Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Minutes Peace SA Network meeting v.2

Stephen Darley <>
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13 Dec 2017, 22:12
  • Sejin Pak Gmail <>
  • Doctor Chris <>,
  • Ali valamanesh <>,
  • Ruth Russell <>,
  • Rosebudcrm <>,
  • adelante <>
Sorry Sejin, should have anticipated that need more. I've attached some material - some of which you may already have, but still... The document named "Minutes Peace SA Network meeting v.2.doc" sets out our adopted aims and objectives. The document named ÏPAN National Conference Report-Back.doc" indicates the issues most relevant to the national group with which we are affiliated (IPAN), and further info on IPAN can be found at their website,
International March to Ban the Bomb 2017
IPAN National Conference Report-Back
Minutes Peace SA network mtg. v.2
new group meeting flyer
peace meeting invite
Minutes 171012

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