Tuesday, December 5, 2017

171121 IPANSA

IPAN -SA    - Coordinating Committee Meeting

Inaugural Meeting 

21 November 2017

25 Murray St, North Adelaide.


Present :  

Stephen Darley (Chair), Ruth Russell (Secretary), Christine Mason, Christopher Starrs

and Peter Harpas.


Current peace campaigns :

A request had come for peace groups to support the Pine Gap Peace Pilgrims who are facing severe sentences of imprisonment for entering the Pine Gap facility and seeking letters to the Judge for clemency.  Christopher agreed to draft our own response rather than use the version being circulated.   A draft will be sent around ASAP as the deadline   is end of this week.


SA military-industrial issues :

We are keen to know more specific information about many of the companies and work being done here in secret and look forward to the tour that Peri will coordinate when she has time to organise this – probably now in the New Year.  Meanwhile, everyone can identify possible contacts and information for future use for our proposed data base.


UN-Ban the Nuclear Bomb campaign – asking local MPs to sign the Ban.

Ruth expressed interest in working on this but others felt it was a lesser priority. It was agreed that Ruth continue with this campaign through WILPF which is one of the key partners in this campaign.  


UN Human Rights Day talk – 6pm 7  December .UniSA – Barbara Hanrahan Building,

Guest Speakers : Prof Ramesh Thakur UN Global Ambassador and Dr Lynn Arnold.

This will be a good opportunity to promote our new group to those attending by handing out flyers as people arrive.   Stephen will print flyers to promote our new group. We welcome others to join us to hand them out as people arrive.


Other issues discussed were -: 

Interested people are urged to sign on the IPAN's national website and sign up for their newsletter “Voice” until we get our own website operational.


Monthly meetings agreed are : 


Coordinating Commitee  :   

6.30pm Wednesday 13 December at Ruth's – 25 Murray St, North Adelaide. 

6.30pm 3rd Wed 17th Jan at Ruth's 25 Murray St, North Adelaide.

Full members  Meeting :    

7pm - 4th Wednesday  24 Jan. at the Quakers Meeting House.


Enquiries welcome :

Contact Secretary – Ruth Russell 0404 629 764


Members are welcome to put forward ideas for action and offer to assist where they have skills in the required field.

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