Thursday, January 18, 2018

Application for IPAN Membership | Independent and Peaceful Australia Network

Application for IPAN Membership | Independent and Peaceful Australia Network

Application for IPAN Membership

Organisation member

Individual Associate member

Membership of IPAN is open to organisations and individuals who agree with our four aims, namely:

  • Promote an independent Australian foreign policy that builds peace and nonviolent resolutions of conflict in our region;
  • Oppose the establishment of foreign military bases, and the deployment of foreign troops and military hardware in Australia and the Asia-Pacific;
  • Provide information analysis and opportunities for NGOs, unions, churches and community groups to campaign on Australia’s peace and security options;
  • Build links with peoples and organisations in the Asia-Pacific campaigning for peace and against military bases and troops in the region;
  • Promote a vision of a peaceful, just and sustainable Australia.

Membership fees ranges from $20 for individuals and small organisations to $100 for large organisations. These fees will be due after your membership is approved by the Coordinating Committee.

This application will be submitted to the Coordinating Committee meeting and you will be notified after the next meeting.

Application for IPAN Membership for Organisation


Application for IPAN Membership for Individual


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