Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I the Aboriginal: Douglas Lockwood

I the Aboriginal: Douglas Lockwood

Top Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 starsThe continuing story

By Michael Kerjman on August 24, 2012

Format: Hardcover

A 1980 year first illustrated edition is a beautiful work both contextually and visually as 1962-year-written story of an indigenous Australian is a still valid tale of oppressed and de facto short of opportunities half a century on, as one-and-ones-more say a racist Intervention Program impost by Howard government was strengthen by the following power-winners to date.



5.0 out of 5 starsThe Way Things Were at Uluru

By Betty Austin-Ware on December 20, 2013

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

You won't find a better book about the history of Aboriginal people living at Ayers Rock. Very hard to obtain.


5.0 out of 5 starsThis book should be compulsory ready for every Anglo-Saxon Australian (Skips)

By Mark Twain on September 17, 2007

Format: Hardcover

This book should be compulsory ready for every Anglo-Saxon Australian (Skips) and then they should all hang themselves with shame for what they have done and are doing to the Native Peoples of Australia. I feel so sorry for the Native People for the genocide and atrocities committed on them by the British Descendants of Convicts. But the "Skips" are an ignorant race of people. I should know, as I had the misfortune of living amongst these Convict Decedents for 40 years.

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