcuffs marched him all the way down
4:07to Texas and I'll made the 12 1878 eight
4:11years after his capture Herman would
4:14come home and it would take a long time
4:18for him to learn English again to
4:21understand his own name again and he was
4:24he could no longer call his place among
4:28the pail faces he couldn't really call
4:31them home it was a very tough tough
4:33ordeal for his life as he would marry a
4:36white lady and and and try to raise a
4:38family but it was difficult to come back
4:41home there's a there's an autobiography
4:44I highly recommend by Jay Marvin hunter
4:48called nine years among the Indians and
4:52fascinated another fascinating side note
4:54is that this book would actually spawn a
4:57sequel to the beloved Disney movie Old
5:01Yeller there was a sequel to that called
5:04savage Sam and that was based off of the
5:07life of Herman layman Herman drifted
5:11between two cultures he was
5:14he was very popular to an extent in
5:18Oklahoma and Texas among the fairs and
5:21rodeos he would be on horseback and they
5:24would let a they would turn a calf loose
5:27in the arena and Herrmann on horseback
5:29and loincloth would take a bow and arrow
5:32would chase the calf around the arena he
5:35would shoot it with the bow jump out
5:37slit its throat cut it open and take out
5:40its raw liver and eat it right there in
5:43front of everybody and of course that
5:46that kind of fit the Indian stereotype
5:49and the crowds would eat it up but he
5:53was too Indian for that white crowd and
5:56yet he was too pail faced for the Indian
6:01crowd to fit back among them again so
6:03here's a man who can't fit into either
6:06world into either culture one way or the
6:09other in the Christ's life we kind of we
6:13kind of fit that same way we live here
6:16in this world and we can't go home to
6:18heaven a lot of people don't want it
6:21they don't want to die they don't want
6:22to wind up in a place like the cemetery
6:24but you can't go to heaven unless you
6:26die just short of the rapture so we're
6:30stuck in this world and we can't go to
6:32heaven and yet for some people were too
6:35heavenly minded to actually fit into
6:38this world and so we're caught between a
6:40place where we can't go home but we
6:43don't feel at home here
6:45what do you do Bible says in John
6:50chapter 14 Jesus was talking to his
6:52disciples and he said in John chapter 14
6:56starting at verse 1 he said let not your
6:58heart be troubled you believe in God
7:00believe also in me
7:01in my father's house are many mansions
7:03if it were not so I would have told you
7:05and I go to prepare a place for you and
7:08if I go and prepare a place for you I
7:09will come again and receive you to
7:11myself that where I am there you may be
7:15and where I go you know and the way you
7:18know Thomas said to him Lord we do not
7:21know where you're going and how can we
7:23know the way jesus said to him I am the
7:25way the truth and the life no one comes
7:28to the Father except through me we were
7:33meant for another place we were meant
7:37for another world yeah we can't go there
7:39so we're caught in this place in between
7:44while we're here Christ calls us to do
7:48two things he calls us number one to
7:51know him and secondly to make him known
7:54to those around us because when you wind
7:57up in a place like this it's too late so
8:01there's a work to be done as a Christ
8:02life as we're knowing God we need to
8:05make him known because there is another
8:08place to live there's another people to
8:11be alone
8:12Jesus has gone before us and he prepares
8:15that place and we'll know how to get
8:17there we'll know exactly how to get
8:20there not while we're living here while
8:24we're living here we're preparing we're
8:26knowing our Savior we're knowing him
8:27because I believe that when we lay this
8:30body down then immediately we'll
8:33remember how to get back home so as you
8:36live this life as you live this day as
8:38you live this week live it with this
8:41thought in mind you live about like
8:43Herman layman you're caught amongst some
8:47very colorful people in a place that
8:51doesn't quite feel like home sometimes
8:54among people who don't quite make you
8:58feel like you're at home and that's okay
9:01your home is not here it's yet to be
9:04while you're here make the best of it
9:07make the most of it live live get out on
9:10a cold day get out on the warm day get
9:12out and live life live the life God
9:15created for you a life that was meant to
9:17be a joy a life that Jesus said was to
9:21be lived abundantly get out and live
9:23this life and impact as many people as
9:26you can get to know the colorful stories
9:28because we wanted to appear you don't
9:30get to hear the colorful stories like
9:33what I shared with you live this life
9:37but then always be ready because you
9:40never know there will come a day when we
9:44may wind up in a place like this when we
9:47wind up here there is no other chance to
9:50get ready we'll have to finish live
9:55knowing that you're ready to go home one
10:00day Christ will come he'll say it's time
10:03your home is ready I love you pray I
10:09pray that you have you a great week
10:11enjoy the life God has given god bless

English (auto-generated)

Episode 24: Herman Lehmann, The White Indian

Trekking The Christ Life266 subscribers





8,337 views Jan 14, 2014This Week's Devotion 01/13/2014 Herman Lehmann (June 5, 1859--February 2, 1932) was captured as a child by Native Americans. He lived first among the Apache and then the Comanche but eventually returned to his family later on in his life. The phenomenon of a "white boy" raised by "Indians" made him a notable figure in the United States. He published his autobiography, Nine Years Among the Indians in 1927. - Would you tell others by clicking [LIKE] or [SHARE] this video to your own profile? Have a great week trekking the Christ Life. You are loved today; God bless you friends! Trekking the Christ Life ~ A weekly video devotion from Pastor Mike Sullivan. Like this page to receive Pastor Mike's Minute Message, daily!

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