Monday, August 5, 2019

A Constitution To Be Proud Of: Real Indigenous Recognition Now

A Constitution To Be Proud Of: Real Indigenous Recognition Now

Tessa Morris-Suzuki started this petition to Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison and 2 others

Like many Australians, I'm an immigrant. I came to Australia almost 40 years ago, and am hugely grateful for the opportunities this country has given me.

But we have a problem - a huge hole at the heart of our national constitution: no recognition of the history, culture, rights or aspirations of Indigenous Australians. Until the constitution contains meaningful recognition of Indigenous Australians, there will be no true reconciliation.

The Uluru Statement from the Heart contains a roadmap towards meaningful constitutional recognition. Indigenous Australians have worked hard to create that roadmap. Now it is time for all Australians to join in creating a constitution we can be proud of. We, Australians from all backgrounds, call on you as you as our political leaders to engage with the Uluru Statement from the Heart and lead the way towards constitutional recognition, including an Indigenous voice to parliament, whose details can be determined by legislation.

Let's have a constitution with heart!

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