Thursday, January 18, 2018

IPAN National Conference 2017 | Independent and Peaceful Australia Network

IPAN National Conference 2017 | Independent and Peaceful Australia Network

Saturday 9th September
Maritime Union of Australia, 46-54 Ireland St. West Melbourne

Registration: 8am – 9.00am

Session 1. Keynote addresses
9.10 An overview of current global situation and the growing threat of war, US bases and US foreign policies – Assoc. Prof. David Vine.
9.50 Australia’s position in the alliance as a subservient ally of U.S. – Australian military relations – including bases and marines in Darwin – Dr Alison Broinowski

10.30 – 10.50 Break

Session 2
10.50 Is Australia capable of defending itself? – Dr Mike Gilligan
11.30 What would an independent Australian foreign policy look like – Prof. Richard Tanter
12.10 Can Australia be independent and still host US bases and/ cybersecurity? – Senator Scott Ludlam

12.55 – 2.00pm Lunch

Session 3 Keynote address
2.00 U.S. militarisation of South Korea and the situation on the Korean Peninsula (history, present political and military conditions) – Sung Hee Choi
2.40 Justice and Peace is Union Business – Warren Smith
3.20 The influence of U.S on Australian politics and the military – Dr Vince Scappatura

4.00 pm – 4.20 Break

4.20 Drone warfare and militarisation of education – Alex-Edney Browne

5:00 – Finish
War, Peace & Independence:
Keep Australia out of US Wars
Friday 8th September
Jasper Hotel Conference Centre, 489 Elizabeth St, Melbourne CBD
7pm start
Welcome to Country
MC – Dr Alison Broinowski
Lidia Thorpe
Assoc. Prof. David Vine
Senator Scott Ludlam
Sung Hee Choi
Conference Dinner
Saturday evening
Maritime Union of Australia, 46-54 Ireland St. West Melbourne
7pm start
Guest Speaker: Rob Stary
(Human rights and civil liberties lawyer)

Sunday 10 September
Maritime Union of Australia, 46-54 Ireland St. West Melbourne
Registration: 8:30 – 9:30am

Session 4
9.30 South China Sea and the threat of war – James O’Neill
10.10 The real costs for Australia of US militarism. Our role in nuclear disarmament – leaders or weasels? – Margie Beavis (MAPW)

10.50 – 11.10 Break

Session 5
Building a people’s movement against wars of aggression – for an independent and peaceful foreign policy in Australia and Asia-Pacific… organising, campaigning, mobilising.
11.10 Panel : Murray Horton (Anti-Bases Campaign, NZ); Sung Hee Choi (Jeju Island, South Korea); Stephanie Rabusa, Chairperson of Anakbayan Melbourne, (Philippines); Bevan Ramsden (IPAN )

1.00 – 2.00 lunch

Session 6
2:00pm Conference Declaration – 15 minutes
2.15 Practical organising I – Organising, campaigning and building the movement for peace and independence. 

Working Groups:

(i) Independent Foreign Policy
(ii) Move the Money
(iii) U.S. bases; marines in Darwin
(iv) Militarisation of education – the military-industrial complex, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon. Link to cuts in funding of universities and student fees.
(v) Justice and Peace is Union Business
(vi) Building regional alliances in the Asia Pacific

3.15 Practical Organising II – Break into state groups to discuss
and organise around some of the above practical areas in own states.

4:00pm Finish

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